Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Why Near Infrared is better than FIR and US

Originally Posted by newyorktexan
The strength of the lights is:

141 mW / cm, 1 inch away from the skin
200 mW / cm when in contact with the skin
Again, flaunting my cursory math skills as well, would the 200 mW/cm closely approximate the 2115 mW/m on your readings? One inch away then dissipates. I got the NIR wave length range I quoted from various web sites where I just plugged-in near infra red and far infra red wave lengths and got that upper end of 1400 for NIR. I did see some references to a mid-range. As for longevity, I have not tracked, and I also used extensively for knee pains from running last year. I have not dedicated efforts to gain with it so I can’t tell you results in that regard, I just know it provides a distinctly different feeling of heat for me to use around a tube. My focus is more on general maintenance and function at the moment.

2115 w/m2 = 211.5 mW/cm2, so yes, your pad should be similar in emitting power.
Consider also that when you use a pad to irradiate a penis, wrapped around it, radiation gets focused so it doesn’t dissipates as much as it does when the pad is on a flat surface.

NIR is way less effective when you move towards the upper end of the near infrared range, mostly because as I said above 1000nm water absorption increases a lot, thus reducing radiation depth into the tissues.

Originally Posted by Solvay1927
I wore the penimaster (with the vacuum head I purchased years ago) and immediately wrapped it with the NIR pad, which has just the right size to close around it.
I started with 15 minutes irradiation, after which I remove the pad and kept the pm for ~3 or 4 hours, usually with a short time off in the middle. Not very consistent in hours or days, though; I basically wore it when I could. Sometimes for 6 days in a row for 5 or even 6 hours, sometimes not for an entire week.

In the last few days I started pumping, and I must say I find it way better than extending for many reasons. It requires less time, it’s easier to wear (no need to worry about micro holes in the silicone sleeves, giving away the vacuum suction), and even more, the entire penis gets better irradiated - there are no rods and silicone sleeves to shield the skin, even if silicone absorption is very low in the infrared range.
Now I’m tying increasing irradiation to 30 minutes.

Thanks for your answer, for the NIR Pad that you built by yourself, are you willing to share your prototype specification ?

Also I have another question, your process works by stimulating Cell Growth, but at Adult Age doesn’t promoting Cell Growth leads to premature Apopstosy of the cells you sollicitate ?

Another question is how to measure the safe irradiation levels as to not trigger uncontrolled cell division ? Can it leads to tumor creation and prematured cancers ? Do we have quantitative data about the tolerance to Irradiation of the tissue composing the penis in the scientific litterature that you must know better than us ?

Originally Posted by Azythromicine
Thanks for your answer, for the NIR Pad that you built by yourself, are you willing to share your prototype specification ?

Also I have another question, your process works by stimulating Cell Growth, but at Adult Age doesn’t promoting Cell Growth leads to premature Apopstosy of the cells you sollicitate ?

Another question is how to measure the safe irradiation levels as to not trigger uncontrolled cell division ? Can it leads to tumor creation and prematured cancers ? Do we have quantitative data about the tolerance to Irradiation of the tissue composing the penis in the scientific litterature that you must know better than us ?

Many good questions.
First of all, I didn’t build the pad myself, I had it made in China, by the suppliers of the company I work for.
I think I already explained the specifics, in terms of emitting power (>200mW/cm2) and wavelengths. Apart from that, find a suitable size depending on the use you expect for it (just enough to wrap around the extender or the pump cylinder).

About the other questions: IR radiation carries far less energy than uv, x rays and gamma rays. This makes them a lot less a dangerous, otherwise just standing in front of a fireplace (which release MUCH more IR energy than a pad) would be extremely dangerous, not to mention suntanning (even without considering the negative effects of UV radiation on skin). You should consider that an IR pad has a very low emission intensity, to the point that radiation can hardly get to 2cm depth.

That said, it’s true there’s always risk with irradiation, but unless you plan to use the IR pad for hours and hours everyday, the risks should be minimal.
Moreover, IR gets absorbed by specific structures, like fibroblasts and photosensitive proteins, while shorter wavelengths act on a smaller scale and have the potential to cause damage to genome (which would result in tumors): there’s no “uncontrolled cell division”.

If we want to talk about risks, we should get into details about the effects of TGF-β; the real risk in fact lies in the consequences of an excess of TGF-β in tissues.
In extreme cases, it could cause immune suppression, fibrosis, carcinogenesis or chronic inflammation. Once again, though, these risks grow when you consider a full body prolonged irradiation: if you irradiate only the penis and only for a limited time, it’s by far less dangerous than any other ‘exercise’ we tried in PE.

A more precise answer should also consider the specific tissues we’re talking about: the penis

Sorry the last part got cut.

It would be more dangerous to irradiate specific organs, such as liver, prostate and testicles, where metabolic reactions play a much more complex role. The fact IR is studied as a cure for the prostate should tell a lot about the balance of advantages and risks it poses.

