Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hanging 101

What’s the best way to get the tape off at the end? Also what tape are you using?

I’m using a micropore medical tape by 3m but taking it off hurts like hell, even after using warm water, and I’m left with that sticky residue on my glans for a while.

I tried both searching and asking in the newbie forum but nobody responded.

Originally Posted by blink2000
There are also reports that using a vacuum hanger for many years can cause a raised whitish circle on the glans. In fact, the same effect has been reported with extreme usage of VAC ADS Extenders as well. Overall, there have been numerous reports that VAC hangers can make your penis ugly. Based on anecdotal evidence, it appears this is more of a concern with heavy VAC hanger usage.

Is this still the consensus all these years later? I haven’t seen this mentioned anywhere but here and many people talk about vac hanging like its one of the best methods of PE.

Do I need to be worried about any of this? What is “heavy vac hanger usage” ? Any way to prevent deformation?

Hi, what do you think about using Bathmate and hanging up, it is recommended. I have a hanging device purchased on the internet

A lot of helpful info.

I had the lousy luck to get type 2 and it did a lot of damage before I caught it. The worst part is that it gave me severe ED (no erection at all).

I have been trying every known PE technique for about 6 months and recently began hanging. I use a vac hanger (currently at 4lb 5x20min sets 2x daily) and use a noose hanger with a 1/4lb weight at least 10 hours daily even on off days.

The type 2 savaged my artillery so badly that my glans had nearly retracted into my belly when I said enough. I had difficulty grasping enough of it to facilitate urinating where I had been 3” flaccid and 6 erect.

I began with a penis pump then tried a variety of extenders, and arrested the disappearance of my little friend, but decided to try serious hanging. The only injury was with a pump and I wasn’t impressed with the extenders I used.

I can’t really say if I’ve made gains or simply reversed the shrinkage I had from lack of erections, but I currently max out at 5.5 inches on a stretch which turtles down to about 3”. With the noose hanger between exercises it is held at about 4”.

My penis is always flaccid, Viagra gave me a one time rubbery stiffy then nothing after that.

Still trying to identify what “fatigue” is or if I achieve it.

I’ve run the gamut from pumps to Cialis/Viagra/etc with zero success and am planning on an implant in future, but am going to see if I can gain to 7” before getting replumbed.

BTW if any of you are having problems like the nebulous “frequent urination” - get checked for type 2. I don’t fit anywhere near the profile for diabetes and have zero family history, but somehow got it.

I happened to get some test strips for keto in my urine which also had glucose testing or otherwise would never have gotten checked for diabetes.

In a short time it can utterly nuke your cuke so take no chances.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

I mentioned this briefly in my progress thread, but I have been back and on my current routine about a month. I really want to get started hanging, but I am also concered about going too fast too soon.

I dont want to reach a plateau super fast but I also believe hanging is the quickest way to add length.

So my question is how long after doing a manual routine would someone wait to hang? I am not new to PE, but have had a hard time staying consistent until now.

I also was wondering if I could just add low weight sets to my current manual stretch routine (it’s basically V stretches.)

Starting Stats - BPFSL: 13cm, BPEL: 13.5cm

Current Stats - BPFSL: 15.4cm, BPEL: 14.6cm

All stats are pre warmup. Starting Stats taken on 8/20, restarted with those same stats 2/21 due to lack of dedication.

Sorry if this has been asked before ,Couple things are still unclear to me , where I use a vac hanger they say I don’t have to worrie about circulation as much as with a traditional hanger and can there for do longer sets , does this mean I can combine my two evening sets into one e.g. instead of two 20 min sets just do one 40 min set.

Second by doing split sets does this mean where I’m doing a total of three 20 min sets a day I do one set in morning and two in the evening or does it mean three sets in the morning and three in the evening .
Thanks for any replays.


Originally Posted by Whaim
What’s the best way to get the tape off at the end? Also what tape are you using?

I’m using a micropore medical tape by 3m but taking it off hurts like hell, even after using warm water, and I’m left with that sticky residue on my glans for a while.

I tried both searching and asking in the newbie forum but nobody responded.

Whaim, Try using a waterproof tape. It’s yellow in color. I bought it at my local CVS. It’s stretchable and flexible and comes off a hell of a lot easier than the micropore tape

Originally Posted by Motorboater_shr
Has anyone tried using paracord with a noose knot to hang or stretch? I was looking at the zen hangers and it’s just a fancy noose. I tried it myself and if you have a good wrap I don’t see an issue in short durations. Any experience, advice, comments?

