Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The importance of the FLACCID STATE as a guide in productive PE

Originally Posted by Belli Devs
As long as you’re not turtling by the time you start your next session, I don’t think it’s a problem.


Some turtling after the session for some hours… is acceptable…\
But turtling 24/7 is not.
This is what i am saying in this thread.

Originally Posted by Pe_is_an_art
The importance of the FLACCID STATE as a guide in productive PE

After almost 2,5 years of consistent PE training I have always witnessed the same thing over and over … so it’s so proven so many times that it has became a RULE.

The RULE is this:
The periods that my flaccid state is HUGE and SOFT and almost UNABLE TO TURTLE (From correct training) are the periods that I am gaining LENGTH and GIRTH rapidly.
The periods that my flaccid state is SMALL and STIFF and it s TURTLING EASY(From OVERTRAINING) are the periods that I am NOT gaining anything in length and girth and if I continue training in this state … I am also losing gains.

An other important thing is that…
When my flaccid dick is in this HUGE and SOFT state, all the good Pis are present.
High libido, spontaneous erections through the day, increadible night and morning wood and super EQ.
When my flaccid is in the SMALL and STIFF state all of the Pis are DOWN.

The REST DAYS are of high importance because they are making sure that the dick will not get smaller and stiffer … in other words in these rest days the dick is resting and decompressing and is becoming big and soft again.

My 2 cents on the LESS is MORE guys in here that are using MORE is MORE approaches and don t grow.

Spot on. my gauge is my flaccid penis. Is it huge and soft? Check.

And you’re spot on about the spontaneous erections when in this flaccid state.

Originally Posted by Kittens
Spot on. my gauge is my flaccid penis. Is it huge and soft? Check.

And you’re spot on about the spontaneous erections when in this flaccid state.

I feel you brother

I agree with your observations but wanted to add that in my experience heat really helps me stay in this zone. Many times I saw the mention of heat used and always dismissed it as I don’t like it (and still don’t) but over the winter I tried it and the results are clear. I should have tried it earlier on.

Originally Posted by Pe_is_an_art
I d like to add some things..
With any kind of PE training ( even with extending) I should never go for more than 3 days in a row.. After the 3d day I have to throw a REST day in order to keep this HUGE and SOFT flaccid state.
So my gaining frequency is either 2on/1off or 3on/1off 2on/1off(to complete 1 week).
And after lets say 2-3 weeks on these frequencies I am throwing a 2 consecultive days of rest and this is where the gains are boosting.

There is a logical explanation of all this.

When we are abusing our dick by PE training , we are triggering the protective mechanism of it .( we have all witnessed it)
This mechanism is resulting in a stiff flaccid that is shorter and slimmer and a lot harder to stretch.
Staying under the radar of this mechanism is teh key to growth.
Again.. I am not posting anything new here.. All of my observations are matching 100% the SparkyX observations.. BUT I am just posting these things in order to REMIND to everybody in here that this thing is real.

For every person overtraining is completely different..
For example a person can get overtrained with 1h of manual stretching and an other one can get overtrained by only 10 mins of manual stratching.
It doesn t matter.. What matters is that in order to have continious gains teh person has to stay under the radar of this protective mechanism that is killing every effort of gaining.

The tunica and smooth muscle and tissues are alive.. They are not like a dead rubber so we have limitations of how much we can train it in order to have a productive PE journey.

An other imporatnt note that I was always skipping is that after 6 to 8 weeks of PE training we have to take 1 week off in order to have continious gains.
You see after 2,5 years I can clearly see now the signs.
I wish I knew all these when I started..
Well I guess its never too late.

Awesome post!

This completely makes sense to me, both from a theoretical perspective, and based on my own observations. My dick has a super overprotective response and seemed to get triggered at the slightest provocation. Even a very minimal routine (I’m talking literally 5-10 jelqs) kept up 1 day on 2 days off will get me into an overtrained state within a month. It has been extremely discouraging and made me give up on PE so many times. I am now back with hopes that I can try a very patient approach and go very slowly and not compare my routines to those of others.

Another relevant observation is that my penis gets sore very easily in general if I am having vigorous and rough sex frequently (let’s say 1-2 times a day daily). Also my body overtrains easily when it comes to weightlifting as well. So it might be some kind of general overactive inflammatory response. I am going to focus on using more anti-inflammatory supplements and see if there is any difference.

Originally Posted by pezzonovante
Awesome post!

This completely makes sense to me, both from a theoretical perspective, and based on my own observations. My dick has a super overprotective response and seemed to get triggered at the slightest provocation. Even a very minimal routine (I’m talking literally 5-10 jelqs) kept up 1 day on 2 days off will get me into an overtrained state within a month. It has been extremely discouraging and made me give up on PE so many times. I am now back with hopes that I can try a very patient approach and go very slowly and not compare my routines to those of others.

Another relevant observation is that my penis gets sore very easily in general if I am having vigorous and rough sex frequently (let’s say 1-2 times a day daily). Also my body overtrains easily when it comes to weightlifting as well. So it might be some kind of general overactive inflammatory response. I am going to focus on using more anti-inflammatory supplements and see if there is any difference.

Use heat and use cbd, it helps me.
I also eat a whole onion every day (raw) and 3-6 cloves of garlic (raw) chopped up finely and mixed into salsa. This helps so much with inflammation

Interesting thread indeed. Much food for thought.

I do contest the views on extenders. They are supposed to work through cell-division and growth and not the mechanisms you mentioned.

Have you got some data you can provide on the people who have extended only for a few hours getting better gains than those who get full on and accumulate as many hours as possible, or could you link to posts where people have stated they’ve been using it for 10-12 hours a day and got nowhere? Or is it more of a case of just what you’ve seen over the years, rather than a specific thread where that specific point was discussed, or a specific study.