Hi Solvay1927,

Interesting topic and I would like to test/reproduce these in the next six months. Of course I will keep you/you updated on the progress.

You don’t want to mention a brand/product. Could you please then list the specifications so we can look for ourselves?

I think many readers will benefit from that.

I’ve already listed the features you should be looking for;

As I said: most renown products cost way too much for what they actually deliver.
In general, stay away from:
- heating pads, even if they mention IR.
- pads mentioning IR emitting polymers.
- devices not being specific about the emission wavelength.
- devices emitting in wavelengths which do not include 850nm, or emitting only a minimal part in that wavelength.
- pads with low emitting power (below 100mW/cm2).
- pads with sizes or shapes that would make it difficult to wrap it around the penis (not too tight, not too loose, not too small, not too big).

Since renown brands either resell Chinese pads at 3 times the cost, or even worse pads which are much less effective than they declare (often heating pads with just a IR emitting coating), I suggest everybody interested in trying this to look for a NIR pad (emitting in 660nm and 850nm) from China.
If you’re lucky and you choose well you may get a good pad for less than 100$.

Originally Posted by Kyrpa
Not at this point. At the moment the mysterious guessing game about the for some reason absent application leaves too much room for speculation only.

Reading this again I now believe you meant ‘missing IR application’.
With that I agree - as I said, I’m kinda surprised NIR isn’t already more widespread. Actually there’s many applications: from dubious devices for skin care to IR saunas, from IR wands for muscle relief to IR face masks. Unfortunately, in most cases they’re just commercial products with poor performances and big marketing claims, so I perfectly understand why you doubt my claims too.

I came to believe many of these applications were born years ago, before proper research supported the concept with sound data. The word ‘Infrared’ has always been a commercially effective brand, probably due to the positive effects users could measure, so scammers assembled mediocre products just to sell it with hyperbolic claims. It really is offensive to see some of these useless products being sold for A LOT, sometimes many hundreds dollars.
So on one hand, I see a market filled with low level, even ineffective products. On the other I live in a scientific community that keeps producing important proofs of NIR advantages.

You’re right in doubting my words too. I’m not asking for blind trust.
I was hoping to find more people with some experience in NIR, similar to mine, to compare and understand how commonly effective this therapy is for different users.
As I mentioned, this NIR application is a personal work I’ve been carrying on outside of the scope of my job: my colleagues and the company don’t know anything about it. I do not have data from diffused testing, so that’s what I was hoping to get.

Originally Posted by Solvay1927
Since renown brands either resell Chinese pads at 3 times the cost, or even worse pads which are much less effective than they declare (often heating pads with just a IR emitting coating), I suggest everybody interested in trying this to look for a NIR pad (emitting in 660nm and 850nm) from China.
If you’re lucky and you choose well you may get a good pad for less than 100$.

Thank you for your response.

I have found and ordered a pad. If all goes well it will arrive during next week. Then I will start with 3-4 hours (consecutive) of stretching a day with the pad. In a topic of my own I will keep track of the progress so I don’t pollute this topic with that.

Anyone else who also wants to reproduce/retest the experience and gains of Solvay1927?

Originally Posted by delaspo
I have found and ordered a pad. If all goes well it will arrive during next week. Then I will start with 3-4 hours (consecutive) of stretching a day with the pad. In a topic of my own I will keep track of the progress so I don’t pollute this topic with that.

Depending on the emitting power, I’d stay around 30 minutes of irradiation. Of course you can keep extending without the pad, the heat it generated is going to make that easier.

Solvay - just wanted to say that I’ve been following the thread. Frankly I hope that you are right. Guys need a solid consistent method for gaining.

BPEL: 5.5" --> 7.9" ; BPFSL: ~5.6" --> 8.5"

Progress log summary: Hanging with FIRe

"Going hard, fast and heavy is all against the scientific knowledge of tissue expansion or elongation." - Kyrpa

In the meantime I had to stop (momentarily, I hope) my new routine based on pumping.
Main reason, I’ve probably gone too far too quick, cause I got a red blister on the glans, for a burst capillar.
But there’s another reason which is making me reconsider my recent choice in favor of pumping instead of extending: it seems to me that ever since I started pumping I got a significant gain on my foreskin only. I’m uncut but I used to have very short foreskin: yet, in the last week or so when I’m not doing PE my glans has been covered most of the time, like it never happened.

On a different note, just a few days ago out of curiosity I made a very simple, trivial experiment. Actually I don’t know why I didn’t try it before.
After reading a couple scientific papers about NIR penetration depth in human tissues, particularly about an experiment with parts recovered from a human corpse (something we fortunately don’t do at work), I just switched on the NIR pad (which emits roughly one third of its power in the 660nm visible wavelength) and I tried to see how much of this red light was actually visible ‘through’ the penis.
Of course if I just lay the penis on the pad there’s no red light ‘passing through’ its entire thickness: but, being soft as it is, it’s easy to pull, stretch and thin the skin to see at what thickness the red light stops being visible.

