Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hanging 101

Originally Posted by LGHanger
My bad if you’re referring to my recent post with photo of me doing a fulcrum. I mis-understood Thundersplace policy on posting photos. I’ll have to figure that one out ……

Nooo, we already mentioned that guy when you just joined this thread few weeks ago. You know guy in the video on your blog who says i been hanging for 6 months and gained almost an inch..

3/18 NBPEL 6 EG 4.25

Current NBPEL 6 EG 5.1

This video hxxps://xxx.xtu … hanger-35555271

I don’t know if link will be removed cause it is on porn site. If it gets removed just google "CLIENT VIDEO DEMO: GIRTH BANDS & LG HANGER".

3/18 NBPEL 6 EG 4.25

Current NBPEL 6 EG 5.1

Last edited by 32quarters : 12-01-2020 at . Reason: Broke porn link

No reply from LG hanger about his client’s video, i wonder why.

3/18 NBPEL 6 EG 4.25

Current NBPEL 6 EG 5.1

Originally Posted by train spot

What can I say….Untill you WRITE on this post the following: “I apologize for saying that going over 8inches bla bla is for degenerates and such and such…..”, I am going to diss each and every single one of your posts. You’re a hater pornstar Nixxx, and above all, you are a non-gaining, trollish type, penis shortening hanger type dude that likes to end his posts with HIM being right, others being degenerates……You are a foolish pornstar, I hope the industry likes you, because I don’t.

Good luck with those gains all you over 8inches nbpel PE practitioners, and good luck shortening your over average according to internet statistics penis Nixxx, you devilish pornstar you!! You’re actually sweet, being able to maintain a pornstar career, a PenisShortening Career, and a troll career over here on thundersplace, you are a true motivation for us all!!! Peace and Love to you Pornstar Nixxx!!!

Stop the the back and forth or your going on hold.

Last edited by kingscounty : 12-16-2018 at .

Originally Posted by Nixxx
Why doesn’t someone ban this idiot train spot, seems mods around here don’t really care. Well, neither do i.

Because if you don’t flag his post we may not see it. A lot of us mods aren’t hanging and so this thread may get over looked.

I warned trainspot to stop and and I advise you to not respond to him. If he flames you flag it and he’s going on hold. However if you go back forth with him you’ll end up on hold as well.

Actually Nixxx after going back and reading your post either get it together and communicate like a mature man or your going on hold as well.

Both of you have been warned and both of you either act mature or simply leave the thread.

Originally Posted by kingscounty
Actually Nixxx after going back and reading your post either get it together and communicate like a mature man or your going on hold as well.

Both of you have been warned and both of you either act mature or simply leave the thread.

Are you kidding, he’s been flaming me for weeks, i barely responded. You get it together and do your job so kids like him dont screw this good forum up.

3/18 NBPEL 6 EG 4.25

Current NBPEL 6 EG 5.1

Originally Posted by kingscounty

Stop the the back and forth or your going on hold.

Got it, sir! Thundersplace means a lot to me, I don’t know anybody by the name of Nixxx….And of course I will stop with any kind of bad posting anywhere, sorry! I thought it was funny though, but that is the end of it, peace!

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Originally Posted by Nixxx
No reply from LG hanger about his client’s video, i wonder why.

LGH is a family owned business. It’s just my wife and myself, and occasionally our daughter will help out with data entry and packaging.
My role is that of design, development, manufacturing, testing and assembly. My wife’s role is order processing, website and blog admin., along marketing and advertising. While I personally don’t prescribe to any porn sites myself, I leave it to her to pick and choose sites that we can gain exposure from. It’s really a small niche industry and we look for multiple ways to market without spending tons of money to advertise.
I’ve always felt that if you have a quality product that works then you don’t need to twist anyone’s arm into purchasing it. Word of mouth is the strongest marketing tool, but it’s a big world out there and if you’re hiding in the corner nobody is going to ask you to dance. At one point we had over 5 million YouTube views on a single KingSnake video demonstrating how he used our hanger with 25 lbs.. Then some prudish individuals complained about the content and our videos got blocked / banned. Kind of funny since I can find all sorts of objectional video content on YouTube, but I’ve got better things to do with my time than filing complaints over what my 14 year son stumbled across online.

When is comes to all the different weight hanging devices and methods that are out there and have been tried, there’s going to be debate as to which is the best bang for your buck and which actually works the best. Not everyone will agree. Just consider the television commercials between Ford & Chevy trucks. My cousin is a die hard Ford owner, I prefer Chevy…. but aside from a little light hearted joking between ourselves we don’t get into fist fights over a brand name.

