Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Stretching and "inner penis" exposed-myth?

Originally Posted by joey999
At some point I’m planning and creating some polls about how guys got their more serious injuries and how these stack up against the proportion of people that jelq, hang, clamp etc. Basically this site is nearly 10 years old and though there are hundreds a threads about possible theories on how we gain etc, we rarely use the information available to us and often simply assume (the ligs argument perhaps being an exmaple of that as there are close to 50 member who had have them cut and the large majoirty saw little benefit). I think seeing as next year it is the 10th anniversary of Thundersplace a few polls to see which exercises are proving to be the most efficient and which have the best and worst safety records would be a good idea.

I’m not sure. I started this poll:

Choose one: what is the best PE exercise?

Jelqing is the biggie, so far, in terms of long-term gains but I’m not sure if that’s because of popularity. I think jelqing is more demanding than stretching, for me. I’m not sure which is the safest but my guess is that stretching has the longest and safest track record? There are so many extender studies showing a pretty good safety track record, I think. And even with the surgery some type of stretching/hanging is almost always recommended. So I’m pretty sure stretching has the best safety record to date. Very little on jelqing. Pumping is in between in terms of safety, I think? Not that it’s necessarily any safer but there are far more pumping studies. Most of them suggest it’s safe as long as it’s done properly.

Starting Size: April, 28, 2010: NBPEL-7" Girth-6" (base, MSG, glans)

Currently: BPEL-8" NBPEL-7.25" Girth-6.25" (base)/6.125" (MSG)/6.125" (glans)

One of the problems with such a pole is determining which class of exercise caused the injury. Two months into PE I had a collapse in EQ which I finally ascribed to nerve damage atop the septum. I had to quit for about two weeks. To this day I cannot tell you whether it was from jelqing or from stretching.

Wow, now I`m really confused.

Firstly I thought I was getting good gains by stretching my ligaments to their new limit, and now you guys are saying that I have lengthened my tunica and barely touched my ligaments.

If what you are saying is true, what made my gains suddenly stop about four months ago and not begin again?

Has the tunica merely adapted and become too tough?

I`m on an extended de-con break right now and only do light stretches throughout the day to maintain flaccid hang and I will continue to de-con until the end of january and see where I`m at.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

I thought there were:

- stretches that target the ligs (5 way, rotary etc)

- stretches that target the tunica (A stretches, etc)

Most threads I have read talking about “targeting” the inner penis talked about BTB jelqs (behind the ball jelqs)

Originally Posted by bohm
I’m not sure. I started this poll:

Choose one: what is the best PE exercise?

Jelqing is the biggie, so far, in terms of long-term gains but I’m not sure if that’s because of popularity. I think jelqing is more demanding than stretching, for me. I’m not sure which is the safest but my guess is that stretching has the longest and safest track record? There are so many extender studies showing a pretty good safety track record, I think. And even with the surgery some type of stretching/hanging is almost always recommended. So I’m pretty sure stretching has the best safety record to date. Very little on jelqing. Pumping is in between in terms of safety, I think? Not that it’s necessarily any safer but there are far more pumping studies. Most of them suggest it’s safe as long as it’s done properly.

The trouble with the poll is that jelqing is the mainstay of a last majority of guys routines, so it was always going to come out on top. If clamping, for example, was the exercise that was listed in the newbie routine and jelqing not, then I suspect the results of the poll would be different. Basically I’d say 90% of active PE’rs jelq, whilst less than 20% clamp, pump, hang or whatever. I get the feeling it’s easier to injure yourself clamping than it is jelqing, but when it comes to the more serious injuries, I get the impression that jelqing is the biggest culpret. This could simly be becuase far more people jelq and therefore you’ll see far more jelqing injuries. But if you read the firm flaccid or any of the venous leak threads, there are very few people who think the injury was due to clamping or pumping.

Clamping is also an advanced exercise: those who try it, already have jelqed. Wonder what could happen if any newbie would jump on clamping without previous ‘conditioning’.

I began clamping early in my PE endeavours and have never jelqed.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by marinera
Clamping is also an advanced exercise: those who try it, already have jelqed. Wonder what could happen if any newbie would jump on clamping without previous ‘conditioning’.

I wonder is one could condition themselves for clamping by building up slowly. Perhaps slowly building up the time and intensity (ie tightenss of clamp), might be a better way of conditioning you penis for the more normal 10 min clamp session, than jelqing is.

According to this poll 66% of guys gained erect girth from clamping. That is pretty damn high, especially when you consider a lot of them would have only started clamping after the newbie routine and thus not benefited fro newbie gains. Also only 8% sustained injuries and I don’t think anyone who spoke about their injuries got one of the more serious type of injury.

What did clamping do for you?

What we really need to do is start another similar poll, but ask "what jelqing did for you?" And of course the same needs to be done for stretching, ADS, pumping and hanging etc. Obvioulsy the trouble is it’s difficult to tell what exercise is doing what and many member combine 2 or more exercises.

I think we have to accept the injuries will occur in PE, but ideally we need to try and find out if there is a particular exercise that is causing more the ED related injuries. Obviously clamping is more intesne than jelqing, but the pressure is applied in one place. The jelq movement applies pressue all along the shaft and I wonder if this is the reason why we see so many guys with frim flaccid or possible venous leaks etc. We might find jelqing isn’t the exercise most likely to cause these injuries, but it is definitely worth starting a some polls to try and find out some more.

