Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hanging 101

Update: I got the make hanger for now and it has been working great

Strive to do better everyday

“life's too short to be small” Benjamin Disraeli | BPEL: 7 Mseg: 5

Good morning gentlemen.

I have a couple of questions about vac hanging.
First is about hang time.
I don’t have a lot of personal alone time. I’ve been shooting for 3 days per week for an hour or an hour and a half but there isn’t really a consistency to it. Is there a formula to adhere to? Like x time for x sets x minutes apart or it’s not productive? Or is accumulated hours enough?

I could make some time before bed after the kids go to sleep but that would mean doing it in front of the wife.
That’s not out of the question, but It would come at the cost of taunts and jibes.
Worth it if it’s the only/best shot at making this work.

Second is about weight. I’m currently using 5 lbs.
I have 2.5 plates for my barbells I guess I could get lighter ones if that would help. Similar to the first question, is there a top end of weight that it stops making a difference? Is it just time under strain and more about the amount of hours?
Is there a lower limit that ends up being just not effective?
I went with five pounds because at 2.5 it felt pretty light like there was nothing there. I suppose I could see that with an all-day stretching type of thing but if I only have an hour is that little bit of weight doing anything at all?

And then last is about the vacuum cup itself.
I was thinking of either putting together or ordering all day stretching attachment that goes to like my ankle or whatever for when I’m at work or working on the house. The question there is how long can you leave the head of your penis under vacuum pressure before it’s unhealthy?
I don’t really know the physiology of flesh under vacuum, I guess my concern would be that there would be a lack of blood flow through the capillaries and give me some kind of necrosis or something. Is that how it works? Or does blood flow regardless of being under pressure that way?
What’s the longest you guys wear your vacuum devices?

I attached this screenshot of the hanger I have.

Thank you.

(108.8 KB, 337 views)

02-27-21 STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in, EG: 5.5in

Goal: BPEL: 7.5, EG 5.5 uniform.

Hanging or pumping or maybe both?

Hello Guys,
Thank you for letting me join this forum :)
I’m about to buy a pump from LA pump and hanger from bib hanger.. Anyone has a manual for using them both for maximum gains?
How should I do it? One day Pumping one day hanging? Or twice a week each? Or maybe I should use only one of them in the beginning
I really hope someone would be able to help me and let me know what is the right route.
I don’t want to create any damage.

Thank you very much

by an LG Hanger. It’s wayyyy safer.

Hello, been using an LG hangar and it was going great. Back in early January I started with 17.5cm, going from 3-6lbs I measured 18cm a month later. Two weeks later I unofficially measured 18.3cm and I stayed with 6 for 2 weeks, then move to 7. When I officially measured at the month mark (and the day after to be sure), I’m only at 18cm. What happened? Should I drop weight?

Just to be curious how long are you guys doing a decon break after 30 days of hanging and how long do you think a decon break should be minimal in weeks?


Start: 15.1cm BPEL

Current: 16.9cm

Final goal: 7 inch

New to hanging

Hello Everyone! I am new to hanging and thunders place, so I am not sure if I am posting in the right section, but I thought I would try. I have only been hanging for 3-4 days now. I bought a bib hanger and am thinking of buying an all day hanger to keep it stretched all day. But the main questions I have are regarding the hanger itself. I believe I have it on right. The little gold door hinge is on the bottom and it wraps over the top of your shaft and you screw it on the right side. But I am a little confused on what adjustment I should have it on. Because when I begin to tighten the screw, I almost feel a little bit of an ache on the top of my shaft where it being tightened. The other question I had was, I know you are supposed to feel an ache when hanging. I’ve pulled on my penis before and felt that deep ache. I am currently hanging with 2.8lbs(46oz) of fish weights because that’s was all they had at Walmart. But I don’t know if it is heavy enough to feel the ache. I more so feel a stretch on my skin more than anything. I feel an ache, but its not like a dull ache. I really just want to make sure I am doing everything right so I can see results. I’m currently already 6.5 inches in length and 5.5in in girth, but want to shoot for that 7+in in length:)

Oh also, its kind of like a sharp pain on my skin right at the base when I’m hanging. I think its still stretching the suspensory ligament, but I don’t feel much of a dull ache with 2.8lbs. But I don’t want to increase weight quick

I guess the stretch at the base of my penis kind of feels like when your hamstring is really tight. Not a dull ache but and tender stretch.


