Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

When is it too big for sex and BJ

Good post, kooljohn. I agree that 6” girth makes for difficult oral and anal with most women. But it’s a great asset for vaginal sex with the vast majority of women, in my opinion. So, one’s PE goals should be dictated by what sorts of sex you care most about.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
Yeah, if you can be satisfied with glans-jobs, I agree. The glans is always relatively soft compared to the CCs and can be compressed as needed.

But if your idea of a good blowjob involves the girl taking more than a couple of inches of your cock in her mouth — and I would think that many guys with average or smaller girths are used to that — then you should be wary of getting to anywhere near 6” of girth. I enjoy blowjobs, mainly because I love watching a beautiful girl sucking my dick, but the actual physical sensations with a large girth have always been fairly subtle. Lots of handwork is definitely needed to make it orgasm-worthy. :)

Ya you’re right. Glans job is perfectly ok with me… I still love it. Sure deep throat would be nice, but glans job is still amazing for me.

I had an experience today where this girls mouth could barely fit around my member, and had some serious teeth scraping. Bummer. She also wanted me to end quick since I was so ” large “. I know I’m not small, but my numbers are 7.5 x 5.3. Big yeah, but not huge. I’m going for 8x6, that’s huge! She was tiny, so go figure. It almost makes me wonder if I should go for 6” girth, considering I’m downsizing the pool of women who will be able to sufficiently handle ( or Mouthle? Hee hee ) that size. I’m still going for it!

If a lady can deal with 8x6, she must have some skills, and I like skills from a lady.

Start 11/08 BPEL 7" EG 5" 2009 BPEL 7.250" EG 5.375"

5/12/10 BPEL 7.75" EG 5.75"

Goal BPEL 8.5" EG 6-6.5"

Like I said before, I haven’t experienced anything close to that, and I’ve had blowjobs with up to 6.5 inches in girth. Weird.

Damn I guess Im lucky. Im at 6 girth, and my woman can deep throat me, take it in the ass, and the pussy with no problems. Ive had a few bad bj’s, but for the most part, 6 inches in girth has been no problem for most of the women that I have been with.

Cheers man for such a sensible thread. As I have stated earlier in other threads, my flaccid size is so small that am ashamed of but when it comes to erect size , am 7.25*5.25.

I met this lady who have been married for four year but later divorced. When I asked her the reason for divorce she told me that her ex was so huge that no single time she ever enjoyed sex and she would ever go and lock herself in the other bedroom to avoid this painful sex.

The day I had sex with her ooh she could not believe it. She tells me it is the sweetest feeling she have ever had in live.She even bought me a sports car to compliment me for a job well done. This makes me believe that too big manhood makes ladies uncomfortable during sex.

Also many guys are egocentric and love having sex when a lady is in pain or even crying

Other guys even goes to a point of beating up their mates to enjoy sex.

Right now I only do those exercises that makes my unit healthy but not size anymore.

Originally Posted by dlm4
Damn I guess I’m lucky. I’m at 6 girth, and my woman can deep throat me, take it in the ass, and the pussy with no problems. I’ve had a few bad bj’s, but for the most part, 6 inches in girth has been no problem for most of the women that I have been with.

Yeah your very lucky! My wife doesn’t give up ass anymore and I’m only 5.5” girth. Damn it sucks!

I’ve seen female performers take Mandingo down.that’s a HUGE achievement

In another thread Priapologist mentioned that his wife started to lose interest in giving him head when his midshaft girth reached around 5.6”. He said that she can only get the head in her mouth and a little of the sulcus and that he is around 5.25” at the glans. I am currently just about the same as he is and I am getting scraped with my wife’s teeth more often these days. My wife would never do anal, and I have been married a long time. I have only tried anal with a woman once and she was the one to suggest it and had done it with another guy. After about a half hour and a lot of lube we gave up. She just couldn’t relax enough and admitted the other guy she had done it with was skinnier.

I wouldn’t assume, guys, that any woman is going to welcome you in her mouth or ass if you are 6” around or more. Some will, of course, but others won’t be able to even if they want it.

I’ve experienced teeth from bj’s, but I’ve never had problems from a girl due to my size orally or vaginally. Meaning that I’ve never heard a women putting me off due to my girth.

2005: 5.5 EL & 5.6 EG, FL: 4in > Now: 7.5 NBP & 6.1 MEG, 5.8 BG (Goal: MORE !)

Stumpy1's Progress Thread

Everytime I Visit Thunders, I Do 50 Kegels or More

Like my signature says, I’d never over 7x5.5, I think that’s a reasonable balance between big and enjoyable penis. I’m also quite sure that over 95% of women would consider it big, but that doesn’t really matter now because I’m in a steady relationship.

Well, when it comes to length over 7,5-8”, I agree. I just touch the cervix of her and at some part of the month, it is even a bit hurtful for her and I am “only” 6.9 BPEL. So, my goal of 7,5” is probably perfect for me.

But when it comes to girth…hm…I am pretty sure that my wife can take 7” girth vaginal and probably even more. I easily fit 3 fingers in there and also 4 when she is excited. Sometimes when I bang her from behind, my penis just feel way to thin (being 5.1”). This was not always the case but after giving birth to two kids, her vagina changed quite a lot. BJ:s are no problems so far and will probably not be with my short term goal of 5,5” but likely not at 6” either (long term goal is 6,5” girth). I have not had sex with other women for more than 15 years so I hardly remember how they were.

Historical graph since start including all Measures and Goals -

Start 2008-09-01: 5,9" X 4,5", 2012-03-31: 7,3" X 5.4" - Goal 7,5" X 5,5"

Yes my wife’s nookie became quite a bit more capacious after kids and she could probably handle 6” around in her cunny, or even more. But there is no way she could get it in her mouth.

Depending on the size of her jaw, and how wide she can open it, there is an absolute limit to what will fit between her teeth without getting the crap scraped out of it. The outer diameter of the cardboard tube from a roll of TP in the US has a girth of 5.5”. Try sticking that past your teeth and see how long you want to keep it there.

I think women deserve a massive round of applause from all of us guys for their oral prowess and determination.

yes and so do we for all our efforts in trying to make our penises bigger. I don’t think women would do this for men, but it’s just a guess :)

Well, I’ve known a number of women who did Kegels religiously so as to make themselves better in bed for men.

And tons of women have subjected themselves to surgery to make their breasts bigger, although that may be more for themselves than for men. But the same can be said about men and PE.


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