Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PRP (Priapus Shot) Consultation: thoughtfulgold

Thread Closed

Hey guys, I don’t mean to rain on your parade, well maybe I do. I also hope I’m wrong and this works for all of you who have done this. But this p-shot stinks like overmarketed BS to me. Really badly. In a some “doctor” wanna-be just jacked 2 grand from you kind of way. What a waste of medical school, attach some leeches while you’re at it.

The price tag rings my alarm bells immediately:
Even if it does work, why does it cost 2 grand to take some blood, centrifuge it, and reinject it? No, that would cost about 200.

Why are doctors administering the treatment?
If you’re talking about taking blood, operating a centrifuge, and doing an injection in a noncritical situation, those are 3 things that you don’t even need to be a doctor to do. A nurse or phlebotomist would typically take care of those actions in a hospital.

Can only do it once every 1-2 months:
Why? Because that’s how long this PRP plasma is working for? Unlikely. People wait 8 weeks between donating blood because it takes time for the body to replenish the red blood cells. They are just covering their asses on how often it can be done.

Half life of growth factors in vivo:
Under 24 hours. I’ll admit I’m not an expert on this, but I took a fair bit of undergrad chem and bio. All this supposedly concentrated growth factors, hormones, and so on in this shot… it’s reabsorbed or cleared out in a few days tops. Bodybuilders and athletes who are supplementing these growth factors are doing it multiple times per day, not once every 2 months.

They pay for their own studies:
Red flag. All the independent studies on this show no evidence that it works. But the guys who came up with it pay for their own studies so they can say it does anyway.

Injecting the corpora is dangerous:
Not extremely so, but men with ED later in life who use injectibles for erections run a constant risk of developing Peyronie’s disease. The tiny sinusoidal structures in the penis get damaged by needles. Regular injections into the penis run about 5-10% risk of Peyronie’s.

The conversion ratio and blood volume:
60 cc’s of blood are centrifuged down to 10 cc’s of PRP. By comparison, the amount of blood in an average sized erection is somewhere around 80-250 cc’s depending on size. I’m having trouble remember the exact numbers from Janus’ thread, but I want to say there is something like 50-100 ml of bloodflow per minute through the pudendal artery. My point is the penis tissues are getting plenty of platelets and plasma all day long every day. There’s nothing magical about re-injecting a 6 to 1 ratio of plasma back in.

Having to pump and success rates:
They say they have a 60% success rate. But they’re also getting guys to pump 20 minutes a day many of which have never done PE before and who turn to 2000 dollar quick fixes rather than doing real work. So if you take out those who never pumped before what does that success rate drop to?

Improved sensitivity and better EQ:
Stoking the placebo effect?

Volume gains:
10 cc’s = 0.61 cubic inches. There’s a more plausible (temporary) volume gain explanation.

It really chaps my ass that you’re promoting injecting your own blood back into your penis for 1500 bucks after banning Janus for promoting the idea of manually increasing blood flow through the penis for free. Maybe he wasn’t so different from us after all. Maybe on a forum for discussion of PE methods we shouldn’t ban people for discussing PE methods, even if they are new and different. A long time ago people were allowed to just throw out ideas here and see what stuck to the wall. And if somebody disagreed with them they posted their reasons why and then went on their way, with no mental complex. They were even allowed to make ridiculous claims about their size gains anonymously, and other posters were able to anonymously discount their anonymity. Real bro science for free, brilliant! Where’s trumpbot JB right now to defend us all from the danger by telling us you can’t PRP into the back of your hand and develop a super powered punching fist? Or that blood injections don’t cause tissue growth, tissue growth causes blood injections? Is PRP safer than vitamin D supplementation? Where are your disclaimers? Do I need a doctor administer my vitamin D pills and how much will it cost? If I think PRP works but traditional PE does not, will I be banned for it?

Just joking, the hypocrisy and irony was irresistible though.

