Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hanging 101

Originally Posted by SmileyDog
I got some blisters early on from vac hanging. I think my glans is somewhat conditioned (but not immune) to blisters. I haven’t used tape for vac hanging in a long time. I usually just squeeze some blood into the head and then lube it up with a little lotion so it can move around freely in the chamber. It seems to come out of the chamber with an even amount of swelling that way and a lot less hickey tipped.

The other day I came back from a decon break so I decided to go heavy and try to hit fatigue. Big mistake! I ended up getting a blister and I’m suddenly back on break. Right now I’m fiddling with my malehanger to try and incorporate it into the routine for heavy loads and leave the MB Vac hanger for light to medium duty stretching.

It’s such a downer when you take the dome off and your rewarded with a massive blister! Depending on girth I would look into the bib hardcore, I love it but never got on with the starter. If it’s the the male hanger from the past it’s similar to the hardcore but if it’s the newer smooth grip it could be a hassle.

HI there I would like to intro myself here,

I’m new to this and I’m very keen. I’ve just received my male hanger in the mail. I have some experience with bathmate but I want to do this seriously for a bit to gain some length and then go back to bathmate. This is something I wanted to ask and I hope it’s not a too much of a stupid question, but how do you guys find weights for the hanger? What do you use? I’ve got the male hanger but I don’t know how to get weights for it. Other forums or google don’t seem to mention this. I must have missed something.


Originally Posted by Wafi
HI there I would like to intro myself here,

I’m new to this and I’m very keen. I’ve just received my male hanger in the mail. I have some experience with bathmate but I want to do this seriously for a bit to gain some length and then go back to bathmate. This is something I wanted to ask and I hope it’s not a too much of a stupid question, but how do you guys find weights for the hanger? What do you use? I’ve got the male hanger but I don’t know how to get weights for it. Other forums or google don’t seem to mention this. I must have missed something.


Lifting weights.

Or just use what you have. A gallon of water is 8.3 lbs, half gallon is just over 4 lbs and a quart is just under 1 kg.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

New to forum to try and get some answers about hanging. I’m using a rather cheep vacuum hanger and always had a hard time getting cap on glands to fit in place right. So the other day I went bare in vacuum doom and felt and look okay. My head looked better after session also. Question is is it okay to do this now and with bigger weights, say 8#?

Cheap vacuum hangers

Originally Posted by Merv
New to forum to try and get some answers about hanging. I’m using a rather cheep vacuum hanger and always had a hard time getting cap on glands to fit in place right. So the other day I went bare in vacuum doom and felt and look okay. My head looked better after session also. Question is is it okay to do this now and with bigger weights, say 8#?

All of these “cheap” vacuum hangers come from China. They are plastic injected caps that rarely fit anyone that is even considered “average” in penis size. They are also a poorly engineered design. They are just too shallow to allow the pull to be generated from the shaft, so the pull comes from the glans. Which is why you and everyone else complains about what happens to your glans when using one. Using heavier weight about 5 lbs makes the problem even worse.

That old adage “you get what you pay for” is really true when it comes to PE devices!
Check out the difference between China made junk and precision made in USA from solid, optically clear acrylic round stock on a C.N.C. lathe and mill. Our chambers are much deeper, and use a pneumatic fitting and hand pump to regulate the amount of vacuum pressure that’s being used…. another attribute that Chinese caps don’t incorporate.

LGH vs China 1.webp
(100.9 KB, 87 views)

Sorry LG Hanger

I just didn’t have $450 to spend starting out, and I’m glad I went with this one I have. I am seeing results of .75 so far and am going up to 4# and will continue to add time and weight as I can. Starting to feel the fatigue starting to come in so I think I’m doing okay. Will order a bigger cup to allow for larger head growth. Thanks for your advice thou.

Pkg B

Originally Posted by Merv
Sorry LG Hanger
I just didn’t have $450 to spend starting out, and I’m glad I went with this one I have. I am seeing results of .75 so far and am going up to 4# and will continue to add time and weight as I can. Starting to feel the fatigue starting to come in so I think I’m doing okay. Will order a bigger cup to allow for larger head growth. Thanks for your advice thou.

