Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hanging 101

ED Issue

Will hanging give ED issues?

Starting 07-2018 Need motivating! Time is an issue!

FG 4.25” EG 5.125”

NBEL 5.5” BPEL 6.5”

Hey guys just had a question when should I start adding more angles? I started hanging between the cheeks with 2.5lbs for 6 sets of 20 minutes

Should I do 1/2 BTC and 1/2 straight down. Or keep the same my flaccid length is going up so that’s a good sign.

Goal 7.5 length

5" girth

Quick question, and I looked all over before I asked here. Is it better to attach the hanger closer to the gland, or closer to the base? For some reason I feel more of a pull closer to the base. But mine is also a homemade gadget. Or does it depend on the person?

Originally Posted by Joe128677
Quick question, and I looked all over before I asked here. Is it better to attach the hanger closer to the gland, or closer to the base? For some reason I feel more of a pull closer to the base. But mine is also a homemade gadget. Or does it depend on the person?

I do it close to the base since I’m hanging 10lbs there’s a little sliding. If I do it close to the glan it slides off sometimes

Does the bib hanger starter come with the therma band and all the other materials I need or do I have to get those from amazon or Walmart, also does anyone here have any experience with other hangers like the zen hanger? It comes with weights and seems very convenient in terms of a hanger.

I’m on my second run through with JP90 with added V stretches to really try and condition my dick because I don’t want any kind of injuries.

Originally Posted by Jojo911
I do it close to the base since I’m hanging 10lbs there’s a little sliding. If I do it close to the glan it slides off sometimes

I mostly use a vac hanger but have a compression hanger as well. I’m trying to integrate more compression hanging into my routines, but I have the same problem you just mentioned. The hanger always slips down a little and kind of creates a knot of tissue just before the glans that it stops on. I feel like this wrong and it should be gripping the internals and not sliding at all. Like you mentioned, sometimes it feels like it might slide off, over the glans. Ouch!!!! Do any of the long time compression hangers know if this is how it’s supposed to be?

Originally Posted by SmileyDog
I mostly use a vac hanger but have a compression hanger as well. I’m trying to integrate more compression hanging into my routines, but I have the same problem you just mentioned. The hanger always slips down a little and kind of creates a knot of tissue just before the glans that it stops on. I feel like this wrong and it should be gripping the internals and not sliding at all. Like you mentioned, sometimes it feels like it might slide off, over the glans. Ouch!!!! Do any of the long time compression hangers know if this is how it’s supposed to be?

A few google searches with a little more practice and you should be able to get compression hanging just right for yourself.

Adjust wrap, nuts, where you are placing the hanger, the angle of the hanger while attached, how much you are tightening, how you sit in the well…all of these scan change at each angle/weight.

From everything I’ve read and experienced I believe that once you get it just right and overcome the discomfort associated with conditioning, compression hanging is much better than vac hanging. Though vac hanging/extending has its place.

Start : 7 BPEL, 4.8 mseg

Now : 8 BPEL, 5.43 mseg, 8.375 BPFSL

Last edited by thepi0neer : 03-21-2020 at .

Originally Posted by thepi0neer
A few google searches with a little more practice and you should be able to get compression hanging just right for yourself.

Adjust wrap, nuts, where you are placing the hanger, the angle of the hanger while attached, how much you are tightening, how you sit in the well…all of these scan change at each angle/weight.

From everything I’ve read and experienced I believe that once you get it just right and overcome the discomfort associated with conditioning, compression hanging is much better than vac hanging. Though vac hanging/extending has its place.

I believe this too, once I got compression hanging set up correctly after a long time of experimenting and conditioning it’s so much better and quicker to get on off in my opinion. Has the benefit of being cheaper too and not needing to buy tape all the time. Vac hanging is great for being able to hit different fulcrum points and other positions due to more shaft exposed but even with the right taping methods it’s like Russian roulette regarding blisters. I’m thinking of experimenting with my LG again but low weight, longer time to compliment my bib hanging.

Way easier ha takes less than a minute for your first rep.

The only truly expensive vac hanger is the LG system. I’ve looked into it and it is absurdly overpriced, quality or not. Blows my mind really.

That’s a pretty good idea

Start : 7 BPEL, 4.8 mseg

Now : 8 BPEL, 5.43 mseg, 8.375 BPFSL

I’m with you guys.

I spent some time in the vacuum extender with a tension of ~6.00 lbs and this caused me blisters on multiple occasions. My glans are permanently discolored from the last blister. The recovery from blisters sucks and if I get another one my wife will put me on the couch. After the first blister she was somewhat empathetic, after the second one she pretty much figured me a moron.