It is good that somebody is testing PRP, as it is being held out there as a viable form of PE. But in my opinion anyone reading this should save their cash. You could get a lifetime of PE equipment for that price, two lifetimes worth. TG has already got his gains by real hard work and not a quick fix, and he’s just testing this out for the hell of it. Maybe PRP will be the golden ticket but if you’re not in the 10+ cubic inches gains club yet, I’d let other people test it out and use the tried and true methods instead.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

11 Day Disclaimer Notation

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
It is good that somebody is testing PRP, as it is being held out there as a viable form of PE. But in my opinion anyone reading this should save their cash. You could get a lifetime of PE equipment for that price, two lifetimes worth. TG has already got his gains by real hard work and not a quick fix, and he’s just testing this out for the hell of it. Maybe PRP will be the golden ticket but if you’re not in the 10+ cubic inches gains club yet, I’d let other people test it out and use the tried and true methods instead.

Honestly the newbie gain effect that most of these guys experience was touched on by Cap on the first page of this thread and I concur. I suspect many gain stories are merely positive pump routine results. We’ve seen miracle newbie punpers here, DraculasSon (who posted one page back) is a great example.

I went after the shot for sensitivity and to say “anything that boosts gains for minimal risk is worth a shot at this point in my long PE career.

Then I wanted to document my findings and my approach. Honestly, I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. The cost versus benefit ratio is only plausible if you’ve exhausted literally every other means of PE already and most guys will never get to that point nor will they ever need to. Counting conservatively I’ve spent probably $18,000 on PE in 10 years so I qualify but even I still treat this as a long shot.

I will say, Day 11, I am still heartened by what I’ve seen. Comparing my ability to use a 2.5” diameter cylinder in a high pressure cycling setting (with nearly no cobditioning) compared to when I barely could use my 2.25” before (with 10 months of conditioning) says something to me. It suggests some increase in size or capacity to effectively expand, which I’ve logged. What is causing it isn’t known and drawing direct correlation to the shot timeline (I got the shot and pumping is going better) is feasible and my current thought process.

But, even my record keeping is showing what I’ll call a tenuous correlation. Moderate at best not strong enough to outright recommend as a good general practice. I’ve done a LOT of pumping and even my practiced hand is barely keeping gains enough to justify the shot cost in my opinion. It is justifiable but only barely, in my extreme case.

I would hope that this is what the readers have come to BUT if not, I’ll just say it:

This is an experiment for me. I don’t know what will happen. My results, regardless what they may be or become are not representative of results of anyone but me and should not be construed any other way.

I am at a point where slight results are tolerable and patience may make my money spent worth it. I cannot speak for anyone else.

Additionally, at the 2 month mark, May 20th, I’ll revisit this with as detailed a measurement set as possible. Because in my opinion, the sales pitch needs to deliver by then. May be it will. But, I’ll automatically count a partial failure if I’m not 6.5” MSEG or bigger cemented by then. Just on the enlargement side.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Last edited by thoughtfulgold : 04-01-2019 at .

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon

It really chaps my ass that you’re promoting injecting your own blood back into your penis for 1500 bucks after banning Janus for promoting the idea of manually increasing blood flow through the penis for free.

That isn’t why he was banned.

So you’re looking for a 2.5 cubic inch gain in 2 months. Or 15 cubic inches / year gain rate. I guess that’d be about what I’d want for that money. Glad you’re testing it. Hope it works. It just sounds like quackery and the most expensive form of PE I’ve seen. And they’re conflating their results with daily pumping, notorious for temporary fluid gains, all contributing to a placebo effect and confirmatory bias. I like staying open minded to new ideas as you guys know, but it seems like these doctors are taking advantage of folks.

I just had to mention Janus. Consider it an April fool’s gift. I miss his daily greetings and indomitable quest for evidence of blood based PE bordering on psychosis. You must see the irony. The Angion was effectively shut down here, with TG delivering the final smackdown in a pseudo-science battle royale post exchange (which I was gone for, wish I could have translated or mediated), only to directly move on to a very similar idea working with the blood of the penis except for a much higher price. Maybe if Janus were to charge enough for his method people would be more accepting of it. Or change his name to Dr. Janus Bifrons.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

"Working with blood" isn't created equal.

