Originally Posted by Nixxx
Flour did help with grip but it still got painful quickly into the stretch, today i cut a piece of old hoodie, thicker, soft material, much much better grip much less pain. From tomorrow i’ll count 30 1min stretches for the morning and evening set, ADS in between. This allows me to pull with 7.6kg + my own force which i estimate at ~9-10kg altogether.
You are probably toughening the ligs and tunica up very well, but after all, you do want to shorten it right? Good for you…!!
An over average pornstar like yourself could be dangerous, you would best be getting back on track with losing length like you said above, bashing females vaginas like that can’t be healthy for them.
Oh, so you’re hanging for 9 months and still can’t see a decrease in length??:O:O:O
Maybe you should try hanging 10-20kg for more time, that should do the trick!!
Anyway, good luck to you pornstar Nixxx! That’s what the triple x in your nickname is for right? Being an over average penis according to internet statistics pornstar and such? Oh, sorry about that over average part, I’m sure after you’ve reached your goal of -1inches bpel you will be the MOST AVERAGE pornstar of them all, thank God for pornstars like you Nixxx, hate to see a female vagina being bashed like that, eeeew!!!!