Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What does everyone's username mean?


Uimari means swimmer in Finnish and 1987 is my year of birth.

(This was my first post by the way.) :)

Originally Posted by Uimari87

(This was my first post by the way.) :)

Welcome! :)

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

My team and friends always said I seemed to appear next to them silently and from nowhere. Like I appeared from the shadows. They started to call me Shadow Man, shadman for short. 61 is the year I was born.

Start: 5.50" x 5.00" BPEL; Now: 6.25" x 5.00"; Goal: 7.50" x 6.00"

Prominence means a rise to power or a rise to bigger and better things

Wich is exactly what I want :)

Current size: 19.5cm by 12.5 cm

Short term goal: 21cm by 14cm

Long term goal: 23cm by 16 cm

2pac is a rapper that I shot…

Do you remember the Dr. Suess Book “The Lorax?” Well, at one point in the book, the Once-ler told the Lorax…

“And, for your information, you Lorax, I’m figgering
on biggering
turning MORE Truffula Trees into Thneeds
which everyone, EVERYONE, EVERYONE needs!”

I just thought it was a terrific quote for a site like this, but then again, the Once-ler ended up sad, lonely and regretting his actions. So we’ll see…

I'm figgering on biggering and biggering, and biggering, and BIGGERING!

Bluray movies. I worry people may think my name is ray and that I am blue.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Originally Posted by once-ler
Do you remember the Dr. Suess Book “The Lorax?” Well, at one point in the book, the Once-ler told the Lorax…

“And, for your information, you Lorax, I’m figgering
on biggering
turning MORE Truffula Trees into Thneeds
which everyone, EVERYONE, EVERYONE needs!”

I just thought it was a terrific quote for a site like this, but then again, the Once-ler ended up sad, lonely and regretting his actions. So we’ll see…

Dr. S for the win.

Originally Posted by ishot2pac
2pac is a rapper that I shot…

A lot of people have been looking for you.

Originally Posted by gigolo744
A lot of people have been looking for you.

Lmfao, ^^^^^

Mine is

Mech = mechwarrior

X = xmen

2099 = certain comic series focusing on future of marvel, example: Hulk 2099 and Spiderman 2099

Yes I know I’m a dork :(

Hwarang were a group of males in Korea who met for training, ranging from arts and philosophy, to most notably combat. Translated it literally means “flowering manhood.” Therefore I think the definition fits for me trying to enhance my penis. Additionally I have practiced tae kwon do for many years, and the Hwarang’s unarmed combat style is thought to be a precursor of my martial art. So the name has dual importance to me.

Lariat is a stiff piece of rope (usually used for a lasso) on other sites I go by lariat9x6

Originally Posted by hwarang

Hwarang were a group of males in Korea who met for training, ranging from arts and philosophy, to most notably combat. Translated it literally means “flowering manhood.” Therefore I think the definition fits for me trying to enhance my penis. Additionally I have practiced tae kwon do for many years, and the Hwarang’s unarmed combat style is thought to be a precursor of my martial art. So the name has dual importance to me.

And Hwoarang is a character in Tekken series, also from Korea. :) He practices taekwondo.

Millia.. Oh lord, the different things this could mean. It’s no nickname, but it is a part of my whole name.

And I also hope to get millions of dollars one day.. Buku bucks.

Originally Posted by UpTo7
And Hwoarang is a character in Tekken series, also from Korea. :) He practices taekwondo.

Right on man. Didn’t know how many people here would know that reference but it’s where I first heard the term and then read up on the subject of the hwarang.


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