Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hanging 101


Originally Posted by train spot
Sorry, I can’t believe that, don’t care anyway, you seem like a good person LG, gave some good advice here. Maybe you’re mistaking. And yeah, not all PE members are actually “members”, but if they have internet and know about kingsnake/thundersplace/PE, if they use YOUTUBE for PE searches, how could they not know about these forums?
Anyway, who cares, it just busted my bubble with the billion views aspect…

Thanks for the compliment…. glad to provide insight into the type of PE training that I did that helped me achieve my goals.
We aren’t “Ripley’s Believe it or Not”, but we honestly had a little over 5 million YouTube views with all of our videos, 4 million alone with the “KingSnake hangs 25 lbs. with LG Hanger”.
Over the past 7 years we’ve worked with several doctors who perform penile lengthening procedures. We currently work with four. The vast majority of all these men that I’ve spoken with personally have absolutely no interest in participating on any forums. Most are upper income professionals and lean towards what the doctors advise them to do, not forum members who don’t have PHD letters at the end of their names. I routinely tell these individuals that they could learn a lot about PE if they joined a forum, and they just don’t seem to be interested or say they don’t have the time. One of the guys who has made several videos for us is an extremely busy IT guy who works for Apple, and since he’s made some significant gains I’ve asked him to join this forum and share his experience. He says he just doesn’t have the time…..

Originally Posted by LGHanger

Thanks for the compliment…. glad to provide insight into the type of PE training that I did that helped me achieve my goals.

We aren’t “Ripley’s Believe it or Not”, but we honestly had a little over 5 million YouTube views with all of our videos, 4 million alone with the “KingSnake hangs 25 lbs. with LG Hanger”.

Over the past 7 years we’ve worked with several doctors who perform penile lengthening procedures. We currently work with four. The vast majority of all these men that I’ve spoken with personally have absolutely no interest in participating on any forums. Most are upper income professionals and lean towards what the doctors advise them to do, not forum members who don’t have PHD letters at the end of their names. I routinely tell these individuals that they could learn a lot about PE if they joined a forum, and they just don’t seem to be interested or say they don’t have the time. One of the guys who has made several videos for us is an extremely busy IT guy who works for Apple, and since he’s made some significant gains I’ve asked him to join this forum and share his experience. He says he just doesn’t have the time…..

Sorry about this, but what date was it when you saw 4 mil views?

You have a very fine product, I personally would buy just one of your sleeves, not to mention the hanger itself, but I don’t see the point in missguiding people into thinking it really gone that big(I would have known at least, been a lurker since 2006 but not active as I have served over 10 years jail time since I was a minor up till recently)…4 million views is a huge thing, cut it please, it’s embarrassing…

He only has like 200-300 thousand views on his MOST VIEWED THREADS….I would rather bare a conversation about actual gaining and better hanging technique than debating such nonsense…What about the question I posted about the LOT?

Forget about all this advertising stuff, people aren’t really reading this thread as you can see for yourself, why not talk about hanging? I mean, for the sake of us 5-10 people who are actually interested in gaining further.

Last edited by train spot : 12-19-2018 at .

I was wondering about the LOT..What does it mean physically when the tugging happens?

There are lots of feedbacks on the LOT theory and many say it is “debunked”…but surely it must mean something that it happens at different angles for many people, right?

I was thinking maybe it has something to do with the direction in which the LIGS will stretch with a uniform output, thus maybe stretching itself easier than with other angles? Doesn’t the LOT feel only upon the ligs and the inner penis?

I’ve been hanging SD and BTC and I can see my ligs “deforming” in the directions I pulled the most and the hardest, especially when flaccid, but it doesn’t get the uniform look, I’m sure if I would only do this it would turn into something ugly with a low hanging-huge ligs penis, the base is getting very thick I can’t even hold my BTB jelqs any more, my balls haven’t increased that much but they are also big. Haven’t measured recently but it was 6,2” last time, I’m sure it is more now, the rest of the shaft is at 5,2-5,5” tops, with 5 or lower at the glans, maybe 4,8”. The girth might be distributed better with SO as well, just a thought.

Originally Posted by train spot
I was wondering about the LOT..What does it mean physically when the tugging happens?

There are lots of feedbacks on the LOT theory and many say it is “debunked”…but surely it must mean something that it happens at different angles for many people, right?

I was thinking maybe it has something to do with the direction in which the LIGS will stretch with a uniform output, thus maybe stretching itself easier than with other angles? Doesn’t the LOT feel only upon the ligs and the inner penis?

I’ve been hanging SD and BTC and I can see my ligs “deforming” in the directions I pulled the most and the hardest, especially when flaccid, but it doesn’t get the uniform look, I’m sure if I would only do this it would turn into something ugly with a low hanging-huge ligs penis, the base is getting very thick I can’t even hold my BTB jelqs any more, my balls haven’t increased that much but they are also big. Haven’t measured recently but it was 6,2” last time, I’m sure it is more now, the rest of the shaft is at 5,2-5,5” tops, with 5 or lower at the glans, maybe 4,8”. The girth might be distributed better with SO as well, just a thought.