You know, I’m not sure what you get from putting what I’m doing as some kind of relation to Janus and what he was doing but…regardless of you suffering from observer’s bias and trying to put this and Janus’ method together let me try and break down exactly why it isn’t and why it’s insulting and threatening to derail my thread.

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
So you’re looking for a 2.5 cubic inch gain in 2 months. Or 15 cubic inches / year gain rate. I guess that’d be about what I’d want for that money.

I’m looking at average raw girth gains for most guys then dividing it by half. Most of these claims are in the .5” range and I’ll take all of that with a tablespoon of salt and newbie gains. However, I’ve charted my expansion patterns VERY precisely over the last year using this exact device so adding the P-shot it has been easy to see what could be it adding to temporary expansion patterns, particularly without edema. These are all charted facts, some of which I’ve documented with pictures.

Janus did one picture split screen with poor perspective and it essentially proved nothing. I write extensively and link relevant entries to any long post of theory or practice that I perform. I have pages upon pages of my penis in use with devices and post workout to document its behavior. This is one key difference. But let’s keep moving.

Glad you’re testing it. Hope it works.

You’ve made clear your opinion on the shot concept. I doubt you’re glad I’m testing it, as it flies in the face of what you understand about PE. Before I touch on how ironic that sounds…let’s go forward into irony level 2.

It just sounds like quackery

Now, you’re being arbitrary in the face of reports with pictures that came before mine (which are understandably suspect for a number of reasons but still superior to the suspiciously absent picture logs of AM method users anywhere on the internet.) and you’re pretty much counting it out regardless the fact that I’m methodically mapping it out.

I mean PRP has been used in joints, which are larger in cubic volume than penises, to great effect for pain reduction and healing. That little 10ccs has a lot of lab hours behind it. It didn’t come about just to inflate penises. Acting as though it’s just a money grab by the doctor conglomerate is short-sighted in this case.

and the most expensive form of PE I’ve seen.

Surgery. Then surgeries to repair surgery. Then counseling to help you cope with your mutilated parts and medication to get erections. Pretty sure surgery is 10x more expensive than this, with people like Dr. Elist taking folks for $15,000+ now. The hyperbole isn’t appreciated, as it’s just for sensational value because you disagree with it. The funny part is I’m not even 100% on board with it. I just wanted to try it for myself and see IF there was anything to be gained.

And they’re conflating their results with daily pumping, notorious for temporary fluid gains, all contributing to a placebo effect and confirmatory bias.

This is a sad truth. There’s no way to separate the results. It’s just how it is, because pumping isn’t taken seriously as it should be.

I like staying open minded to new ideas as you guys know, but it seems like these doctors are taking advantage of folks.

See, that’s where I think you’re drawing a funny conclusion. If someone pays money and gets what they want, the person selling the item isn’t bound by some code to sell it for the cheapest possible price or educate his consumer. Especially with vanity silliness such as a PRP shot for the genitals. If the FDA cleared it for human use, the seller isn’t bound by much more. I don’t think it’s the best system but…I mean we could be literally all chugging hamster pee if not for the FDA so…

If guys are gaining after paying money and they’re happy I can’t speak to much else. A lot of them keep pumping without getting more shots, according to my doctor. But…hey, this part is opinion and you’re entitled to yours.

I just had to mention Janus. Consider it an April fool’s gift.

I do not. I know you’re a supporter of Janus at least in concept and you’re unhappy with him being banned but drawing congruence with what I’m doing with what he purported he was doing is not only disrespectful but disingenuous. It isn’t the same because the word “blood” is used. The entire concept is injecting blood, separating platelet rich plasma for the purpose of healing then activating it to be in its healing state then injecting it. The Angion Method was all manual manipulation designed for blood vessel growth. Not only are they dissimilar but they have completely different aims.

