Just Started Extending
So I just bought a cheap extender off eBay ($17.74 free shipping) I believe it’s a Leskar? Anyway I’m just wondering how much tug does everybody else feel because I always figured it would feel more intense? I also only really have time to use it about an hour a day so that’s not very much either.
What kind of routines are done with extenders? Since it’s just stretching can I use it more than 2 on 1 off? 5 days a week?
Where exactly do I want the strap or noose to be on me? I always thought it would be bad to have it right over your foreskin because you don’t want to cause too much pressure in the head?
Erection level?
I tried to do some searching on it but there’s not an Extending 101 like there is Pumping or Hanging 101. Did some reading but still had questions.
Gaining in progress...