My main objective in participating in this forum is to provide information on our system and to help those who purchase to succeed in achieving their PE goals. I’m a big boy and can handle criticism, hopefully it’s constructive and not of a personal nature….. yeah my momma wears combat boots!

5 million YouTube views on a single KingSnake video
That can’t be true man, so sorry…
There are 371 thousand members here, 100 thousand on pegym and a few 10-50 thousand on MOS, most of them are users that have accounts on all 3 of them.
The videos on pornhub and other porn sites with Kingsnake and Blackmamba etc, they all have thousands of views, maybe just hundreds even…You would have probably made some money with so many views, and kingsnake would have deserved a share of it as well, TALKING ABOUT 2-5000 DOLLARS CASH from YOUTUBE, 1milion views ring a bell?

This seems to be the one, KINGSNAKE BUNDLED HANGING whatever…..3000 views

Originally Posted by train spot
5 million YouTube views on a single KingSnake video
That can’t be true man, so sorry…
There are 371 thousand members here, 100 thousand on pegym and a few 10-50 thousand on MOS, most of them are users that have accounts on all 3 of them.
The videos on pornhub and other porn sites with Kingsnake and Blackmamba etc, they all have thousands of views, maybe just hundreds even…You would have probably made some money with so many views, and kingsnake would have deserved a share of it as well, TALKING ABOUT 2-5000 DOLLARS CASH from YOUTUBE, 1milion views ring a bell?

This seems to be the one, KINGSNAKE BUNDLED HANGING whatever…..3000 views

Hehe, the king snake video was up for several several years on youtube and went viral a few times over that time period. I saw it and it had millions of views. A youtube viral video easily racks up that kind of views over a few years, and if deemed not advertiser friendly you won’t see much if any cash from it.


Originally Posted by train spot
5 million YouTube views on a single KingSnake video
That can’t be true man, so sorry…
There are 371 thousand members here, 100 thousand on pegym and a few 10-50 thousand on MOS, most of them are users that have accounts on all 3 of them.
The videos on pornhub and other porn sites with Kingsnake and Blackmamba etc, they all have thousands of views, maybe just hundreds even…You would have probably made some money with so many views, and kingsnake would have deserved a share of it as well, TALKING ABOUT 2-5000 DOLLARS CASH from YOUTUBE, 1milion views ring a bell?

This seems to be the one, KINGSNAKE BUNDLED HANGING whatever…..3000 views

We didn’t have the video up on YouTube as an advertisement, so we received absolutely no money from YouTube. You can check out youtube rules on advertising. If we had actually “advertised” the video they would have pulled it sooner for explicit content. Either way, we had over 4 million views on just one of his videos and over 5 mil total with all the other videos combined. :)

Keep in mind not all PE enthusiasts are members of PE forums!

Video link removed since this is a public thread, will post it in the LG product thread.

Originally Posted by LGHanger
We didn’t have the video up on YouTube as an advertisement, so we received absolutely no money from YouTube. You can check out youtube rules on advertising. If we had actually “advertised” the video they would have pulled it sooner for explicit content. Either way, we had over 4 million views on just one of his videos and over 5 mil total with all the other videos combined. :)

Keep in mind not all PE enthusiasts are members of PE forums!

Sorry, I can’t believe that, don’t care anyway, you seem like a good person LG, gave some good advice here. Maybe you’re mistaking. And yeah, not all PE members are actually “members”, but if they have internet and know about kingsnake/thundersplace/PE, if they use YOUTUBE for PE searches, how could they not know about these forums?
Anyway, who cares, it just busted my bubble with the billion views aspect…

I was wondering about the LOT..What does it mean physically when the tugging happens?

There are lots of feedbacks on the LOT theory and many say it is “debunked”…but surely it must mean something that it happens at different angles for many people, right?

I was thinking maybe it has something to do with the direction in which the LIGS will stretch with a uniform output, thus maybe stretching itself easier than with other angles? Doesn’t the LOT feel only upon the ligs and the inner penis?

I’ve been hanging SD and BTC and I can see my ligs “deforming” in the directions I pulled the most and the hardest, especially when flaccid, but it doesn’t get the uniform look, I’m sure if I would only do this it would turn into something ugly with a low hanging-huge ligs penis, the base is getting very thick I can’t even hold my BTB jelqs any more, my balls haven’t increased that much but they are also big. Haven’t measured recently but it was 6,2” last time, I’m sure it is more now, the rest of the shaft is at 5,2-5,5” tops, with 5 or lower at the glans, maybe 4,8”. The girth might be distributed better with SO as well, just a thought.

Last edited by train spot : 12-19-2018 at .

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