I still believe LOT and exit point can determine how much one guy can gain from low angles (lig stretching).
Im 6 LOT and low exit angle and I feel so much fatigue even with low weights (5.5Lbs ATM) with fulcrum hanging and SO.
However at SD position I don´t feel anything with those kind of weights, so im pretty much sure I gained everything I could from my ligs and it provides some true to the LOT theory.
I might try to get back to some heavy sd/btc hanging (20lbs+) but it could be useless.

Then- 5.7 x 4.7 (bpel x mseg)

Now- 7.1 x 5.1 (beg 5.5) // Goal-> 8 x 5.5+

Extender Log 2017

Originally Posted by fightclub

I still believe LOT and exit point can determine how much one guy can gain from low angles (lig stretching).

Im 6 LOT and low exit angle and I feel so much fatigue even with low weights (5.5Lbs ATM) with fulcrum hanging and SO.

However at SD position I don´t feel anything with those kind of weights, so im pretty much sure I gained everything I could from my ligs and it provides some true to the LOT theory.

I might try to get back to some heavy sd/btc hanging (20lbs+) but it could be useless.


:) ))

I can’t believe you really answered me like that. Thanks, I was thinking the saaaame thing!!!

Have you also made some gains with SD and BTC before SO and other angles/fulcrums?

I remember you from other posts as well fightclub, I think you are one of the more experienced PE practitioners around.

Not sure about that useless part, I think we could gain milimetrically forever, I can’t see a reasonable explanation why not, that’s like graivity I’m guessing..But who knows what weights we have to use at some points, it could become dangerous, maybe that’s the time to stop “growing”.

I mean like: I found this thread somewhere on thunders recently with a debate on tunica/lig/penis strength, and with some good links provided, ncbi etc, it was concluded that tunica can resist weight up to 150kg untill it could break, but if we are “toughening” our penises/tunicas, maybe we could have higher max weight and could go over 150kg eventually…this is all metaphorically speaking, not to make anyone think these are facts…..I’m just thinking out loud

Last edited by train spot : 12-20-2018 at .

I noticed c3ifador has the same stretched lig/scrotum skin “problem” like me. Maybe some fulcrum work with 10-15minutes fulcrum manuals in many directions grabbing from the base, and afterwards fulcrum hanging below the leg like BTS to the left and then to the right applying heat throughout the exercise as well..cold shower afterwards keeping it stretched behind the leg, btc, btc right and SD while using my other hand as a fulcrum pulling the skin back.

Originally Posted by train spot
I noticed c3ifador has the same stretched lig/scrotum skin “problem” like me. Maybe some fulcrum work with 10-15minutes fulcrum manuals in many directions grabbing from the base, and afterwards fulcrum hanging below the leg like BTS to the left and then to the right applying heat throughout the exercise as well..cold shower afterwards keeping it stretched behind the leg, btc, btc right and SD while using my other hand as a fulcrum pulling the skin back.

My LOT is around 2,5 a clock not quite 3 o clock. I will begin hanging shortly. The look you are talking about is inevitable it happens when the penis is pulled outside the body.

Hanging questions

Originally Posted by train spot
Sorry about this, but what date was it when you saw 4 mil views?
You have a very fine product, I personally would buy just one of your sleeves, not to mention the hanger itself, but I don’t see the point in missguiding people into thinking it really gone that big(I would have known at least, been a lurker since 2006 but not active as I have served over 10 years jail time since I was a minor up till recently)…4 million views is a huge thing, cut it please, it’s embarrassing…
He only has like 200-300 thousand views on his MOST VIEWED THREADS….I would rather bare a conversation about actual gaining and better hanging technique than debating such nonsense…What about the question I posted about the LOT?
Forget about all this advertising stuff, people aren’t really reading this thread as you can see for yourself, why not talk about hanging? I mean, for the sake of us 5-10 people who are actually interested in gaining further.

I’d be happy to answer any questions you have about hanging. All my answers would be based on my own personal experience using the system we sell. I’ve said plenty about what I think about hanging with a compression clamp, and I don’t want to beat a dead horse. As for the LOT theory….. I’ve read through it and given it a lot of thought, in some respects it sounds plausible. I’ve discussed it with the doctors we associate with who do penile lengthening procedures and they all scoffed at it. They all said the same thing….. the penile anatomy has only ONE suspensory ligament, and not multiple “ligs”. That ligament has one single attachment point on the underside of the pubic bone. Physical / skeletal anatomy can vary from individual to individual, that’s a no brainer. That being said, trying to determine what hanging angles are best suited to stretch that suspensory ligament is somewhat of a moot point. I have done approximately 90% of all my hang work with a Straight Down position, and have experienced significant gains in length and girth, I’ve also done a significant amount of Fulcrum & Bundle hang work. I do all my post hang hand stretching using a variety of directions with an extremely aggressive pull.

I personally don’t believe PE is as complicated as some like to make it, but again that’s all based on my own personal experience.