FYI - no need to spend $450 on our most expensive system if you already have your own weight and a hand pump. Our Pkg B is $275 our Pkg A without weight and arbor is $305 and if you use the coupon code it’s even less.

LG Hanger

Okay thanks will look into that. Do you a a site where everything is broke down, where I could possibly buy just cups or caps or maybe even just certain size weights.

Also LG Hanger

This may sound weird but do you have anything to only work on the enlargement of my corona. I would like it to stand out bigger along with a larger head. Or is there any forums for this.

Originally Posted by LGHanger
All of these “cheap” vacuum hangers come from China. They are plastic injected caps that rarely fit anyone that is even considered “average” in penis size. They are also a poorly engineered design. They are just too shallow to allow the pull to be generated from the shaft, so the pull comes from the glans. Which is why you and everyone else complains about what happens to your glans when using one. Using heavier weight about 5 lbs makes the problem even worse.

That old adage “you get what you pay for” is really true when it comes to PE devices!
Check out the difference between China made junk and precision made in USA from solid, optically clear acrylic round stock on a C.N.C. lathe and mill. Our chambers are much deeper, and use a pneumatic fitting and hand pump to regulate the amount of vacuum pressure that’s being used…. another attribute that Chinese caps don’t incorporate.

I have the LG.
it´s robust but the valve connects through a hole that if it touch the glans it will create a inmense suction in a single spot and blister in a blink. Thus, it´s hard to such all the air from it, and problems come from that.

Would be nice if LG incorporate the apparently cheap but effective valve from the chinese suction bells, which are auto-sealed and easy to get the air completely out of the chamber. Dick head can fill the space and pressure against the walls of the bell, help minimize blisters, because some suction is better transferred to the upper shaft, but the problem with those chinese ones is they are too small and wont allow upper part of the shaft to get into them, so again all the force goes against the glans. Also thin wire attachment for weights, brittle material and the other crap you all know.

Originally Posted by lowe
I have the LG.
it´s robust but the valve connects through a hole that if it touch the glans it will create a inmense suction in a single spot and blister in a blink. Thus, it´s hard to such all the air from it, and problems come from that.

Would be nice if LG incorporate the apparently cheap but effective valve from the chinese suction bells, which are auto-sealed and easy to get the air completely out of the chamber. Dick head can fill the space and pressure against the walls of the bell, help minimize blisters, because some suction is better transferred to the upper shaft, but the problem with those chinese ones is they are too small and wont allow upper part of the shaft to get into them, so again all the force goes against the glans. Also thin wire attachment for weights, brittle material and the other crap you all know.

All you need is a cotton ball or sponge of some sort, I use the mrs make up sponge at the top and it blocks the hole but let’s air through.

I was cursed by a blister weeks ago. I did not dry my Johnson or tape up exactly like I normally do before I vacuum hang… it’s been weeks now and the skin has healed over and isn’t noticeable at all… until I hang— even with my bib, that is when a red dot, under the skin is very visible. Should I go another 2 weeks? Even manual stretching will bring the red dot back

Strive to do better everyday

“life's too short to be small” Benjamin Disraeli | BPEL: 7 Mseg: 5

Avoiding the potential blister

Originally Posted by lowe
I have the LG.
it´s robust but the valve connects through a hole that if it touch the glans it will create a inmense suction in a single spot and blister in a blink. Thus, it´s hard to such all the air from it, and problems come from that.

Would be nice if LG incorporate the apparently cheap but effective valve from the chinese suction bells, which are auto-sealed and easy to get the air completely out of the chamber. Dick head can fill the space and pressure against the walls of the bell, help minimize blisters, because some suction is better transferred to the upper shaft, but the problem with those chinese ones is they are too small and wont allow upper part of the shaft to get into them, so again all the force goes against the glans. Also thin wire attachment for weights, brittle material and the other crap you all know.

The volume of space inside the chamber is incredibly small, especially if you “pack” the chamber when you extract vacuum. Blisters are completely avoidable provided you wrap correctly and recognize the warning sign that a blister is beginning to form.

