Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hanging 101

Originally Posted by scienceguy
I’ve been hanging about the same length of time as you I don’t really take rest days. Hang 6 times 20 minutes on week days and only 1 or 2 sets on the weekend. I noticed a drop in EQ when I started hanging. I then started putting a heat cushion on my dick after hanging, which really helps the blood flow and my EQ is great again. Even straight after a good session

Do you heat after your hanging or how do you restore blood flow?

Thanks Scienceguy

glad to know your on the same trajectory

As far as heating goes I use a Total Man Heater it’s like a infrared pad before and after and some times jump in hot tub for 10 mins before

I’ve been using the Sizewarrior hanger which i find way more comfortable then the regular compression
hanger which i noticed my head would get cold and a bit discolored till i did like a fire goat roll or some helicopters

other then the slight eq being off i’ve been enjoying the hanging

taking today off
just to see if a little rest day helps

i’m currently at 5lbs 10 min a rep 2 reps in the morning and 1-2 at night

over the 7 weeks i have worked my way up to the 5lbs

i imagine that this is part of the process it’s a bit normal

i mean we are literally attempting to create a deformation and all the cells and blood vessels and skin need to stretch

so i’m sure there is a lot going on behind the scenes if you know what i mean

Have you or anyone notice red spots around the glands from hanging? I know they can be seen after jelqing but I am seeing a good few from hanging. I think it is because I am struggling to get the blood out of my glads after heating before the first set. Then the pressure builds up over the 20 minutes of the first set.

Just wondering if anyone else has seen this? All other PIs are good so I am not worried. Maybe there is something I should adjust, I am using a homemade hanger.

Originally Posted by scienceguy
Have you or anyone notice red spots around the glands from hanging? I know they can be seen after jelqing but I am seeing a good few from hanging. I think it is because I am struggling to get the blood out of my glads after heating before the first set. Then the pressure builds up over the 20 minutes of the first set.

Just wondering if anyone else has seen this? All other PIs are good so I am not worried. Maybe there is something I should adjust, I am using a homemade hanger.

Are you jelqing as well
could be a pressure thing

also make sure your squeezing the blood out of glans before hanging if your using a type of compression hanger

the new hanger i have been using i have had no issues with dots or cold or discolored gland

i’m also since my last message taking a full week off

let the EQ bounce back

and will pick up hanging on monday
starting at a bit lower weight working back up to where i was at

Originally Posted by snake123
Are you jelqing as well
could be a pressure thing

also make sure your squeezing the blood out of glans before hanging if your using a type of compression hanger

the new hanger i have been using i have had no issues with dots or cold or discolored gland

i’m also since my last message taking a full week off

let the EQ bounce back

and will pick up hanging on monday
starting at a bit lower weight working back up to where i was at

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Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by snake123
Are you jelqing as well
Could be a pressure thing

Also make sure your squeezing the blood out of glans before hanging if your using a type of compression hanger

The new hanger I have been using I have had no issues with dots or cold or discolored gland

I’m also since my last message taking a full week off

Let the EQ bounce back

And will pick up hanging on monday
Starting at a bit lower weight working back up to where I was at

No, not jelqing. Stopped that to see if it made a difference. Think it is a combination of having too much heat on my glads and therefore too much blood in there. Will try not to heat the glands so much and get blood out before first set. What kind of hanger are you using?

Originally Posted by snake123
Noticing today my EQ is kinda shot

I’m working in hanging between 20-40 mins a day
i go for about 10 min rounds

i’ve been consistent about 7 weeks now

but today my EQ is shot

Would you guys rest ? or just hang anyway

i know i read that you want to hang everyday

and not sure if this is kinda normal

thanks hangers

I personally think rest is essential for recovery and healing. The Hanging 101 doctrine is antiquated and was written for compression clamp hangers.
I’ve asked this rhetorical question of those who advocate never taking a rest day and have never gotten an answer….
When you work out at the gym do you rest that body part or work it again the next day? When you do any type of physically strenuous exercise let’s say you ran 15 miles the day before, do you allow yourself time to rest and recover?
Why do we sleep at night if you never need to rest?
Rest days not only allow your body time to recover and heal, it also helps prevent mental “burn-out”.