Originally Posted by LGHanger
I’d be happy to answer any questions you have about hanging. All my answers would be based on my own personal experience using the system we sell. I’ve said plenty about what I think about hanging with a compression clamp, and I don’t want to beat a dead horse. As for the LOT theory….. I’ve read through it and given it a lot of thought, in some respects it sounds plausible. I’ve discussed it with the doctors we associate with who do penile lengthening procedures and they all scoffed at it. They all said the same thing….. the penile anatomy has only ONE suspensory ligament, and not multiple “ligs”. That ligament has one single attachment point on the underside of the pubic bone. Physical / skeletal anatomy can vary from individual to individual, that’s a no brainer. That being said, trying to determine what hanging angles are best suited to stretch that suspensory ligament is somewhat of a moot point. I have done approximately 90% of all my hang work with a Straight Down position, and have experienced significant gains in length and girth, I’ve also done a significant amount of Fulcrum & Bundle hang work. I do all my post hang hand stretching using a variety of directions with an extremely aggressive pull.

I personally don’t believe PE is as complicated as some like to make it, but again that’s all based on my own personal experience.

Interesting…I suspect this thread will be awesome till next spring.
PE might become complicated as soon as you’ve hit a plateau, that’s why I’m posting all these questions and beliefs, because I’m struggling to find a good way to hang further with good gains along the way, and basically a theory on which I can rely as being best for my body, and others that have a similar body.
Thanks for the fulcrum advice, my recent manual SD and BTC stretching with my other hand as a fulcrum came from your idea, and I will hang with fulcrums from time to time as soon as I find a good comfortable way to do it.

Originally Posted by c3ifador

I don’t understand this, could you please explain?

I read your progress thread and looked at your pictures, and you’ve got some “crazy” ligs as I stated in the previous pages. It’s a good thing IMO, but I think it can be a “problem” if we don’t do something about it at some point in our hanging career, it might get an odd look at some point from all the BASE skin stretching further.

Originally Posted by train spot

I read your progress thread and looked at your pictures, and you’ve got some “crazy” ligs as I stated in the previous pages. It’s a good thing IMO, but I think it can be a “problem” if we don’t do something about it at some point in our hanging career, it might get an odd look at some point from all the BASE skin stretching further.

Oh I see now your point, but I still want to know more about this “problem” and this “odd look”. I am now a little more than 2 months without hanging BTC targeting ligaments, I just started 2 days ago hanging btc.

Today the base of my penis don’t look anymore like that picture, the ligs returned to it’s place I guess. I am now fulcrum hanging 5 to 7 sets, and doing 3~4 sets btc.

started April 2017 BPEL 16,7cm x 13,3cm EG Last measurement BPEL 20 cm x 14,8 cm EG

My progress, thoughts and pictures

Rotated Penis? Unbalanced Ligaments? Lack of Gains through Manual Routine?

c3ifador, I remember you said you no longer write in your thread so I’m gonna go ahead and ask you over here.

What are your current meaurements?

Fulcrum hanging

Originally Posted by train spot
Interesting…I suspect this thread will be awesome till next spring.
PE might become complicated as soon as you’ve hit a plateau, that’s why I’m posting all these questions and beliefs, because I’m struggling to find a good way to hang further with good gains along the way, and basically a theory on which I can rely as being best for my body, and others that have a similar body.
Thanks for the fulcrum advice, my recent manual SD and BTC stretching with my other hand as a fulcrum came from your idea, and I will hang with fulcrums from time to time as soon as I find a good comfortable way to do it.

The Fulcrum can be done while seated or standing. I use a few different diameter Fulcrum rods / tubes, the smallest is 1” in diameter and the largest 1 3/4” in diameter. I use the smaller diameter rod when I want to target a specific section on my shaft to stretch, and I will do this while seated. I just position the rod on my thighs in the desired area I want to target and then drape my penis over the rod where I want to isolate the pull. I’ll use the larger diameter tube when I do a standing Fulcrum. I will shove the tube up under the underside base of my penis, even forcing my testicles backwards to really hit the suspensory ligament attachment.
When I do the seated Fulcrums with the smaller diameter rod, I only do them for 15 minutes because it does restrict blow flow. You can do alternative sets by switching back and forth to SD to restore blood flow.

The other advanced hanging exercise is the Bundle. If you think you’ve plateaued, I highly recommend you give this one a try! It takes the stretch / stress level to another dimension! It generates length and girth gains. I’ve found that this one has really helped build mid shaft / full length girth. When doing these really concentrate on relaxing the pelvic floor muscle. Do a KEGEL, hold for 5 - 10 seconds then release and really try and mentally / physically allow yourself to relax and focus on getting that great stretch! It really is a mind / body connection that’s somewhat hard to describe. Try doing this for 10 - 15 reps, you will experience the fatigue.

When it comes to breaking plateaus and generating gains beyond the 1” mark, I believe you need to employ a variety of exercises that are significantly more intense. Not for rookies!


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