Additionally, one of these practices has ample peer review and is a known concept. One of these has zero basis in known medical science.

I miss his daily greetings and indomitable quest for evidence of blood based PE bordering on psychosis.

This is completely off topic.

You must see the irony.

I do not.

The Angion was effectively shut down here, with TG delivering the final smackdown in a pseudo-science battle royale post exchange (which I was gone for, wish I could have translated or mediated), only to directly move on to a very similar idea working with the blood of the penis except for a much higher price.

The Angion Method in theory worked with the blood of the penis. If you want to consider as a blood volume work move then you would have to singularly list almost every other PE method to date. I mean clamping, jelqing, pumping and any kind of squeezes are fair game and that’s most PE as it is. The fact that the PRP shot actually does work directly with blood is notwithstandaing here. The Angion Method is theoretical bloodwork, at best. But…”blood work” doesn’t legitimize either method more than the next, it’s just what you picked to speak on.

It is you deciding to draw a correlation that’s weak and sensationalizing it because…I did ban Janus. Me. Because I refused to take continuous ambiguous superiority talk as some kind of gospel and demanded hard logic for something that is potentially dangerous and at the very least more disingenuous than Enzyte male enhancement. If it wasn’t clear that he was talking out of the side of his ass while simultaneously and continuously decrying the PE that built the site he was preaching from and how that is toxic to the forum and hazardous to newbies…then I have literally nothing more to add on that topic.

Your insistence on comparing me to Janus leaves the implication that (thanks to me getting a PRP shot) if I worked with blood like Janus, that places the case that I banned Janus for some selfish reason because I wouldn’t let his “work” stand. It’s not even an indirect slight. It’s like accusing me of ‘offing the competition’ when I work for free as a moderator and update multiple logs at extreme expense of time and energy for free just for folks to read and review. Ouch.

Maybe if Janus were to charge enough for his method people would be more accepting of it. Or change his name to Dr. Janus Bifrons.

The shot is tongue-in-cheek but if he wanted to be taken seriously (whether he wanted money or not)…empirical data for his method would be a start. Peer reviewing with case studies would be better. Him being a doctor would of course help, credentials indeed before you demand money. That is a normal practice in capitalism I think also. As I doubt the PRP shot, invented by a doctor and only taught to qualified doctors, would have taken off if not for all the qualifications involved with being a doctor over being a YouTuber.

So…you can take or leave exactly what I said but the correlation between me and Janus only exists because you wish it so. Which…would only serve to ignore the fact that I provide every possible datapoint that I can, measurable and not, while he provided nothing but aimless equivocating for pages and pages while hosting an endless Q and A that never actually answered a single question definitively. I don’t appreciate the comparison of me to Janus, because I put a LOT of time and effort into PE. Nevermind money, research and energy into it and this forum. It feels like a big snub and I don’t see why you have to do it.

That said, I do not expect you to be fair to me. Do and say what you will.

But be fair to the readers of this thread. They didn’t come here for Janus and it is up to them to read and review what I have to say because they clicked on this thread, not an AM thread. I wrote my current findings on my experience with the shot a couple posts back as a direct response to you and the reasons why are rife in this thread. Let it be and stop derailing it. That isn’t fair to me or those looking for any data on what I’ve actually done.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Last edited by thoughtfulgold : 04-02-2019 at .

.“But be fair to the readers of this thread. They didn’t come here for Janus and it is up to them to read and review what I have to say because they clicked on this thread, not an AM thread. I wrote my current findings on my experience with the shot a couple posts back as a direct response to you and the reasons why are rife in this thread. Let it be and stop derailing it. That isn’t fair to me or those looking for any data on what I’ve actually done.”


Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Since we’re going off the rails here a bit I want to add 2 cents. I am familiar with some PRP applications, different tissues, so it’s hard to make transferable assertions, but after the initial say 10 day assimilation, from that point there is actual breakdown as part of the healing process out to about 30 days, - the weakest point in the healing cycle after which there is rapid strengthening of the healing tissues out to 6-8 weeks, with continued healing out past that at a markedly reduced rate.