I don’t think you will be able to grip the internals correctly with a rope - especially at higher weights. Think about it like this - a lot or problems reported with homemade hangers is slippage, but they have more surface area to grasp than a rope would, so a rope would slip even more. I suppose it’s technically possible to tie it tight enough that it won’t slip, but you will be literally strangling your penis - and the amount of internals being grasped will be small.

Originally Posted by Jman321
Sorry if this has been asked before ,Couple things are still unclear to me , where I use a vac hanger they say I don’t have to worrie about circulation as much as with a traditional hanger and can there for do longer sets , does this mean I can combine my two evening sets into one e.g. Instead of two 20 min sets just do one 40 min set.

Second by doing split sets does this mean where I’m doing a total of three 20 min sets a day I do one set in morning and two in the evening or does it mean three sets in the morning and three in the evening .
Thanks for any replays.

You’re correct on all accounts, but I would just like to add that just because you can in theory doesn’t mean you should without worry. Keep a check on your penis when hanging over 20 minutes. If something feels wrong, take it off for awhile just to be safe.

Originally Posted by Vash92
I mentioned this briefly in my progress thread, but I have been back and on my current routine about a month. I really want to get started hanging, but I am also concered about going too fast too soon.

I don’t want to reach a plateau super fast but I also believe hanging is the quickest way to add length.

So my question is how long after doing a manual routine would someone wait to hang? I am not new to PE, but have had a hard time staying consistent until now.

I also was wondering if I could just add low weight sets to my current manual stretch routine (it’s basically V stretches.)

Your penis is already conditioned for being worked, but there are two reasons to start hanging at a low weight. 1, to give your penis time to adjust to the stresses involved with having a hanger tightened down on your penis and 2, to give you time to learn how to wrap correctly. The safe way is to start slow and low. But, everyone is different, and if you start off with a low weight, but find your penis is handling it easily, and your wrapping is good, then I see no reason to work up to a heavier weight a little faster. But, if at any point you start getting pain, stop and figure out what’s going on. Chances are, it will be improper wrapping.

Plateauing will happen with everyone, and everyone is different. Some people gain with “lower weights” (for me, lower is 10 and under), while some don’t gain until they get heavier. There’s no way of knowing which type of gainer you will be until you do it. If you rush through the lower weights while being a low weight gainer, you will plateau faster while missing out on some of the easier gains. If you are a heavier gainer, then going slow through the lower weights will mean it just takes longer to gain and eventually plateau. Slower and lower is the sure fire way to not miss out, but it will take longer.

I personally went slow and low (2.5lbs, adding 1/2 lb each week until I eventually reached 25lbs) and found most of my gains were between 7-15lbs. I went through a decon break (a couple of months) and when I came back, I made minimal gains from 10-15, but picked up a little more from 15-20lbs. Over 20, the time investment for minimal gains is not worth it to me. And 20lbs, even though I can do it with no pain, is HEAVY.

Guys, i have to get something clear about the routine.

I`m using with the vacu hanger from monkeybar and I noticed that hanging with 4,5lb does not give me fatigue after 45 min of straight down hanging.

So does this mean I should move up the weight since its the goal to reach fatigue always in those 45min (later 60min)?

Originally Posted by joe2
Guys, I have to get something clear about the routine.
I`m using with the vacu hanger from monkeybar and I noticed that hanging with 4,5lb does not give me fatigue after 45 min of straight down hanging.
So does this mean I should move up the weight since its the goal to reach fatigue always in those 45min (later 60min)?

I’m watching this for a replay.. ( hi I’m new here this is my first post!) I’m two weeks into hanging with a zen started with 1.5 ( safe than sorry) every day 2-3 -20min and jelq between hangs looking for fatigue. I upped it to 2.5 3x 20min a day sometimes up to 5x a day. And have only been able to feel fatigue one time on day 4 of 2.5lb but I did more jelqs between 75-100. I repeated this on day 5 and am fatigued but less than the day before. Just worried about me getting stronger not longer..

I also have only been hanging for 2 weeks and if I up it this Friday for the 3rd week I’ll have to tap my 1.5 and 2.5 zens together and have already outgrown my hanger.

P.s I have been pumping/jelping/ taking supplements for a year+ so I know the fatigue feeling I’m looking for.



To be honest hanging is the latest thing can I do because it make tunica strenthed and not easy to tear it after months of hanging

I upped to 4lb and now got the feeling I been looking for, but I don’t think I’ll be able to take much more lb with the zen hanger.


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