True Size Odds?
I’ve been thinking about size and its frequency in the population.
I have what I think is the lifestyles data here in front of me. For 6.702 inches length it says it is 1 in 6.
But this is for the entire male population, (I think). As most people have sex with people about the same age, this makes the 6.7 more rare.
Let’s take a man in his 20’s.
Lets assume that the ages of men are equally distributed among all ages classes. (I know they are not, but it is easier to quickly calculate). If we use the ages 0 to 80, then 1/7 of males are in each decade of their life. (The population I think is more heavily weighted at the older range, so the 20-something is even more rare than 1 in 7?)
So the twenty something man is already 1 in 42 as far as men in their 20’s. So right there a 20-something woman has a 1 in 42 chance of her partner being that size.
Then we have to consider the female mind. Women won’t have sex with just any man. Just guessing I would say that women won’t have sex with 90% of the men in their age class that they meet or see for whatever reason. So by having sex with her the guy is at LEAST 1 in 9.
So the 6.7 incher becomes 1 in 378.
Another way of looking at it is if she has sex with you, you are already about 1 in 63 of the total male population. So whatever the data is saying, we can multiply the “1 in X” by 63. So a 8.3 incher is listed as 1 in 741. By my logic, he is really 1 in 741 times 63 or 1 in 46,683. If my gains continue a little more, that will put me near 1 in 2,000,000 or so.
Math and statistics were my absolute worst subject. What have I done wrong with this logic/calculation?
Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25
Goal: Double digits