routine dosent feel right, please help
i’ve been PEing for almost 2 years now, on and off, and over the time have tried new things and switched everything up once and awhile but now i need some clearification on what im doing wrong.
my current routine: (once a day, 4 days a week)
-warm up for 5 minutes with heating pad
-50 sets of DLD blasters with 100 pre kegals while stretching unit up
-jelq at 70% erect for 20 minutes (roughly 1000- 1 sec strokes)
-15 sets of uli’s for 15 seconds each at 90-100% erect
-cool down with 5 minute heating pad and thats all.
I dont really feel like im gaining anything (not good pump and no red dots). so what would you guys do? other exercise? more uli’s? split routine into twice a day with less volume for each?
thanks in advance