These are widely held healing patterns with established validity, so the doctors are simply taking from other applications where the clinical data is very clear and making inferences.

There are no controlled studies here, there are no electron microscopic examinations or tensile strength measures across the healing mechanism time continuum.

The only thing we can do with any of this is go about an evidence based approach and draw inferences in the chaos by removing variables.

The only thing that concerns me here personally is what thoughtfulgold has eluded to and that is that perhaps doing too much would overwhelm the healing attenuation of the prp.

But I applaud this effort because unfortunately, this is probably how the information will be deciphered. It won’t be well funded prospective studies, it will be from efforts made and a scattering of positive results here and there and then retrospectively patterns will be discovered.

Trained versus untrained members, various pressures, time frames, frequencies regarding the post op use of the vacuum. The administration of the treatment has so many variable itself.

I guess for me why I find this particular trial interesting, is that thoughtfulgold had a priori deciphered a protocol on the vacuum device being employed and he’s applying a certain amount of precision here. So it doesn’t strike me as all randomness here, at least that part of the experiment has some controls.

But there are a lot of variables, it’s not going to be an easy nut to crack. But personally I want to see what happens here from 30 days out to 6-8 weeks

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

After Two Months?

Has anyone given thought on what to do after the 60 days are up? If I follow a rigorous pumping routine, 15 mins twice daily for two months, let’s say I get the gains I was hoping for. Then what? Do I back off to a maintenance pumping regimen? I’m a week into the post PRP pumping, loving the results but I know I won’t be able to do this type or routine for an extended period.

10/7/16: BPEL - 6" EG - 5"

12/14/16 BPEL - 6.6" EG - 5"

Goal: 8x6 - Isn't that everyone's goal?

TG man, my first paragraph of my last post was a sincere response to you, and the second paragraph just a joke. An observation of a curious quirk of karma, to jump from one fringe idea to another, with two totally different mindsets. I had no idea you had such a soft spot over Janus. I didn’t mean to derail your thread, but thank you for unpacking your emotions and reasoning behind your thoughts and judgments as some transparency was lacking. He was misunderstood. Have you ever heard of the Jungian concept of the shadow self? I believe you have much to gain in personal discovery by examining that idea in relation to your beliefs about Janus, specifically that you may have encountered your shadow or projected it onto him. It is rare to get such a clean and well preserved glimpse of one’s shadow. I will leave it there as I truly do not mean to derail this thread but I thought your detailed response warranted some attention even while asking for none. I know you were only trying to help people.

I genuinely am glad that you’re testing PRP and hope you get results (although would be surprised if distinguishable from regular pumping plus the volume of the injected fluid) and even if you don’t to document that it does not work for future TP’ers. That’s what this site is made of, empirical self testing. That said I’ll reiterate I think it’s medical quackery for all the reasons posted a few posts back. If it is real, it should cost 200 bucks instead of 2000. They’re very likely gouging people with weak science that they paid for themselves. Protect newbies from that.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Originally Posted by Bigrizzo
Has anyone given thought on what to do after the 60 days are up? If I follow a rigorous pumping routine, 15 mins twice daily for two months, let’s say I get the gains I was hoping for. Then what? Do I back off to a maintenance pumping regimen? I’m a week into the post PRP pumping, loving the results but I know I won’t be able to do this type or routine for an extended period.