Originally Posted by LGHanger
I personally think rest is essential for recovery and healing. The Hanging 101 doctrine is antiquated and was written for compression clamp hangers.
I’ve asked this rhetorical question of those who advocate never taking a rest day and have never gotten an answer….
When you work out at the gym do you rest that body part or work it again the next day? When you do any type of physically strenuous exercise let’s say you ran 15 miles the day before, do you allow yourself time to rest and recover?
Why do we sleep at night if you never need to rest?
Rest days not only allow your body time to recover and heal, it also helps prevent mental “burn-out”.

i agree and makes sense
thank you

I think the red spots were from having too much blood in the glans like you said. I think that came about by me over heating them at least turnover heating made it hard for me to get the blood out. Things have calmed down now thankfully.

Originally Posted by LGHanger
I personally think rest is essential for recovery and healing. The Hanging 101 doctrine is antiquated and was written for compression clamp hangers.
I’ve asked this rhetorical question of those who advocate never taking a rest day and have never gotten an answer….
When you work out at the gym do you rest that body part or work it again the next day? When you do any type of physically strenuous exercise let’s say you ran 15 miles the day before, do you allow yourself time to rest and recover?
Why do we sleep at night if you never need to rest?
Rest days not only allow your body time to recover and heal, it also helps prevent mental “burn-out”.

I’ve been thinking about your response and how you mentioned you’d never gotten an answer from people who advocate never taking a rest day.
And wanted to look at it from a different point of view for curiosity sake.
Because the penis is not really a muscle you workout like a bicep. I know there is some smooth muscle but there is a difference.
Like the women in parts of Africa who wear the rings around there Necks.
They don’t take rest breaks?
Or when stretching a earlobe no breaks there.
With that said hanging weights is creating a deformation more so then strength training.
Not disagreeing with you at all.
I for sure think watching EQ and staying diligent is key.
I do wonder what the big difference between stretching say ones neck which I would guess is pretty similar to the penis maybe more so then a bicep muscle.

I don’t know if I commented in this thread or in other or was in another forum that rest is very important for everything in life, as well as to PE, Bib’s routine as 5on2off, being the 5th day a light/weak day. There are some tissues that compose the penis, you may think that the ligs may not need the rest for our means of PE, but the other tissues that are important for penis’s overall health and functioning need rest.

started April 2017 BPEL 16,7cm x 13,3cm EG Last measurement BPEL 20 cm x 14,8 cm EG

My progress, thoughts and pictures

Rotated Penis? Unbalanced Ligaments? Lack of Gains through Manual Routine?

Originally Posted by Yoyototo
My understanding is that by hanging SD or BTC allows you to maximize the suspensory ligament gains. I’ve only recently got back into hanging seriously and it makes sense to me that you start with BTC because it’s such an intense lig stretch. I don’t think you’ll miss out on gains by skipping BTC and hanging SD but the gains will come slower; almost like how some people will skip a dedicated warm-up or not apply heat while hanging.

Same dilemma here. SO is easier while working than SD. I think here on Thunders they dont endorse Bib’s LOT theory. I hang SO in morning and SD in night sessions.

So how do you do SO? I am kinda confused how some of the other angles work best. I have only tried SD and BTC.

Originally Posted by snake123
I’ve been thinking about your response and how you mentioned you’d never gotten an answer from people who advocate never taking a rest day.
And wanted to look at it from a different point of view for curiosity sake.
Because the penis is not really a muscle you workout like a bicep. I know there is some smooth muscle but there is a difference.
Like the women in parts of Africa who wear the rings around there Necks.
They don’t take rest breaks?
Or when stretching a earlobe no breaks there.
With that said hanging weights is creating a deformation more so then strength training.
Not disagreeing with you at all.
I for sure think watching EQ and staying diligent is key.
I do wonder what the big difference between stretching say ones neck which I would guess is pretty similar to the penis maybe more so then a bicep muscle.

Those neck rings are subtle, incremental additions that are added over many years, and once in place those rings can never be removed. In many respects they act like orthodontic appliances that are used to correctly position mis-aligned teeth.
I suppose if there was a way to continuously stretch your penis without ever removing the device, then never taking a break to allow time for rest and recovery would be optimal. Unfortunately there’s no practical way to do that.
The weight hanging, hand stretching and pumping required to stress the penile anatomy enough to cause growth / cellular changes requires recovery time for most all of us.

Originally Posted by scienceguy
So how do you do SO? I am kinda confused how some of the other angles work best. I have only tried SD and BTC.

For SO: Attached a Pulley to my desk, hang while working. There are pics somewhere in the forum.

For SD: chair.jpg

Originally Posted by zero0x
For SO: Attached a Pulley to my desk, hang while working. There are pics somewhere in the forum.

For SD: chair.jpg

Great idea thanks.


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