Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hanging 101

Thank you for this overwhelming amount of information. I am just beginning to consider hanging & have found this very informative as well as intimidating. Lots to consider & I’ll probably read it all again a time or two just to ensure retention. I think I’ll take a look at some hanger device options.

directional traction

Originally Posted by train spot
Don’t you think pulling in ALL directions would be counterproductive? Given Bib’s shotgun approach idea as a bad idea?

Based on my own personal experience I have not found that doing hand stretches in multiple directions to be counterproductive. I estimate that 90% of all my weight hanging has been done in the SD position, that includes Fulcrum and Bundle work.

LG Hanger, that guy from your video who said he grew 1 inch in 6 months and was at 7 pounds at the time. Was that erect gain and do you know how much time he hung daily. If you know off top of your head.

3/18 NBPEL 6 EG 4.25

Current NBPEL 6 EG 5.1

Originally Posted by LGHanger

Based on my own personal experience I have not found that doing hand stretches in multiple directions to be counterproductive. I estimate that 90% of all my weight hanging has been done in the SD position, that includes Fulcrum and Bundle work.

Ok, so there are 2 weeks left of this month, I am going to do manual stretching BTC and to the left-outward, and I am going to make my hanging sets more to the lower BTC left as well so maybe I can level out my ligs(I did do a few sets on the left these past few days and my right penis side after workout looked crazy, like out of my body for real, maybe it was expecting some stress to come so that it can loosen up, don’t know for sure) and maybe do some hanging sets on left side of my leg sitting on a chair. January will be SO mostly for me…

Going to give a report on how manuals feel at this time, thanks LG!

And I am going to start hanging 5kg SD and BTC till the end of the month, I’m sure hanging SO will require less weight and I want to get the most out of these low angles. Actually I am going to hang 5kg starting tomorrow so that I will do a few sets with 5,5kg by the end of the month. I think I used the same weight for too long, that’s why I haven’t gained bpfsl for 2-3 months already, maybe not doing enough traction to deform the tunica…I’ve been hanging 4,5kg for 2weeks already, and I was doing 4kg for 2months almost…Oh, and 3,5kg for 2 months almost as well.

I’ve been doing more and more sets these past 2months and I’m starting to think that ADS/ADH is good for flaccid gains but not as good for bpfsl as heavier hanging could be.

Last edited by train spot : 12-14-2018 at .

I may consider doing less time hanging, 60-90min max per day instead of 2-3hours I hang now, and only use my max weights for the main sets, and rather end my hanging session with max weight rather then decreasing as I did all this time, and schedule 1-2rest days every week which will be good for ADS/manual stretching in other directions maybe/ADH with 0,5kg and some jelqing for 20-30min(haven’t done this in a while and my EQ dropped drastically).

I was actually doing some light clamping using the Ace Bandage 1 month ago or so, and I measured my biggest erection ever, 9”bpel(i was also measuring over 24cm bfsl every day that period of time, don’t know if it has anything to do with girth work), so I really think some “girth work” would help in my routine and for penis health in general, I really don’t think I am toughening my tunica up with jelqing and squeezing for so little time, others do it for 1-2hours+edging…

Flour did help with grip but it still got painful quickly into the stretch, today i cut a piece of old hoodie, thicker, soft material, much much better grip much less pain. From tomorrow i’ll count 30 1min stretches for the morning and evening set, ADS in between. This allows me to pull with 7.6kg + my own force which i estimate at ~9-10kg altogether.

3/18 NBPEL 6 EG 4.25

Current NBPEL 6 EG 5.1

Last edited by Nixxx : 12-14-2018 at .

Originally Posted by Nixxx

Flour did help with grip but it still got painful quickly into the stretch, today i cut a piece of old hoodie, thicker, soft material, much much better grip much less pain. From tomorrow i’ll count 30 1min stretches for the morning and evening set, ADS in between. This allows me to pull with 7.6kg + my own force which i estimate at ~9-10kg altogether.

You are probably toughening the ligs and tunica up very well, but after all, you do want to shorten it right? Good for you…!!

An over average pornstar like yourself could be dangerous, you would best be getting back on track with losing length like you said above, bashing females vaginas like that can’t be healthy for them.

Oh, so you’re hanging for 9 months and still can’t see a decrease in length??:O:O:O

Maybe you should try hanging 10-20kg for more time, that should do the trick!!