It’s very easy to see that a remarkable amount of red light (at 660nm) passes through two layers of penis skin when they’re stretched at a thickness of 6/7mm.
That’s even more interesting if you consider that the external layer of dermis is the one absorbing most of the radiation - it contains melanin, which at that wavelength is by far the strongest factor in radiation absorbance (as you can see in the picture I posted at the beginning of this thread). Basically that’s what melanin is for.

This means that, without the need to pass twice the external layer of dermis, the same 660nm radiation in a penis gets to a depth among 10 and 15mm, which is actually more than I was expecting.
Especially considering we’re talking about 660nm, which 1) has a much lower penetration capacity than the 850nm wavelength, and 2) covers only one third of the pad’s emitting power.
I could try to take some photos to post here, but it’s such a simple test that everyone can try so easily.

So after reading through this thread, a few related historical threads, and "Hanging with FIRe" by 5.5Squared (good to see you commented here also) I decided to purchase this (https://www.ama … /dp/B0BTRXLHBL/ ) fairly cheap 660nm and 850nm chip array which seems to fit the recommended description.

My goal is to see easy length gains with minimal time commitment. This will be done with a daily hanging schedule of 20 minutes of wrapped NIR, then 10 minutes hanging with NIR, then 20+ minutes of hanging with no NIR pad to allow the tissue to cool in the stretched position permanently. If the NIR pad works as intended, this should allow for rapid length gains with minimal time hanging and light weights to avoid excess tissue strengthening.

Originally Posted by magicman57
So after reading through this thread, a few related historical threads, and "Hanging with FIRe" by 5.5Squared (good to see you commented here also) I decided to purchase this (https://www.ama … /dp/B0BTRXLHBL/ ) fairly cheap 660nm and 850nm chip array which seems to fit the recommended description.

My goal is to see easy length gains with minimal time commitment. This will be done with a daily hanging schedule of 20 minutes of wrapped NIR, then 10 minutes hanging with NIR, then 20+ minutes of hanging with no NIR pad to allow the tissue to cool in the stretched position permanently. If the NIR pad works as intended, this should allow for rapid length gains with minimal time hanging and light weights to avoid excess tissue strengthening.

I’m interested in trying this as well. Do you have any data on the light intensity output of this?

Price seems very reasonable and even on 20% off at the moment.

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in

I have a MitoPRO 1500 Panel ($1200) which has both Redlight and NIR. I think it’s a pretty solid device.

It achieves an irradiance of 170 mW/cm^2 at 6" (I haven’t used a light or radiometer to measure it but when the time comes to use this, I will get one to measure it)

So to calculate at what length the device will give out ~200 mW/cm^2. We can use the inverse square law:
D2 = D1 * sqrt(I1 / I2)

With ->
D1 = 6 inches (the original distance)
I1 = 170 mW/cm^2 (the original irradiance)
I2 = 200 mW/cm^2 (the irradiance level I want to achieve)

Plugging these values into the formula:

D2 = 6 * sqrt(170 / 200)

Solving for D2, we get approximately 5.45 inches.

I can test this out. But I’m currently near the end of a 6 month decon and want to start another cycle with the Soundcare Plus (Ultrasound routine).

I will try this out and take safety measures given OP has mentioned the risk profile of exposing NIR to the testicles for a prolonged period of time.

Either way, even if I were to achieve better results, I think it would be worth doing a bivariate analysis but we would need a lot more data to do that with randomized
Values for the independent variables, have proper control schemes whilst making sure there aren’t any confounding variables. Things would be quite complicated to coordinate, especially on a forum. But let’s see where this "investigation" takes us. I’m very curious.

Okay so what I’m going to do is buy some material to reflect/block the NIR light from reaching the testicles. Some things I’ve come across are NIR cutoff filters from Schott glass, generic IR Blocking films. Some sources say shiny metals like aluminum can be effective at reflecting NIR light too (more optimized with applying a layer of gold lol).

And then I’m going to use a distance sensor to make sure I’m consistently hitting the 5.45" depth for my device so that I’m getting 200 mW/cm^2 and only that. The idea with the distance sensor is so that I don’t over/underheat the penis.

I will set up an arduino system with the sensor with audio feedback to guide me to the correct distance.

For those who are interested, this is the sensor I will be using: https://www.ama … /dp/B07WSB8Y1M/

I already have this sensor because I was working on a project to make a highly accurate ruler to measure changes in Preworkout BPSFL vs Postworkout BPSFL. The idea is to incorporate this sensor alongside an MCU w/ bluetooth capabilities and send the measurements to a mobile app for easy recording. It will also allow you to track very minute/granular changes. Not that it reaps any benefit, I just thought this would be convenient for myself.


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