Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hanging 101

Originally Posted by scienceguy
Interesting point on the red spots. I got them a couple of weeks back. I blamed them on heating too much on my first set. I got a load of them on the skin only below the point where the hanger was attached. Where yours on skin only too? Wrapping technique helped you?

Never had red spots below attachment point, I’m guessing heat rash. Red spots above the hanger is a warning sign that your technique/conditioning is a bit off. Wrapping, tightness of hanger, attachment point are some factors to look at.

Thanks. Yeah man be were all between the hanger and my tip so sounds different to what you had.

Compression clamp learning curve

Originally Posted by Dick Cockburn
Commercial compression hangers have been around for over 20 years and a max time of 20 minutes per set been the recommendation from the start for safety reason. My max weight at the moment is over 30 lbs (took 18 months to work up to) and I handle that weight for 20 minutes in the first set and with more comfort than I did with 15 lbs a year ago. It’s all about perfecting your technique which needs to be better/perfected with heavier weights. All the bruising and red spots I had were with weights below 10 lbs (bad wrapping technique and not enough tightening, not conditioned, going too fast, were the main reasons).

A compression hanger is in my opinion safer than an extender/hanger with a noose, at 4-5 lbs a noose extender could be worn for 45-60 minutes without any real problems more than maybe bad tunica and noose attachment fatigue (and done that kind of sets myself).

Not saying that anyone should go longer than 20 min with a compression hanger at any weight but the statement (about a 10 minute limit and a little bit more with lighter weights) is clearly made from commercial reasons, not based on real (compression) hanger knowledge.

“Perfecting the technique” is something the vast majority of compression clamp hangers never accomplish. Our associate Dr. Richard Howard was a compression clamp hanger for several years. So he’s no rookie when it comes to commenting on all the negative side effects he encountered while “perfecting the technique”, which in his own words is a “long learning curve”. He too was able to get to the 30 lb. level for 20 minutes, but not without eventually experiencing nerve damage that took 3 months to recover from. During that 3 month recover time he wasn’t able to achieve an erection.

When it comes to safety I would agree with you that any noose type of device is more dangerous than a clamp. Many years ago executions were done with a noose via hanging! So why anyone would subject their penis to a noose doesn’t make good sense to me.
It’s true that compression clamps have been around for a couple decades. The horse and buggy was around for decades too until the car was invented. There are better, safer ways to engage in PE without using a clamp to hang weight from your penis, or spending weeks, months trying to “perfect the technique” that enables one to use such a device.

Since you mentioned the issue of safety I can’t let that go without emphasizing it’s importance. I’ve read through thousands of forum posts on this website and other websites. We get between 50-100 emails per day and numerous calls (we have a land line) from guys who’ve tried a compression clamp and were unable to “perfect the technique”. In fact their overall impression was summed up in a single word “PAIN”. I haven’t been able to find anything but scant testimony from anyone who’s been able to successfully use a compression clamp without enduring the trials and tribulations of a long learning curve. So why do these things continue to sell? The one and only reason is because they’re inexpensive, and most guys venture into PE as a compulsion, so they don’t mind blowing less than $100 bucks on something they might want to try. When it comes to advocating safety I do so unapologetically….I call balls and strikes, and if a device is unsafe, I’m not afraid to say so.

We have a blog with testimonials that include video demonstrations from guys who use our system and have made successful PE gains. We have a land line, we have an email address. We have several doctors who do penile length and girth procedures who recommend our system to their customers for post surgery training. We pride ourselves with great customer service.
Bottom line, there’s better, safer weight hanging devices than compression clamps!

Been hanging for about 8 weeks now. Using 4kg at the moment. I noticed the internals at the base of my penis is tender. Might also be only tender on the right side or maybe the right side is just more tender, hard to say. I assume this is expected? Since we are aiming to deform this area?

I am thinking about the skin stretching aspect of this, I am uncut.

So, as described, you feel the burn the first few weeks after which you get some extra skin and the burn stops, almost. After this when I am hanging I see the skin from my body to where the hanger is attached is still tight so I seem to be still stretching that skin, doesn’t feel as bad but it is still getting stretched.

Is this what others observe? Is there any way to avoid this? I tried pulling some of the extra skin to the base of my penis before I wrap and the attach the hanger but as you would expect the hanger then slides down with the skin which is not what you want.

I’m guessing you are targeting the ligs by hanging SD or BTC. In that case you are doing something right. You should never have a sharp or shooting pain while hanging but a general soreness is a good sign of deformation. The ligaments are often shorter on one side, in your case your right side, which takes more stress at the moment. This could change during your hanging career. When coming up in weight your unit will want to fall on either side of something sometimes referred to as the ”bump”. If you want to stress your short side even more you could try to point/place the hanger so it falls on the side where you have shorter fibers/ligs. This could be very intense and experiment at a low weight. You could also try to hang UTL if you want to stress one side, but be sure to lower your weight. First however you should aim to perfect your technique which needs to be better and adjusted when adding weight (and I suggest you store these advanced techniques for later).

