Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

'Size Matters' references in society

Now we are onto hospitals I just have to add this story.

I’d been in the ward for about three days with a catheter in and one of the young nurses a cute wallflower of a girl (I just adore those girls) came in to give me an injection in the stomach, just before she put the needle in she said just a little prick and then drove the needle into my abdomen well it was hanging at a reasonable size despite the dilemma of the tube and I was pretty quick with the wit and replied no it’s not actually it’s quite a sizable unit, which you can probably tell from how big it is soft” well she blushed and I continued “think of a Red Bull can but about that much longer” she went bright red and her jaw dropped open, I then said “That’s why the more experienced nurses say you’ll just feel a little scratch”. Well it caused a bit of a stir because there were some very attentive nurses for the next couple of days :)

Originally Posted by Behemoth
Now we are onto hospitals I just have to add this story.

I’d been in the ward for about three days with a catheter in and one of the young nurses a cute wallflower of a girl (I just adore those girls) came in to give me an injection in the stomach, just before she put the needle in she said just a little prick and then drove the needle into my abdomen well it was hanging at a reasonable size despite the dilemma of the tube and I was pretty quick with the wit and replied no it’s not actually it’s quite a sizable unit, which you can probably tell from how big it is soft” well she blushed and I continued “think of a Red Bull can but about that much longer” she went bright red and her jaw dropped open, I then said “That’s why the more experienced nurses say you’ll just feel a little scratch”. Well it caused a bit of a stir because there were some very attentive nurses for the next couple of days :)

No offense, but if I were that nurse, I would be creeped the fuck out. :D It’s one thing when they notice it and comment when they’re alone and it’s a whole nother thing when you point it out to them. :p

Originally Posted by UpTo7

No offense, but if I were that nurse, I would be creeped the fuck out. :D It’s one thing when they notice it and comment when they’re alone and it’s a whole nother thing when you point it out to them. :p

Thankfully you weren’t my nurse then (and lucky the girls I meet don’t have your bashful nature) :D , and she wasn’t creeped out at all, in fact she did a fair impression of a helicopter hovering around my bed for the next couple of days, any way it was just one of those funny situations that a quick wit and an impressionable girl got tangled in which got a little carried away by rumour and innuendo.

Bashful nature? Who, me? Never. :)

Well, it really depends on how old are you, how old is she and some other factors… But I would avoid talking about it first unless she asked. :D That’s just me, though. Good to hear that it worked out for you.

Oh, and catheters also creep me the fuck out.

Try having a camera stuck in there for a bladder examination.

Things shrivel up just thinking about it.

Originally Posted by UpTo7
Well, that explains pretty much everything. I don’t know why their comments surprised you. :p

Meh, I guess. But my girth (erect) was a natural 6” pre-PE so I’m still trying to get used to the idea of that size being “big.” I figure once I hit my goals, I’ll be in that “big” category, at least in my mind. I’m grateful I’ve made the gains I have but I still have a ways to go. One of my goals is a much larger flaccid and I think I’m well on my way. I want to be more of a shower than a grower.

Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your point of view) I’m not due for any other type exam til next year. Maybe by then I will really have something to show them! ;-)

Starting stats: 7.5" BPEL x 6.2" MEG

Current Stats BPEL: 8.2" [NBPEL: 7.6"] EG: 6.8" - Goal: 9x7 and beyond

My Progress Thread/Log

I’m so with you on the shower part, I thrive on becoming a shower and hope to one day consider myself one. Women love to stare at packages and make assumptions just from that alone. Anyone thinking women don’t check out your junk every now and then are disillusioned, they are curious creatures, very curious.

Originally Posted by Vikingwhore
Anyone thinking women don’t check out your junk every now and then are disillusioned, they are curious creatures, very curious.

Yes they are, just like we are! And there is nothing wrong with displaying the goods for them to asses (I don’t mean flopping it out either, just tastefully presented down the leg of the trousers), it may make no difference for some of them, but for the ones it does make a difference to it might be just enough for them to get interested and pursue things further, maybe not the first time but after they have had a second look and it has played on their mind :)

Size matters references have turned many women into crotch watchers :)

Sure has, all I know is that when my dick constantly hangs between 5- 6” flaccid my job is done and I will welcome the stares walking around commando, summer time in particular. Hope to get there this year.

It’s a little dream of mine and I definitely do put in the work to make it a reality. :D

Originally Posted by Norsey
I wonder how it feels to have Charlize Theron praise your dick in public.

Charlize Theron praises Michael Fassbender’s penis - Los Angeles Times

In the article there’s also link to another one about how Fassbender’s "big part" in some movie might have cost him an Oscar nomination. I’m not sure I’m really following the logic, though.


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She’s not shy.

I watch TYT regularly and I thought of this thread when I saw this on there news feed.

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No she isn’t and she is damn fine too.

Creeps get laid. Giggly hot young girls love it when guys hit on them and start sexual talk.and touch them. Even some with boyfriends, so you have to really inspect the vagina meat to see it’s available, don’t stand there and entertain them like a clown.

I’m not surprised anymore when girls get turned on or allow creepy behavior, such as telling a nurse about your dick. Most guys dress to fit in, don’t enlarge their dick, eat sugar and bread and have doughy midsections, don’t talk to girls or take pride in their sexuality and don’t lead women like they want to be led. But here we get lewd stories of horny goat bastards, I love it. We are learning to own and improve our masculinity, and you bet the Charlize Therons will talk about dick, we”re not even gay and look how much we talk about it.

Start: 5.75 x 4.5 Current: 7 x 5.25

Such Spartan training is for the champ. -Bruce Lee

Originally Posted by Devotion9
Creeps get laid. Giggly hot young girls love it when guys hit on them and start sexual talk. And touch them. Even some with boyfriends, so you have to really inspect the vagina meat to see it’s available, don’t stand there and entertain them like a clown.

I’m not surprised anymore when girls get turned on or allow creepy behavior, such as telling a nurse about your dick. Most guys dress to fit in, don’t enlarge their dick, eat sugar and bread and have doughy midsections, don’t talk to girls or take pride in their sexuality and don’t lead women like they want to be led. But here we get lewd stories of horny goat bastards, I love it. We are learning to own and improve our masculinity, and you bet the Charlize Therons will talk about dick, we”re not even gay and look how much we talk about it.

Yeah, and some like to be humiliated in front of their husbands and boyfriends as well, but I wouldn’t want to be with one of those types.

I have a client who is in his late seventies and didn’t know about girls with “daddy issues” until I told him. Now he’s riding 30-40 year olds, because they want a dad to fuck.

Who knew.

Some women want a guy to treat them like shit and never call and cry themselves to sleep at night.

And the list goes on. Whatever you can imagine a woman can be like, exists.

I met a woman at Starbucks a few months ago that only fucks married guys and a guy I know saw me sitting with her told me that my ring was like Spanish fly for her, and that she would do almost anything to get me to her place.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"


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