When it was time to get into hanging I went for the Bib and it has worked just fine. I can’t imagine trying to negotiate blister control at weights above the 6.00 lbs. of tension that I was using while extending.

I’m hanging at almost 12.00 lbs now and I don’t have to worry about blisters.

If I didn’t have blisterphobia, I would probably spend the money on the LG. I get curious here and there and think about it, but I just know that I will regret it.

If someone can successfully sidestep blisters, it might just be the way to go. I loved the PMP before blistergate 2019.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Originally Posted by LittleEngine
I’m with you guys.

I spent some time in the vacuum extender with a tension of ~6.00 lbs and this caused me blisters on multiple occasions. My glans are permanently discolored from the last blister. The recovery from blisters sucks and if I get another one my wife will put me on the couch. After the first blister she was somewhat empathetic, after the second one she pretty much figured me a moron.

When it was time to get into hanging I went for the Bib and it has worked just fine. I can’t imagine trying to negotiate blister control at weights above the 6.00 lbs. of tension that I was using while extending.

I’m hanging at almost 12.00 lbs now and I don’t have to worry about blisters.

If I didn’t have blisterphobia, I would probably spend the money on the LG. I get curious here and there and think about it, but I just know that I will regret it.

If someone can successfully sidestep blisters, it might just be the way to go. I loved the PMP before blistergate 2019.

I hated my bib years ago and only the last 6 months or so figured it all out and it’s a great device, I spoke to you on your progress report that I was getting darkening but I worked that out now and I’m hanging 11lbs over a fulcrum, now if I did this with the LG I’d be a paranoid wreck just waiting to see if a blisters appeared after the session. I’m the same though with curiosity and keep going back just to experiment, I even posted about this today but already I’m thinking it’s not worth the time and taking the chance of being out of action. I think it’s just human nature to want to add, change, experiment with things even when what you have already is working.

Originally Posted by pudd1ng
I hated my bib years ago and only the last 6 months or so figured it all out and it’s a great device, I spoke to you on your progress report that I was getting darkening but I worked that out now and I’m hanging 11lbs over a fulcrum, now if I did this with the LG I’d be a paranoid wreck just waiting to see if a blisters appeared after the session. I’m the same though with curiosity and keep going back just to experiment, I even posted about this today but already I’m thinking it’s not worth the time and taking the chance of being out of action. I think it’s just human nature to want to add, change, experiment with things even when what you have already is working.

I’m finding it’s all about the toe setup and wrap with the Bib. The thing is, if I don’t get it right, well I just adjust for the next set. If I don’t get it right with the vacuum I’m not having sex for two weeks along with a complete overhaul of my PE regime.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

You can actually make a vacuum hanger for under $100 that does a very good job.

Originally Posted by LittleEngine
If someone can successfully sidestep blisters, it might just be the way to go. I loved the PMP before blistergate 2019.

I remember the first blister, but I never saw this one…jeebus, that’s intense.`

Start : 7 BPEL, 4.8 mseg

Now : 8 BPEL, 5.43 mseg, 8.375 BPFSL

Originally Posted by pudd1ng
I believe this too, once I got compression hanging set up correctly after a long time of experimenting and conditioning it’s so much better and quicker to get on off in my opinion. Has the benefit of being cheaper too and not needing to buy tape all the time. Vac hanging is great for being able to hit different fulcrum points and other positions due to more shaft exposed but even with the right taping methods it’s like Russian roulette regarding blisters. I’m thinking of experimenting with my LG again but low weight, longer time to compliment my bib hanging.

I got some blisters early on from vac hanging. I think my glans is somewhat conditioned (but not immune) to blisters. I haven’t used tape for vac hanging in a long time. I usually just squeeze some blood into the head and then lube it up with a little lotion so it can move around freely in the chamber. It seems to come out of the chamber with an even amount of swelling that way and a lot less hickey tipped.

The other day I came back from a decon break so I decided to go heavy and try to hit fatigue. Big mistake! I ended up getting a blister and I’m suddenly back on break. Right now I’m fiddling with my malehanger to try and incorporate it into the routine for heavy loads and leave the MB Vac hanger for light to medium duty stretching.

Originally Posted by LittleEngine
I’m finding it’s all about the toe setup and wrap with the Bib. The thing is, if I don’t get it right, well I just adjust for the next set. If I don’t get it right with the vacuum I’m not having sex for two weeks along with a complete overhaul of my PE regime.

Exactly my thinking, it’s just not worth the set back in the routine and trying to have sex with a golf ball on the end of your penis.

My great idea to begin with was to hang with both so if I get to soar from the bib then the LG is there and if the LG gives blisters the bibs there but even trying to bib hang after a blister from a vac is a no no. So onward with the bib only and maybe some pumping in the future. Your log is my go to for motivation LE.


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