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Hanging with FIRe

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Originally Posted by Pipomytho
Actually he stated that he never targeted any Lig stretches nor any angle on purpose. That he used to hang straight down because it was convenient to him with his standing desk.
If you skim the forum you’ll find lot of peoples replicating his routine and many are experiencing with different angles.
Choose one that suits you and adapt the weights accordingly..

Right, yes I have read through it a couple times still wondering if it stretched the lig even though that was not his goal and if it changed erection angle. I remember him saying that methodology of BTC to target the lig was an outdated method from the dark ages. Just wondering if hanging straight down still had some effect on the lig

Mod edit:

Split discussion of light vs. heavy hanging weight into separate thread:
Hanging with heavy or light weight?

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.


I have a question about how you calculate the “Cycle Growth”.
I have tried to follow the examples, but it is still not quite clear to me.

5x5 wrote the following:

“Cycle 3 results
Pre BPFSL increased from 19.1cm to 20.2cm.
Cumulative strain: 7.33%”

I would calculate (20.2-19.1)/19.1x100 = 5.76%

Originally Posted by GreatCruiousity

I have a question about how you calculate the “Cycle Growth”.
I have tried to follow the examples, but it is still not quite clear to me.

5x5 wrote the following:

“Cycle 3 results
Pre BPFSL increased from 19.1cm to 20.2cm.
Cumulative strain: 7.33%”

I would calculate (20.2-19.1)/19.1x100 = 5.76%

Because cumulative strain for the cycle uses the Post BPFSL of the latest session so it would be, working backwards if my math is correct:
(20.5 - 19.1) / 19.1 x 100 = 7.33%
(Post of last session - pre of first session) / pre of first session x 100
The way it reads is a little confusing so I see why you might have thought that

I’m having a hard time understand. Cycle = 32 Weeks?

Start: APRIL 2022: 5.5 BPEL X 4.5 Girth

NOV 2022: 6.65 BPEL X 4.75 Girth

GOAL: 8.5 BPEL X 5.5 Girth

Originally Posted by Ross347
I’m having a hard time understand. Cycle = 32 Weeks?

A cycle is a period of time you are actively carrying out your pe activity in between decons. Usually about 6 weeks or so but is different from person to person


Does anyone know the wavelength those FIR heaters are using?

The “red light therapy” stuff uses 660 and 850 nanometers, which are “near” infrared. There doesn’t seem to be a general agreement on what “far” infrared is, best as I can tell.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
Does anyone know the wavelength those FIR heaters are using?

The "red light therapy" stuff uses 660 and 850 nanometers, which are "near" infrared. There doesn’t seem to be a general agreement on what "far" infrared is, best as I can tell.

I think table 1 answers your question. Someone contacted Totalman about their pad. I never asked Thermedic for details.

Far infrared radiation (FIR): its biological effects and medical applications - PMC

BPEL: 5.5" --> 7.9" ; BPFSL: ~5.6" --> 8.5"

Progress log summary: Hanging with FIRe

"Going hard, fast and heavy is all against the scientific knowledge of tissue expansion or elongation." - Kyrpa

Does anyone have any advice on the length of decon given my PE experience until this point? I started PE early January compression hanging initially with fairly low weights but worked my way up to 11lbs sometimes 4-5 sets a day 5 days on 2 off. Maybe not so surprisingly I gained nothing noticeable and my anecdotal experience was that most of the positive PIs occurred early at lower weight ranges and stopped the higher I went. I’ve decided to decon and give this slow and low approach a try. I had no prior PE experience and hung for around 3 months. Any feedback would be appreciated, I’m sure there has been some degree of toughening.

Originally Posted by riversigns
Does anyone have any advice on the length of decon given my PE experience until this point? I started PE early January compression hanging initially with fairly low weights but worked my way up to 11lbs sometimes 4-5 sets a day 5 days on 2 off. Maybe not so surprisingly I gained nothing noticeable and my anecdotal experience was that most of the positive PIs occurred early at lower weight ranges and stopped the higher I went. I’ve decided to decon and give this slow and low approach a try. I had no prior PE experience and hung for around 3 months. Any feedback would be appreciated, I’m sure there has been some degree of toughening.

At least 3 months

What are you basing this estimation on ?

Your unit won’t start healing before 3 weeks mark.
If i understood correctly you did 3 full months of hanging going heavy pretty quick.
Which mean that you made your unit stronger.

I said 3 months but if it was me and i wanted to be succesfull at it i would be eyeing at 6 to 12 months (pretty hard i know, but that’s the timeframe for this kind of tissue to fully heal).
For instance the less is more approach following 5.5squared’s and other’s advises is working for me that way.

I started my journey by manual stretching and jelqing early january.
However being unable to quantify the strength applied i immediately decon in order to not hinder any future gains.
The first thing i was afraid of was falling in strengthened unit camp with no gain and having to wait for a long decon afterwards.
Again it wasn’t the same intensity as hanging 11lbs with or without heat.

3 months would be the minimum IMHO, and you would need to start slow with therapeutic heat. If you want to be sure then wait longer…

Guys I couldn’t buy the smaller weight plates here in my country. I’ll have to improvise something.

What are you guys using? I’m thinking of using a large bottle of water and adding water according to weight.

Initial: APR/19 BPEL16(6,3)x13,5(5,3)

Current: NOV/21 BPEL18,3(7,2)x13,5(5,3)

Thread Closed

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