Slowly REDUCING Tension With Extender
Hey guys.
I was thinking about my routine and the design of my extender and I realized something. I start out with my extender set to 5 pounds of tension, but because of the design and laziness, I don’t usually increase the tension until I really notice a decrease in resistance due to an increase in size.
In other words, its is typically three months before I “recalibrate” and cut a new space sleeve to bring the extender back up to 5 pounds. So for those three months the tension slowly drops as the penis lengthens.
Through this 3 month cycle it drops to about 2 pounds as best as I can tell.
I find this interesting, considering I wear it for only couple hours a day to start with, which many would say is “not enough”, yet I am still gaining.
Something for the thinkers here to think about. ;)
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