Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hanging 101

Originally Posted by LGHanger
I greatly appreciate the correction on your part, when posting a photo of our device and implying that your issues with glans sensitivity was due to the chamber you were using in the photo. I still believe you could overcome your problem with the right fitting chamber that is designed to avoid the problems that all the Chinese systems inherently have. Best of luck to you on your PE journey.

Disinformation? What are you talking about? Nowhere did i say or imply that i used your device, i made it clear many times i use cheap chinese hanger, and when i linked to your blog i made it clear i was making a comparison of the shape of your cup to my chinese cup. To quote myself:

” As for comparison with LG i can’t speak, but it seems to follow the shape of the glans even less than chinese cup.

3/18 NBPEL 6 EG 4.25

Current NBPEL 6 EG 5.1

Glans shape

Originally Posted by Nixxx
Disinformation? What are you talking about? Nowhere did i say or imply that i used your device, i made it clear many times i use cheap chinese hanger, and when i linked to your blog i made it clear i was making a comparison of the shape of your cup to my chinese cup. To quote myself:

" As for comparison with LG i can’t speak, but it seems to follow the shape of the glans even less than chinese cup. … er%2Bvacuum.JPG "

Glans shape is a variable that is really inconsequential. The tissue is soft and while flaccid will conform to the full radius at the bottom of the chamber. All of the Chinese cups / chambers I’ve looked at are somewhat "bullet" shaped. Using any type of glans protection wrap or toe cap will automatically produce a round / cylindrical type shape to the end of your penis. The main objective is to get the pull from behind the glans and not from the glans itself. Vacuum is what holds the weight onto your penis, not the shape of the chamber. Think about the DIY device you created and how it will distort the shape of your penis while using it. Do you believe the shape of your glans has any impact of the traction generated from the clamp? I intentionally avoided the Chinese bullet shape cup, because I want the end of the penile shaft and glans to fully expand while under traction.

I understand your comparison in text, but when you use a photo of our chamber without a side by side view of the Chinese device it seemed to be somewhat misleading. People in general relate to visual images shown before reading a sentence.

Originally Posted by Nixxx
Don’t you understand it’s not the cup, fluid builds up in the top of my glans, it gets hard like stone, and after a while the tip starts to hurt,even at lower vacuum and lower weights.

God forbid touch it in such state. I also tried various wraps, glans leaning against the cup or not, same pain in tip happens. This is not an issue of the cup, my glans is too sensitive.

If you knew how much pain i been through with extender only, and now with hanging last 4 months… i would’t wish that to anyone. It is only a good quality hand grip that allows me to get to higher force.

I’ m sorry for your unability to think in terms of concepts. I have explained thoroughly how your problem appears and at least twice in detail decribed how it is directly caused by your chinese cup. I wish you luck, but I can’t see how you will be succesful not grasping what I’m saying. Maybe it’s a language barrier? If so I’m sorry.

Originally Posted by Nixxx

Cheap sarcasm makes you even dumber. BTW i measured 0.5cm erect gain yesterday. Keep hating, I’m laughing at you anyway.

And you said above: “

In 20 days will be 9 months of PE, absolute 0 length gains, not a single millimeter. I think my unit is pure steel, it refuses to grow no matter what. Will slowly up the weight, it should happen around 6-7kg, or not. I regret taking advice from here and taking that 1.5 month break, i should’ve continued upped the weight then, i am not one of those who gain at lower weight + long time. I hang whole day, 0. What a waste of time. I know some wasted years, eh it is what it is. Will keep trying. “

Look at this guy, they said on reddit he only did manual stuff

Last edited by train spot : 12-12-2018 at .

Originally Posted by HenrikL
I’ m sorry for your unability to think in terms of concepts. I have explained thoroughly how your problem appears and at least twice in detail decribed how it is directly caused by your chinese cup. I wish you luck, but I can’t see how you will be succesful not grasping what I’m saying. Maybe it’s a language barrier? If so I’m sorry.

All you have explained is your own inability to think in terms of concepts. Let’s look at your “explanation”.

“All I can say to explain it as well as possible is when you pack the chamber of the lg hanger no vacuum pressure is exerted on the glans because there are no air pockets the glans creates a friction a perfect grip towards the dome shaped inside of the chamber which translates directly to gripping the penis inside structures.
When you use your chinese cup the glans will pull away from the inside wall and the bigger the gap the bigger the vacuum which creates pain.”

Your “explanation” is completely off. No “air pockets” are created, glans nicely follows the cup wall. As LG hanger himself says and as i assumed correctly before he said it, IT’S THE DISTRIBUTION OF FORCE OVER WIDER AREA due to shape of the cup, that makes his cup more user friendly.

