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Hanging Position


Hanging Position

This is for all the hangers…

I tend to hang in the wrestler postion (on knees both hands). Is this an effective position compare to hanging standing up, btc, or btb. Which in your opinion do you think is the best?

Lil12big1 first posted about that position. I’ve never tried it.

Personally, I like positions where I can multitask, which usually means being seated in front of the computer. When seated, anywhere from 45 degrees or so below straight out on down to BTC worked for me. You’ll feel the pull on different parts as the angle changes. As you shift more toward BTC more tension is placed on the ligs in front, as evidenced by the pull felt in the lower abdominal fascia. I used to feel the pull from BTC halfway up to my bellybutton.

BTC is the best.

Why is it the best?

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- Leighann Lord

I would start with only working the bottom angles first and try to max out gains there. Bottom angles I mean SD and BTC as the primary hanging. You can use SO hanging as a secondary hang. You want to only work on one angle at a time.

Lower angles- SD & BTC primary / SO secondary
Upper angles- OTS & OTL primary / SO secondary

Remember that in hanging your stretching the ligs and to get the most stretch is using lower angles. If you are hanging SO then your not attacking the ligs very much and the shaft takes most of the load. Remember the goal here is to pull the inter penis out and to do this you have to stretch the ligs. That’s why the best angle is SD and BTC for lig work.

Well BTC is the best for me. It gives me the most lig soreness. The major ligs are at the top of the dick. I think. But I tell you what it is a weird position to be in.

Anybody got a glossary for what SNM just said, he kinda lost me.



straight down straight out over the shoulder over the leg

If I have a very low LOT would BTC be fairly useless for me?

Originally Posted by RockXP
Anybody got a glossary for what SNM just said, he kinda lost me.




Penis Enlargement Glossary

Gut Scramblin' goodness.

OK..I found out what SD, SO, OTS and OTL stand for.

Now how is SD and SO different?

Can someone explain OTS (Over The Shoulder) & OTL (Over the Leg). How is the hanging done?


Last edited by RockXP : 12-06-2005 at .

Originally Posted by RockXP
OK..I found out what SD, SO, OTS and OTL stand for.

Now how is SD and SO different?

Can someone explain OTS (Over The Shoulder) & OTL (Over the Leg). How is the hanging done?


Straight out is straight out, parallel to the floor…..straight down is straight down…between your legs (while standing)

OTS and OTL is done by hanging the weight over your leg/shoulder…just use a longer cord to attach the weight to your hanger.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

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Originally Posted by RockXP
Anybody got a glossary for what SNM just said, he kinda lost me.



Sorry about that but it’s all in code for hangers only. LOL

Originally Posted by RockXP
Now how is SD and SO different?

Ok maybe I didn’t explain this good enough.

Hanging SD or BTC attacks the ligs the most.
Hanging SO attacks the shaft the most.
If you want to get maximum gains from hanging, I would attack the ligs first.

Originally Posted by catman
If I have a very low LOT would BTC be fairly useless for me?

I guess that depends on if you believe in the LOT theory. Remember, it’s just a theory. There’s a lot of threads on this subject. The short version is that most gains come from SD & BTC hanging. When all gains have been made at this angle and your LOT has fallen low, you can change to the upper hanging angles to raise your LOT back up. Then after your LOT is up, you change back to the lower angles to get gains again.

I’m not so sure you can’t see gains from starting with the lower angles myself. Everyone is different and the LOT is a theory. Do some research here and you will find a lot of good information. Bib wrote some really good things back then about ideas he had on getting the inter penis pulled out. This is where your gains come from.

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