Anyway, good luck to you pornstar Nixxx! That’s what the triple x in your nickname is for right? Being an over average penis according to internet statistics pornstar and such? Oh, sorry about that over average part, I’m sure after you’ve reached your goal of -1inches bpel you will be the MOST AVERAGE pornstar of them all, thank God for pornstars like you Nixxx, hate to see a female vagina being bashed like that, eeeew!!!!


Originally Posted by train spot
Ok, so there are 2 weeks left of this month, I am going to do manual stretching BTC and to the left-outward, and I am going to make my hanging sets more to the lower BTC left as well so maybe I can level out my ligs(I did do a few sets on the left these past few days and my right penis side after workout looked crazy, like out of my body for real, maybe it was expecting some stress to come so that it can loosen up, don’t know for sure) and maybe do some hanging sets on left side of my leg sitting on a chair. January will be SO mostly for me…
Going to give a report on how manuals feel at this time, thanks LG!

Give the Fulcrum a try too! Any round object 1" - 1 3/4" in diameter works well. You can get a piece of PVC pipe at a Lowe’s or Home Depot. The end of a broom stick cut the width of your thighs will work too, for comfort wrap one time around with a thin wash cloth. Place the Fulcrum bar up under your penis as close as you can (pushing your testicles back). Fifteen minutes with 8 - 10 lbs to start. Remember that the Fulcrum will hinder blood flow,,, so no more than 15 minutes sets, you can transition into a SD hang after 15 minutes to restore better blood flow. To target different areas of the shaft for enhanced stretch of a particular area you can position the fulcrum bar anywhere you like.


The photograph is removed because it shows a penis and part of the testicles. It is not allowed to publish penis photos in public access forums.

The photos that show penis must be published in a separate topic that is in the forum for members and authorized to post photos that is the forum: Progress Reports and Pictures

Last edited by Alberto 25 : 12-14-2018 at . Reason: delete penis photography and publish explanatory note

Why doesn’t someone ban this idiot train spot, seems mods around here don’t really care. Well, neither do i.

3/18 NBPEL 6 EG 4.25

Current NBPEL 6 EG 5.1

LG you didn’t reply about the guy in your video.

3/18 NBPEL 6 EG 4.25

Current NBPEL 6 EG 5.1

Originally Posted by Nixxx

Why doesn’t someone ban this idiot train spot, seems mods around here don’t really care. Well, neither do i.

What can I say….Untill you WRITE on this post the following: “I apologize for saying that going over 8inches bla bla is for degenerates and such and such…..”, I am going to diss each and every single one of your posts. You’re a hater pornstar Nixxx, and above all, you are a non-gaining, trollish type, penis shortening hanger type dude that likes to end his posts with HIM being right, others being degenerates……You are a foolish pornstar, I hope the industry likes you, because I don’t.

Good luck with those gains all you over 8inches nbpel PE practitioners, and good luck shortening your over average according to internet statistics penis Nixxx, you devilish pornstar you!! You’re actually sweet, being able to maintain a pornstar career, a PenisShortening Career, and a troll career over here on thundersplace, you are a true motivation for us all!!! Peace and Love to you Pornstar Nixxx!!!

Originally Posted by train spot
What can I say….Untill you WRITE on this post the following: “I apologize for saying that going over 8inches bla bla is for degenerates and such and such…..”, I am going to diss each and every single one of your posts. You’re a hater pornstar Nixxx, and above all, you are a non-gaining, trollish type, penis shortening hanger type dude that likes to end his posts with HIM being right, others being degenerates……You are a foolish pornstar, I hope the industry likes you, because I don’t.
Good luck with those gains all you over 8inches nbpel PE practitioners, and good luck shortening your over average according to internet statistics penis Nixxx, you devilish pornstar you!! You’re actually sweet, being able to maintain a pornstar career, a PenisShortening Career, and a troll career over here on thundersplace, you are a true motivation for us all!!! Peace and Love to you Pornstar Nixxx!!!

I stand behind that that wanting more penis size than you can actually use is sign of deeper mental issues which you confirm with your every post. Even if you get to 15 inches you will still be “too small” ‘cause of smallness of your character, the problem is in your mind, not your unit. And no, i don’t want to be right, nor is there anything to be right about. This is not a quiz nor competition. As for your cheap sarcasm, it only further shows your “intelligence”.

3/18 NBPEL 6 EG 4.25

Current NBPEL 6 EG 5.1

guy in video?

Originally Posted by Nixxx
LG you didn’t reply about the guy in your video.

My bad if you’re referring to my recent post with photo of me doing a fulcrum. I mis-understood Thundersplace policy on posting photos. I’ll have to figure that one out ……

Can you post the picture somewhere on thunders though?


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