16% of the people in this poll injured themsleves doing PE, so according to the other poll I posted clamping injuries occur at a rate of half the average. However, as marinera points out, most clampers will be more experienced with PE and be more conditioned.

/forum/poll.php … lts&pollid=2845

According to this poll only 18% of guys gained girth from wet jelqs.

/forum/poll.php … lts&pollid=2853

Err..not to be a pain in the ass, Joey, but actually over 61% gained girth from jelqing, 18% are those who gained only girth, while those who gained nothing are about 20%.

Hard to get percentages by the clamping poll, it is a bit messy. Maybe you could start another poll better designed, if you like.

Originally Posted by marinera
Err..not to be a pain in the ass, Joey, but actually over 61% gained girth from jelqing, 18% are those who gained only girth, while those who gained nothing are about 20%.

Hard to get percentages by the clamping poll, it is a bit messy. Maybe you could start another poll better designed, if you like.

Yes, you’re right, I didn’t read the options properly.

Originally Posted by joey999
I’ve been saying what that article says on this site and others for years.

A urologist once showed me a very detailed anatomical diagram of the penis and explained why lig cutting doesn’t effect the erect penis. They cut the suspensory ligs at the front, but the penis is anchored by other ligs right the way back. Inner penis wont be pulled out by PE methods. The amount of tension needed to stretch all the ligaments holding it in place would damage the penis.

Length gains come from stretching the tunica or jelqing. Very rarely some guys make gains immediately post op after lig cutting and that is because they had an anatomical abnormality, in that they had short and tight ligs.

I’m sure people will continue to talk about inner penis and argue against what I’ve said, but if you feel your primary suspensory ligs at the front and then compare that to how tightly and firmly the penis is held against the bone the further you go back towards your anus, you’ll see a massive difference. The front ligs can be stretched, but I honestly can’t see how anyone could expect to stretch those further back and without stretching them, the inner penis wont come out.

But also it must be remember the frontal ligs are pretty superficial. If you stretch or damage the deeper ligs what is going to hold your penis in place. They are called “suspensory” ligs for a reason.

This would explain how one could have “gains” yet never have their penis “grow” toward their navel. In this sense, the inner penis is being released from outside the body, being pulled out and down. True penis growth comes from stretching the tunica. I “gained” over an inch but really was just having inner penis released as my suspensory ligament was allowing it to come out of my body. Shame.

Serious starting point: Nov. 2, 2009/BPEL 5.75 x 4.75 inches.

Current BPEL 7 1/2 x 5.5 inches.

Goal: BPEL 8 x 6 inches. Hell, if I hit 8, I'm going for 9!

Originally Posted by a-unit
Wow, now I`m really confused.

Firstly I thought I was getting good gains by stretching my ligaments to their new limit, and now you guys are saying that I have lengthened my tunica and barely touched my ligaments.

If what you are saying is true, what made my gains suddenly stop about four months ago and not begin again?

Has the tunica merely adapted and become too tough?

I`m on an extended de-con break right now and only do light stretches throughout the day to maintain flaccid hang and I will continue to de-con until the end of january and see where I`m at.

Actually, I’m pretty sure you stretched your ligs out and SOME tunica, though not a lot; which explains the loss of gains. Once gains stop, your ligs are either maxed or you have reached a limiting factor which needs broken through. So if you feel your ligs are stretched out, then you would begin dedicated tunica stretching. Are you hanging?

Serious starting point: Nov. 2, 2009/BPEL 5.75 x 4.75 inches.

Current BPEL 7 1/2 x 5.5 inches.

Goal: BPEL 8 x 6 inches. Hell, if I hit 8, I'm going for 9!

Originally Posted by Mr. Schlong
This would explain how one could have “gains” yet never have their penis “grow” toward their navel. In this sense, the inner penis is being released from outside the body, being pulled out and down. True penis growth comes from stretching the tunica. I “gained” over an inch but really was just having inner penis released as my suspensory ligament was allowing it to come out of my body. Shame.

I understand the theory behind what you are saying, but is your shaft really exiting your body over an inch lower than where it did before PE? That would be a dramatic and noticeable difference wouldn’t it ?

I too have made considerable gains but my exit point is right where I always remember it, in fact, by this logic, my Pre PE penis would have had to be exiting close to the waist of my jeans to end up where it is exiting now.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Originally Posted by cantlook
I understand the theory behind what you are saying, but is your shaft really exiting your body over an inch lower than where it did before PE? That would be a dramatic and noticeable difference wouldn’t it ?

I too have made considerable gains but my exit point is right where I always remember it, in fact, by this logic, my Pre PE penis would have had to be exiting close to the waist of my jeans to end up where it is exiting now.

LOL! Trust me bro, I am not fully convinced of the inner penis theory also, but it has always baffled me how I gained over an inch yet my penis never reached my navel. Because by my measurements, all I needed was an inch or so for my cock to touch my navel. Well, I got that inch and it appears to be just about the same distance. So *if* the inner penis theory holds water (which to some extent, it does) then all I have managed to do is pull out 1 inch of it or pulled one inch away from the pubic bone by stretching the ligs. And even though I have gained over an inch, does it necessarily mean that there has been THAT much change? I don’t think so because I too have a high exit point. All I know is, my stats below in my signature don’t lie. I started with almost 6 inches and now have over 7 and my cock doesn’t touch my navel.

Serious starting point: Nov. 2, 2009/BPEL 5.75 x 4.75 inches.

Current BPEL 7 1/2 x 5.5 inches.

Goal: BPEL 8 x 6 inches. Hell, if I hit 8, I'm going for 9!


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