It’s interesting. Getting the feted 1000 hours over the course of a year, allowing for more rest days, versus cramming them all in is something worthy of testing.

I’m going to try to do 12 hours a day shortly for three months, everyday, and then try a more rest based approach to see what the difference is.

I do lean towards just all out 12 hours a day just because more cell duplication (it’s late and I forget the exact scientific terms) can occur, in theory. But I’d like to test it as the opposite may very well be true.

Originally Posted by JPLondon
Interesting thread indeed. Much food for thought.

I do contest the views on extenders. They are supposed to work through cell-division and growth and not the mechanisms you mentioned.

Have you got some data you can provide on the people who have extended only for a few hours getting better gains than those who get full on and accumulate as many hours as possible, or could you link to posts where people have stated they’ve been using it for 10-12 hours a day and got nowhere? Or is it more of a case of just what you’ve seen over the years, rather than a specific thread where that specific point was discussed, or a specific study.

It’s interesting. Getting the feted 1000 hours over the course of a year, allowing for more rest days, versus cramming them all in is something worthy of testing.

I’m going to try to do 12 hours a day shortly for three months, everyday, and then try a more rest based approach to see what the difference is.

I do lean towards just all out 12 hours a day just because more cell duplication (it’s late and I forget the exact scientific terms) can occur, in theory. But I’d like to test it as the opposite may very well be true.

I think you have to take a longer deacon before you start with the shorter extending sessions. Your dick will probably be so stressed after 3 months of 12 hours a day extending that when you go down to just a couple of hours a day there is a big chance you will gain nothing.

190416 Bpel 16,5 Bpfsl 16,5 Meg 14,2 Beg 15,0

210312 Bpel 19 Bpfsl 19,6 Meg 14,5 Beg 15,3

___Gain Bpel +2,5 Bpfsl +3,1 Meg +0,3 Beg +0,3

For 2,5 years that I am intio consistent PE I have read all threads in both forums.
Most lost cases of extenders users where the ones that were doing more than 6h/day and the ones they were using such an intensity that extending was not comfy.
I am not gonna go back and search and find like 30 threads of these cases…
The most cases of gainers were using vol of 2-4h/day and intensity that was very comfy.

IF microtears theory was correct then these cases would have the opposite result.

I was one of these cases too…

4h/day . 5 days/ week , 500 grams = gains for 300h

6-7h/day / 6days/week , 750/1000/1250 grams = no gains for 1200h

Good thread.

I had an injury during lockdown and stopped all PE. As I am WFH I wear baggy shorts commando and do stretching on and off all day. I have found my penis is in superb condition and thick and no loss of the 1cm length gains from the previous 18 months. The last 210 days I have done 10 mins light helps using coconut butter cream. I have to say my flaccid is a bulging meat stick and my hard ons ridiculously lengthy in the hand.

I rarely have sex any more but last week I had sex with the wife (spoons). She didn’t say anything but she leant back and gripped my base girth. When I slipped it in she was like the Niagra Falls.

All good in my book and les is more. A thick weighty flaccid is the way forward.

I’m going to be pumping shit loads of peptides like IGF, HGH, the other growth peptides and eating 4-5000 calories a day when I start the going balls to the walls phase. As I’m a relative beginner I want to capitalize on any newbie gains if there are any, and then I can try the less is more when/if growth stops (assuming there is any). There is obviously something to cell division and new cell growth and new tissue cells, otherwise they wouldn’t work.

But at least now, with this theory, which makes perfect sense, I’ll know to pivot when/if needed, rather than flogging a dead horse.

I just believe that some of those progress pics are real, and the growth occurred within those times frames. At least in one or two cases.

And then you see those stories of men who faithfully PE’d for years and got nowhere, and can’t help thinking they didn’t do enough.

I believe everyone is different and I am yet to discover where I sit in terms of slow gainer/fast gainer or whatever.

But my limited experience matches that in the OP. It’s a process of self-discovery for all off us.

I am glad that more and more people are matching with this thread.

An other thing that I need to say is that the phrase “PE is a marathon , not a sprint ” has a different meaning than what everybody(including me) thinks when they read it.

When a person read it they assume that the meaning is that gains happens slow and over the long run and not fast and in the short run.

BUT according this thread observations on productive PE, the accurate meaning is that the ACTUAL PE TRAINING should be like a marathon(LOW) and not as a sprint(HIGH).

Originally Posted by JPLondon
Interesting thread indeed. Much food for thought.

I do contest the views on extenders. They are supposed to work through cell-division and growth and not the mechanisms you mentioned.

Have you got some data you can provide on the people who have extended only for a few hours getting better gains than those who get full on and accumulate as many hours as possible, or could you link to posts where people have stated they’ve been using it for 10-12 hours a day and got nowhere? Or is it more of a case of just what you’ve seen over the years, rather than a specific thread where that specific point was discussed, or a specific study.

It’s interesting. Getting the feted 1000 hours over the course of a year, allowing for more rest days, versus cramming them all in is something worthy of testing.

I’m going to try to do 12 hours a day shortly for three months, everyday, and then try a more rest based approach to see what the difference is.

I do lean towards just all out 12 hours a day just because more cell duplication (it’s late and I forget the exact scientific terms) can occur, in theory. But I’d like to test it as the opposite may very well be true.

There’s a study about extender that claim 10 hours/day lead to best results over a period of 8/12 months. More time/day isn’t necessary and maybe be less productive, while less time (8 hours/day) just lead to same results in just bit more weeks


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