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Surgical removal of turkey neck


Surgical removal of turkey neck

I am thinking of getting into a surgery to remove my turkey neck, but I don’t feel comfortable having someone with a knife near my genitals. Maybe it’s a dumb question, but I want to exclude every risk concerning by dick. Would there be any risk that my dick will shrink after such an operation?

Has anyone here had a surgical procedure to remove his turkey neck?

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

Before you do that, try a two stage cylinder. Worked for me quickly.


How does the two stage cyllinder accomplish this?

I hope you have enough sack to spare. My “turkey neck” isn’t so big but it does allow for a little more freedom of movement for my balls when I sit down or walk. I guess I just like that freedom, it must be why I wear boxers and not briefs.

I don’t see how it could take away from length. It’s just skin. But maybe if you get a cool doctor he could do something creative with the skin, like make you a little kangaroo pouch for condoms… or peanut M&Ms. That way you’ll always be safe and if your girlfriend starts getting hungry she’ll have a little snack waiting for her. It’s win win.

Originally Posted by thinktank
Before you do that, try a two stage cylinder. Worked for me quickly.

I did bought an expensive pump where I could put my dick and balls in. It made my balls turn blue. So I stopped it.

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

Originally Posted by dick117
I hope you have enough sack to spare. My “turkey neck” isn’t so big but it does allow for a little more freedom of movement for my balls when I sit down or walk. I guess I just like that freedom, it must be why I wear boxers and not briefs.

I don’t see how it could take away from length. It’s just skin. But maybe if you get a cool doctor he could do something creative with the skin, like make you a little kangaroo pouch for condoms… or peanut M&Ms. That way you’ll always be safe and if your girlfriend starts getting hungry she’ll have a little snack waiting for her. It’s win win.

A kangaroo pouch for condoms, how cool would that be;) :D

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

Originally Posted by optimalss

How does the two stage cyllinder accomplish this?


Originally Posted by anon771
I did bought an expensive pump where I could put my dick and balls in. It made my balls turn blue. So I stopped it.

I am guessing you were pumping at too high pressure.

Maybe you shouldn’t pump with so high a pressure. Thunder pumping vets say no more than 5hg. And 2.5 to 3.0hg seems to be the sweet spot.

Seems to me that it would be a rather minor surgery. Make sure to consult with more than one doc first though. I have a horrible turkey neck, and think that one day I may get it removed.


After many years of jelqing and pumping, I have also developed a turkey neck. When erect, it is full of fluid (I assume blood and lymphatic fluid) so that it has a ballooning effect. My girl friends love the feel of it.

So, I doubt if I will ever remove it, but I will try to minimize it’s growth. It probably came from pumping too high and too long, so I will avoid that as a precaution. I must admit, the feel and sight of the suction of a pump on my erect cock is addictive. It is hard to restrain myself, but we all must exercise caution.

I had a double hernia repair with resulting “nerve entrapment” and pain.

When I needed a SECOND hernia re-repair, another doctor put in mesh… and snipped the “offending” nerve so there wouldn’t be any pain.

Now I have numbness from the snipped nerve—and chronic epididymitis from a vasectomy, too.

I realize you’re just talking about “reducing skin,” but I wouldn’t let anyone near me with a knife unless I was convinced it was absolutely necessary. What’s a little extra skin going to hurt?

Yes, I had this surgery 18 days ago so it is still in the process of healing. The surgery appears to have moved my TN about 2cm further down the shaft.

When 30 days have passed I can give you a final summary of the operation.

Great I will be looking forward to it with my butcheeks squeezed tightly

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

Originally Posted by anon771
Great I will be looking forward to it with my butcheeks squeezed tightly

Second that, I’ve also considered getting this done in the future.

02-08-2007: 7"BP-4.7"EG "Starting Length"

Bump for vdat?

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