The only negative trait of vacuum hanging is the potential for a blister. I too have experienced an annoying blister and it took me some time to figure out exactly what causes them and how to avoid them. So let’s talk about what the main contributors are to creating a blister….
There are a variety of nuanced reasons for blisters, but the primary cause is trying to use too much weight or hang for too long of a time duration (or a combination of both) before you have developed the proper amount of skin conditioning. The meatus skin is very sensitive and delicate skin. Vacuum pressure is directly exerted upon this area, so it’s vitally important to find the glans protection wrap method that works best for you. We have three methods, all of which are based upon a personal preference. I suggest you experiment to find which method best suits you.
The process required to achieve the skin conditioning that allows you to successfully hang is analogous to getting a sun tan or working with your hands. You wouldn’t go out on the first day of summer and expose yourself to several hours of sun without getting burned. If you weren’t accustomed to working with your hands and decided to chop some wood one weekend you’d likely get blisters on the palms of your hands. Maybe these aren’t great analogies, but I think you understand the point I’m trying to make. So what is the best way to condition your meatus skin? The answer is to deliberately start with a light weight and hang time. In our instruction manual we have a suggested beginner routine. I started with only 3 lbs for 30 minutes, twice a day, one session in the morning and another session later in the afternoon or evening. It took me three full months of dedicated training 5-6 days per week to incrementally go from 3 lbs for 30 minutes up to 8 lbs for a full hour. For many men who already have a significant amount of PE training under their proverbial belt this initial beginner phase of conditioning seems to be too light, and the temptation to accelerate to heavier weight and longer hang sessions ends up being detrimental.
It’s very important to gradually make small incremental increases in weight and time. I used a pyramid method and this is an example…. starting with 3 lbs for two 30 minute sessions per day. After a solid week with this weight and time I increased the hang time by another 10 minutes, then after another week 10 more minutes, until I was up to a full hour with no complications. Then I added two pounds, but dropped back down to 30 minutes and repeated the same process over again. Remember the two fold goal is to reach fatigue and develop skin conditioning. Going heavier and longer isn’t a shortcut to greater / faster gains.
Now let me give you some inside baseball information on how to prevent a blister. There’s a distinct sensation to be aware of during your hang session, and if you can tune into it you will prevent a blister. If at any time during your hang session you feel a slight itchy or tingly sensation on the tip of your penis then that’s the red flag signal that you need to immediately stop your hang. If you ignore it or don’t recognize it you will develop a blister. If you heed this advice you will be on the road to successful weight hanging that will manifest length and girth gains and help you avoid blisters!
If you stop your hang once you feel this sensation, remove your chamber and inspect your penis / meatus skin. If you see a very small blister forming, say the size of a BB, leave it alone. Usually the next day your body will have absorbed the little bit of fluid and the skin will have re-attached. If however the blister is larger, say the size of a pea then sterilize a needle, pop and drain it, but don’t remove the skin! Apply some anti-biotic ointment like Polysporin or Neosporin and cover it with a small band aid to keep your clothing from rubbing against the area and aggravating it. Give it time to heal, usually 3 - 5 days depending on the severity and size of the blister. Begin to trim the dead skin away with some cosmetic scissors or a pair of fingernail clippers. During this healing time continue to do your hand stretching exercises. Do not pump or hang during the healing process. Bottom line…. live and learn. Once you resume your weight hang training you want to drop your hang weight and time by at least 50% while you recondition that new virgin skin. Then incrementally work back up to where you once were. The primary goal is to find a weight that you can successfully hang with for a full hour with no complications. Once you reach that goal then and only then should you think about adding more weight.
There’s one more potential blister creator, and that’s using too much vacuum pressure! Typically I recommend using as little vacuum pressure as needed. Remember this is not a penis pump! All you want is enough vacuum pressure to create a good seal between your penis skin and the silicon sleeve. The skin / sleeve seal is what allows the chamber to hold vacuum. If the integrity of that seal is compromised then you’ll likely experience weight slippage, and most guys try and counter act that with more vacuum. I suggest as a guideline to use no more than 10 Hg’s of vacuum pressure. I feel it’s extremely important to have a hand pump that accurately indicates Hg pressure.
Making sure you properly maintain your silicon sleeve will go a long ways in preventing vacuum leaks and weight slippage. I recommend after 30 - 40 hours of training that you remove your sleeve from your chamber and wash it with warm / hot water and anti-bacterial dish soap. Blow dry it with a hair dryer or clean cotton towel (no paper towels - too much lint). This will help restore your rubber’s sealing capabilities and tackiness, and also prolong the life of your rubber. Sleeves do wear out, but if properly cared for they should last a minimum of 4 months. If you start to experience weight slips due to vacuum leaks then it’s time for a new rubber sleeve.
I hope this helps those of you who have experienced the set back of a blister! Just remember to be patient and think marathon and not sprint.