I don’t think it’s the language barrier, i think you are just confused.

3/18 NBPEL 6 EG 4.25

Current NBPEL 6 EG 5.1

Originally Posted by train spot
And you said above: “
In 20 days will be 9 months of PE, absolute 0 length gains, not a single millimeter. I think my unit is pure steel, it refuses to grow no matter what. Will slowly up the weight, it should happen around 6-7kg, or not. I regret taking advice from here and taking that 1.5 month break, i should’ve continued upped the weight then, i am not one of those who gain at lower weight + long time. I hang whole day, 0. What a waste of time. I know some wasted years, eh it is what it is. Will keep trying. “
Look at this guy, they said on reddit he only did manual stuff

I did measure it but after wasn’t sure if it’s just a post training elongation. You can get to 15 inches for all i care, you will still be vacuum headed.

3/18 NBPEL 6 EG 4.25

Current NBPEL 6 EG 5.1

I am now doing weight assisted SD stretches with ~7kg + a little force of my own, only now i can really FEEL the stretch. Force DOES matter.

3/18 NBPEL 6 EG 4.25

Current NBPEL 6 EG 5.1

zero gains

Originally Posted by train spot
And you said above: “
In 20 days will be 9 months of PE, absolute 0 length gains, not a single millimeter. I think my unit is pure steel, it refuses to grow no matter what. Will slowly up the weight, it should happen around 6-7kg, or not. I regret taking advice from here and taking that 1.5 month break, i should’ve continued upped the weight then, i am not one of those who gain at lower weight + long time. I hang whole day, 0. What a waste of time. I know some wasted years, eh it is what it is. Will keep trying. “
Look at this guy, they said on reddit he only did manual stuff

Not certain what type of hanging device you’re using, or what your PE routine is comprised of, but at 9 months you should see some gains…. at least 1/2” in erect length. As you have correctly pointed out, manual hand stretching is an effective way to make length gains. Unfortunately most men simply do not have the time or energy to pull on their penis for two hours per day. The advantage of using a weight hanging device is two fold, you can hang weight on your penis and let gravity do the work while you do other things with your time. Secondly you can avoid the potential tendonitis in your elbow and carpel tunnel in your wrist from the tedious and repetitive stress on those joints.

I highly recommend anyone who does weight hanging to supplement their training session with hand stretches. Believe it or not…. you can pull your penis with your hand harder than any amount of weight you can hang from it, it’s just that you can’t sustain that pull for a full hour. I have always advised to follow up your hang session with very aggressive hand stretches. The weight hanging will induce the fatigue, and then you take full advantage of that fatigue and go the extra mile with 10 minutes of very aggressive hand stretches. There is a method I employ….

Using your dominate hand, pull from the shaft just behind the glans, while simultaneously using your opposite hand to brace / support the base of your penis. Pull in a variety of directions as hard as you can tolerate, holding the pull for 30 seconds to a full minute. You also want to target the suspensory ligament attachment. This ligament is connected to the pubic bone. Much like a turtle shell the attachment is up under the bone shelf. So take two fingers (middle finger and ring finger), and dig them up under the pubic bone shelf as best as possible and while you pull with your dominate hand as hard as possible you push inward with those two fingers. This will stretch and stress that suspensory ligament attachment point. To help promote a better more comfortable grip I use two Girth Bands (one below the glans and one at the base). Give this a try and see if you don’t begin to feel it!

I’ve talked to a lot of guys who have a fear that they will injure themselves when attempting to go this aggressive. I assure you that your penis is a very durable organ and you won’t hurt yourself. You might experience a “pop” sensation (the feeling is like cracking the knuckles on your hand). Don’t be alarmed, it’s the ligament that is being stretched. All too often guys don’t make the gains they expect because they don’t train with enough intensity or consistency.

Don’t you think pulling in ALL directions would be counterproductive? Given Bib’s shotgun approach idea as a bad idea?