In the beginning there may be a need for skin stretch especially in BTC position. It’s important to pull skin through the wrap towards the base but if that means the hanger is pushed too close to the head, putting pressure that makes it uncomfortable, you may need more skin. If you want to focus on one thing at a time, you could do 3-4 days of dedicated skin stretch. While doing this place the hanger closer to the base and tighten the hanger a little bit less (you don’t wanna grip the internals too much), I’m guessing you will have to reduce weight while doing this. Take care of the skin afterwards. As your unit are growing you will need to come back to this, a bigger unit needs more skin. I’m also uncut btw.
Personally I have never done long periods of dedicated skin stretch, biting the bullet is something I rarely do unfortunately. The skin will stretch anyway but the hanging will sometimes be a little bit ineffective (tight skin takes some of the stress from the ligs).

Thanks for the response. Yes I am doing BTC, I only do that and very rarely SD. I don’t really know how to do the other angles yet.

There is plenty of skin at the minute and it seems very flexible so don’t think that is an issue at the minute. Will try pulling the extra skin to the base and see if I can attach the hanger a bit tighter to make sure it gets the internals better and doesn’t slide with the skin. Thanks!

excessive skin stretch

Originally Posted by scienceguy
I am thinking about the skin stretching aspect of this, I am uncut.

So, as described, you feel the burn the first few weeks after which you get some extra skin and the burn stops, almost. After this when I am hanging I see the skin from my body to where the hanger is attached is still tight so I seem to be still stretching that skin, doesn’t feel as bad but it is still getting stretched.

Is this what others observe? Is there any way to avoid this? I tried pulling some of the extra skin to the base of my penis before I wrap and the attach the hanger but as you would expect the hanger then slides down with the skin which is not what you want.

If you’re using a compression clamp weight hanger, there is no way to avoid creating more foreskin. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news…..
Don’t believe me? Keep using it and see what you create.

Excessive skin stretch

You might have seen from my posts in other threads the answer was as simple as pulling the foreskin back, no skin stretching now. All force is being taken by the internals. Thanks for help everyone.

I’m glad you figured it out. I never had a problem with excessive skin whatsoever, it’s rather the other way around (because of growth).

Remember as your unit is growing you might come to a point when you have too little skin. As uncut your skin should be pulled back a little bit through the wrap, but foreskin should always cover your glans. If you pull back all available skin the hanger will want to move towards the glans and putting unnecessary pressure (on the glans). With that said, being uncut is not a problem while using a hanger, you should basically ignore it, but just stay aware of that you always want to put the weight stress on the ligs and tunica, not let the skin take the stress (if not doing dedicated skin stretch).

Thanks. It feels like a few things have come together now and the workout feels much better.

Hey, y’all. I just got a Total Man vacuum ADS. I’ve also been using it to do hanging and using the Total Man PE regimen. In their regimen they say that vacuum hanging is passive PE and compression hanging is active PE. I emailed them and asked why they make this distinction but have not heard back yet. Do you all have any experience or informed opinions about this? I respect TM’s experience but I wonder if it’s a way for them to sell more compression units. Their compression units cut off circulation on the part of the penis they are clamping. It seems to me that this would mean that the part of the penis that is clamped would be immobile and so would not be subject to the force of the weights that would lead to more gains. Whereas with vacuum hanging the entire penis is free to be stretched by the weights. Why would the difference between compression and vacuum lead to an active vs passive exercise?

Didn’t find that info but they call the LG-hanger active stretching (limited) on their site so it should be the same for the total man Vac hanger. I believe it’s the bell with the ADS belt they define as a passive stretch. Furthermore, it’s not accurate that they define the Jes extender as an active stretcher but the Phallosan rod extender (plus) passive. That’s just wrong (and the plus extender also got higher stretching force than a standard Jes). If now a Jes extender is considered active stretching at 4-5 lbs and a Vac hanger good for 15-20 lbs considered passive, well it doesn’t add up.

Just wanna add that I believe Total Man has a higher profit on a Vac based system (compared to their compression based). So for me it doesn’t makes sense that they would push for compression based hangers for commercial reasons. The sleeves for Vac based systems is a money pit. Maybe not an accurate comparison but if a guy wanna use a Phallosan for 3000-4000 hours the cost for sleeves will be quite substantial (around 30-40% of the original cost).

I’m contemplating adding hanging to my routine here in about a month. My question here is should I add it to my routine (currently doing newbie routine stretches) or replace that routine with hanging?

For example, I was thinking I could do one in the morning and do the other at night.

Or instead should I just do hanging (at night is my preference) for x amount of sets, eventually doing a morning and night routine with hanging?

I plan on using a vac hanger.

Starting Stats - BPFSL: 13cm, BPEL: 13.5cm

Current Stats - BPFSL: 15.4cm, BPEL: 14.6cm

All stats are pre warmup. Starting Stats taken on 8/20, restarted with those same stats 2/21 due to lack of dedication.

Originally Posted by Vash92
I’m contemplating adding hanging to my routine here in about a month. My question here is should I add it to my routine (currently doing newbie routine stretches) or replace that routine with hanging?

For example, I was thinking I could do one in the morning and do the other at night.

Or instead should I just do hanging (at night is my preference) for x amount of sets, eventually doing a morning and night routine with hanging?

I plan on using a vac hanger.

I think you should concentrate on hanging only.
Maybe some edging for blood flow.
Don’t over do it!

190416 Bpel 16,5 Bpfsl 16,5 Meg 14,2 Beg 15,0

210312 Bpel 19 Bpfsl 19,6 Meg 14,5 Beg 15,3

___Gain Bpel +2,5 Bpfsl +3,1 Meg +0,3 Beg +0,3


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