Taper off to a maintenance state after you no longer notice changes in temporary gains. As long as you seem to be playing upwards in size you should probably pump. This may be out to the 6 month mark. But…after that, when you decipher that the gains have tapered or that you’re happy…cut the regiment by half for 2 months, then half again for another two before getting off of it. This is my basic pump graduation protocol and some form of what I’ll use when I’m at the end of the line.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Look I don’t know who Janus is, but I do know who Tiger Woods is. A lot of my friends along with Mr Woods used PRP shots to help the healing process for what ever part of their body they injured. It sped up the healing time by far. So ounce I heard they had something for my cock I was interested. Anything we do to our cocks other than fucking and beating off is not great for our cocks. Pulling ,stretching, expanding more than it should. That’s all trama to our cocks regardless what anyone thinks. I believe I have over worked my tendons in my cock more than once and I know I have over stretched my skin as well. My gland, o yah I know I have expanded that more than I should. In my greediness to get a bigger cock , I know I have over done it more than once. So I’m looking at this like a sports injury and performing some PT to it. If I get some gains out of trying to reguvinate it a little that’s cool with me.

Agressive PE

Originally Posted by piercedkeith
Look I don’t know who Janus is, but I do know who Tiger Woods is. A lot of my friends along with Mr Woods used PRP shots to help the healing process for what ever part of their body they injured. It sped up the healing time by far. So ounce I heard they had something for my cock I was interested. Anything we do to our cocks other than fucking and beating off is not great for our cocks. Pulling ,stretching, expanding more than it should. That’s all trama to our cocks regardless what anyone thinks. I believe I have over worked my tendons in my cock more than once and I know I have over stretched my skin as well. My gland, o yah I know I have expanded that more than I should. In my greediness to get a bigger cock , I know I have over done it more than once. So I’m looking at this like a sports injury and performing some PT to it. If I get some gains out of trying to reguvinate it a little that’s cool with me.

Overtraining and injuring yourself is dramatically different. I can site at least a dozen stories from guys who’ve temporarily injured themselves, the majority were compression clampers. They incurred nerve damage and lost the ability to achieve and erection for a several months, fortunately all recovered.
The penis is a very durable organ and it’s difficult to injure. “Pulling, stretching, expanding more than it should” is like saying running too far or lifting too much weight is too much trauma for our body. IMO the guys who over do things are the ones who try and gain an inch in a month and don’t understand the PE process of incremental graduations in intensity and duration….. Rome wasn’t built in a day!

Getting More Conditioned


Trying to get this back on track, would you suggest for users who aren’t as conditioned as you, to start with more time up to pressure and less time in that pressure? Something like

First five minutes: 5 hg
After that
Minute 1: 10 hg, take 15 seconds to get up there stay for 45, back down to 5hg for 15 seconds
Minute 2: same process to 11hg
Minute 3: same process to 12 hg

Keep going up to what’s not painful, for me it’s 13-14 hg, I have been cycling up and down and taking a 5 minute break at the 15 minute mark (counting my initial 5 mins at 5 hg) then start the cycle over and try to keep the pressure for one minute or so. I don’t want to go too hard in the paint as to cause an injury but I want to get the most from my PRP shot.
Appreciate your insight and experience

10/7/16: BPEL - 6" EG - 5"

12/14/16 BPEL - 6.6" EG - 5"

Goal: 8x6 - Isn't that everyone's goal?

48 hours off update.

During this time I masturbated 4x. Two the first day and 2 the second day. I measured still a touch over 6.25” MSEG, call it 6.3 or so. And they were strong upwards angle erections.

I was going to do a session but I had masturbated a 5th time and my girl came over. So even though she was on her period I got head last night and this morning. Two more orgasms and ate my morning session time so I’ll probably do a 72 hour update and session tonight.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

I love hearing anecdotal evidence (like what this will be soon) when you consider TG’s years of experience. I’m gonna follow this thread closely. I just want to comment on 2 things..
1. PRP doesn’t work for everyone.. But from a cellular repair point of view this maybe very useful for all of us.. Even with the vast blood supply the penis receives .scar tissue may hinder some areas.

2. Doctors have to do 8 years of university, and for some, one additional year of examinations and then work long hours. They trade their health, youth for this.. This is why the price is high. You can search the ups driver vs doctor infographic.

Starting NBPEL 6.8 -7.3

BPEL 7.5-7.7 (based on EQ) (2018)

Current - same. Goal NBPEL 8

Thread Closed

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