I am now contemplating on switching to SO and Straight Left!??, because not only am I not gaining bpfsl consistently, I seem to be stretching the ligs too much compared to the rest of the shaft, I guess this is at least one of the reasons I am not gaining in bpfsl anymore like I did the first months, because my tunica hasn’t made too much gains. Also, my base is forward like, don’t know how to explain, I can post a picture maybe, it is visibly out of my body especially on the left side where my testicle is naturally “climbing” up the shaft and significantly larger than the other(* so are the ligs *as in left penis side-right penis side comparison). Another thing is I can still see bpel and flaccid gains, without significant bpfsl increase…I want to do SO mostly for apparel, secondly for further gaining, because I am sure if I use 5kg and over SD and BTC I will surely gain again, but that is not my goal as I guess this is the road to real heavy hanging! I want to use less weight as much as I can and I’ve tried SO and Upwards angles actually and felt GREAT for me, my LOT was 6 btw, and I am planning for some bundled hanging as well throughout this process. Since I read that when you switch to other angles you should do a few sets with the previous angles as well, I’m gonna go with 2months of SO starting january, and the first 2 weeks will be with ocasional SD and BTC, the next 2 weeks with ocasional Bundled SD and BTC, and throughout the 2nd month I will go with a few days SO and a few days Bundled SO…I plan to use my homemade Captain’s Wench for all this btw, it really feels perfect for me right now.

And only after all this will I start hard manual stretching again, SO and left mostly..I started PE with manual SO mostly and gained almost 1cm bpel after 2 months and some girth…

Originally Posted by LGHanger
…All too often guys don’t make the gains they expect because they don’t train with enough intensity or consistency.

I agree. Like i said i am using 7kg now + some force of my own during the later part of the stretch. I try to hold for 1 to 1 min 30 sec, but its hard to avoid pain in the glans from compression. I will try with flour tommorow.

3/18 NBPEL 6 EG 4.25

Current NBPEL 6 EG 5.1

Originally Posted by train spot
I am now contemplating on switching to SO and Straight Left!??, because not only am I not gaining bpfsl consistently, I seem to be stretching the ligs too much compared to the rest of the shaft, I guess this is at least one of the reasons I am not gaining in bpfsl anymore like I did the first months, because my tunica hasn’t made too much gains. Also, my base is forward like, don’t know how to explain, I can post a picture maybe, it is visibly out of my body especially on the left side where my testicle is naturally “climbing” up the shaft and significantly larger than the other(* so are the ligs *as in left penis side-right penis side comparison). Another thing is I can still see bpel and flaccid gains, without significant bpfsl increase…I want to do SO mostly for apparel, secondly for further gaining, because I am sure if I use 5kg and over SD and BTC I will surely gain again, but that is not my goal as I guess this is the road to real heavy hanging! I want to use less weight as much as I can and I’ve tried SO and Upwards angles actually and felt GREAT for me, my LOT was 6 btw, and I am planning for some bundled hanging as well throughout this process. Since I read that when you switch to other angles you should do a few sets with the previous angles as well, I’m gonna go with 2months of SO starting january, and the first 2 weeks will be with ocasional SD and BTC, the next 2 weeks with ocasional Bundled SD and BTC, and throughout the 2nd month I will go with a few days SO and a few days Bundled SO…I plan to use my homemade Captain’s Wench for all this btw, it really feels perfect for me right now.
And only after all this will I start hard manual stretching again, SO and left mostly..I started PE with manual SO mostly and gained almost 1cm bpel after 2 months and some girth…

Yeah that is the look we get from PE, the penis and scrotum is up to 2,5 inches outside the body or their natural position. That is maxing out ligament gains. If you want now shaft gains start bundled hanging!

I can see why people say that lig gaining is best done before tunica gaining. I can actually feel the pull better throughout my penis when doing some manual stretches, and I feel I can distribute my blood even better when jelqing throughout the rest of the shaft, way better than before hanging, actually, because of hanging I discovered BTB jelqing which helped me a lot and that type of jelqing helps me feel my inner penis stretching outside it’s limit, blood circulation feels crazy *I can litteraly feel the blood going up my penis and it feels good, like an itchy-pleasurable feeling going up towards the glans*. Jelqing didn’t feel like this before my lig gains, anybody felt this as well?

Flour helps grip.

3/18 NBPEL 6 EG 4.25

Current NBPEL 6 EG 5.1

I would rather use some sort of bandage instead of flour or any other similar powder, I think that could be “dangerous” for the urethra/glans. I usually stretch with my hands only though, gripping the glans and penis skin at the same time, but I can perform better and stronger stretches using my ace bandage covering the upper half and glans of my penis. I can actually stretch it longer than with my hands only, as in bpfsl, but maybe the compression of the bandage could add a few millimeters as well….

There’s that interesting thread going on as well about differences between bpfsl before/meanwhile/after hanging/PE workout, I wonder how all day ADS before/between/after all the measurements could skew them over their limit, or under their limit? How would it be best after all, hanging/stretching the entire day, split sets, rest days, or is it just a personal thing?

Last edited by train spot : 12-13-2018 at .

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