I’m an engineer.. So why is in not advised to apply the hanger load close to the base of the penis? Seems that if this was a steel beam.. The shear forces are near the connection and safer to exert the pulling forces there.. Closer to the base? Vs. Near the head?

I’m not hanging.. But just asking

Correctness of the exercise

Hello, can you tell me if my routine is correct, hanging 2 to 30 2.5 pounds between them for 10 minutes before warming up for 10 minutes under hot water.? It lasts 1.5 months, there are no results

Originally Posted by
I’m an engineer.. So why is in not advised to apply the hanger load close to the base of the penis? Seems that if this was a steel beam.. The shear forces are near the connection and safer to exert the pulling forces there.. Closer to the base? Vs. Near the head?

I’m not hanging.. But just asking

Attachng close to the base will predominantly stretch skin rather than shaft and result in more tenting and turkey neck. Also I guess it would rule out any fulcrum stretches and BTC.

Start Jan 2021 BPEL 14.5cm 5.7" MSEG 11.5cm 4.5" | Last Measure July 2024 BPEL 18.1cm 7.0" MSEG 13.5cm 5.3"

Next Goal BPEL 19cm 7.5" MSEG 14cm 5.5" | Ultimate Goal BPEL 20cm 8" MSEG 15.0cm 6"

Hi all, was wondering about any of your experiences with incorporating NIR/red light therapy into hanging sessions for cool down or during hanging sets? I have an NIR heat pad for warm ups. Also the light that I have is Near Infrared / Red light from Hooga, similar to a Joove light but about half the cost, low to no emf output. Sorry if this is in the wrong spot but the search function hasn’t yielded any answers to my questions about use while hanging. Thank you guys for any input, great forum.

Ready For Gains Need A Little Guidance

Hi my first post on here. I have been slowly working my way into a full routine. I have the patience discipline time and determination so I guess I really just need to dial in on my routine. I have been mainly doing light hanging for the past few months. I made a hanger out of stretchy ace bandage for my line and some weights, currently only up to 5 lb. I have mainly been doing SD while laying down and hanging the weights off the edge of the bed. As I am writing this today I am hanging straight down off the edge of the bed and wow the full weight without the friction decreased from hanging off the edge of the bed really made me realize I haven’t been hanging a full 5lb. Anyway I basically warm up with hot water/towel and then do intervals of 30-40 min hangs with jelqing in between. Typically 3-4 sets. I am approx 7 BPL and between 5.5-6 girth, so I am currently just trying to mainly work on length but I’ll take a little girth if it comes. I really appreciate this site and all the members without you all I would be lost on this journey. I am open to any device suggestions etc

Also side note I practice the wim hof method and take ice baths if anyone has any knowledge of cold exposure during PE IT WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. I know the ice baths help tremendously with healing the body mental physical etc and rapidly speed up recovery process for muscles just not sure if it applies to ligs tissues etc.

Thanks in advance to anyone that can help.


To understand the importance of using therapeutic heat (ultrasound, FIR) and why you do not want to use ice for cooldown, read the first few posts of these two threads:

The Long Game: Learning with Longerstretch, Key Principles to Make Sustained Growth

Using the ultrasound for therapeutic heat in PE

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

How Do You Use Heat

After reading about heat and it’s benefits to growth repair etc I was just hoping to get some ideas on a device or method used to heat the ligs/member… also my main PE is hanging and so what I got from this is that the heat should be applied while


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