Mild Nerve Damage

You described mild nerve damage as slight tingles. Is this type of tingle like when you lose feeling in your arm or something different?

Originally Posted by blink2000
Part 5: Mini-Glossary: Hanging Related Terms & Angles

Tunica - tendon-like tissue that covers the corpus chambers within the penis; the most difficult part of the penis to deform
Suspensory Ligaments - can be deformed by hanging to make the flaccid penis hang lower; easier to deform than the Tunica.
Glans - the head of your penis, squeeze the blood out of it before you tighten the hanger
Dorsal Nerve - runs along the top of your penis, sensitive. Avoid putting pressure on it.
Coronal ridge - the edge of the glans. Your wrap starts 1.25” behind this point
Circumcision Scar - your wrap usually starts about 1/4” behind this point
Septum - division between the 2x major erectile chambers in the penis
Collagen - the main component of connective tissue
Fatigue - you’ve reached it when you feel the need to lower the weight in subsequent sets
Ride the Fatigue - you reached fatigue in set 1 or 2, and now you feel compelled to lower the weight in each set
PI's - physiological indicators. How to tell if your PE routine is working (morning wood, EQ, gains, etc)
Micro Tears - (good) fatigue at the microscopic level that is best described as a very mild, short term soreness
Macro Tears - (bad) may manifest as an injury, can result in broken blood vessels, loss of feeling, and/or permanent damage
BTB Jelqing - “behind the balls” jelqing. A very deep jelq that nearly reaches the inner penis; good to restore circulation
Light Jelqing - should always be done lightly after hanging for 10-20 minutes to restore circulation
Pulse Push - final check that hanger is secure before attaching weight
Traction - the condition of being drawn or pulled
Skin Stretch - a very dull pain that may feel like a very mild burning sensation
Mild Nerve Damage - a strange tingly feeling. A somewhat rare consequence of fatigue
Severe Nerve Damage - a permanent loss of feeling, generally associated with a macro tear, or injury
SS - sweat shirt, a shirt cut 1.25” to 2” wide; often used as part of a wrap
Theraband - grey rubber, usually cut 1.25” to 2” wide, an ideal wrapping material to prevent hanger slippage
HTW - Hair Tie Wrap, a “scunci”, model 17906-A, cut and rolled on like a condom (thin, flexible, cloth)
What-A-Grip - thin rubber tennis Racket grip, perfect for under-wrap (replaces HTW) or a traction wrap
WFG - wrapped flaccid girth. Increase this and widen the hanger wing nuts if you’re twisting
Shotgun Approach - (bad) no clearly defined target tissues, trying to many different things, & not reaching or riding fatigue
Primary Angle - maximize Ligament gains with BTC or SD first, then move to Tunica
Secondary Angle - only use this if you are near injury or hanging over 4 hours per day (12x 20m sets)
RSDT - Rice Sock Duct Tape Fulcrum. Don’t attempt fulcrums until you’ve been hanging at least 6 months to 1 year straight.
BTC - Between The Cheeks; a difficult angle to adapt to, but usually the best angle to improve flaccid hang
OTL - Over The Leg
OTS - Over The Shoulder
SD - Straight-Down
SO - Straight-Out
SU - Straight-Up
UTL - Under The Leg
LOT Theory - Bib’s theory that attempts to predict your potential for ligament stretch gains


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