Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hanging 101

Originally Posted by Mike03016
As you are clamping your Bib are you squeezing the blood out from your glans?
You should lightly snug the Bib and then squeeze you glans, while holding your glans/squeezed then snugvthe Bib a bit further.
Lightly pull the Bib toward your gland creating a shoulder and finish tightening.

Good luck and be safe,

Yeah I searched on here today and found that would help.

So to remove the blood, is it a simple case of squeezing the glans and pull it forward and that should help?

Sorry for sounding like an idiot, I just can’t get my head around it (no pun intended) that simply squeezing the glans will remove the blood.

Started July 2018 BPEL 16cm x 14cm EG

Last measurement January 2019 BPEL 17.2cm x 14.5cm EG

Next Goal BPEL 18cm x 15cm

Originally Posted by ollylucas
Sorry for sounding like an idiot, I just can’t get my head around it (no pun intended) that simply squeezing the glans will remove the blood.

That is it but don’t “pull” it forward, just a bit of a stretch and squeeze it flat.

Originally Posted by ollylucas
See I’m uncircumcised and like to leave the skin covering the glans. I try to place the Bib hanger as close to the pubic bone as possible, but as the sets go on, my penis becomes squashy so always moves towards the glans.

I am actually impressed with my Captain\s wench hanger as I must do the same thing, also gained quite a bit, also uncircumsised, that’s probably nothing to worry about.
I use 3layers of dish cloth, a medical band around them to properly “grab” the penis, a basketball wrist sleeve I got recently over these, an ace bandage across all of these once again very tight to keep it from not slipping and after all of this I then apply the Wench which I strap on very tight around this hole setup…it takes a lot of time, must make a different hanger soon, but worked pretty well so far!

I have been involved with PE for quite a while (off and on due to boredom or lack of results) and have have jelqed, used an extender (Jes), pumped and clamped. I would always use 2 or 3 of these methods in my sessions. I began hanging weights for the first time about 6-8 months ago (not really exact because I don’t keep records). I believe that (at least from my results) hanging is the most effective and efficient way for making gains. I have only used I hanging system and I am happy with it. This system recommends hanging for 2-6 hours a day for quicker results but results will come (just slower) if you hang less. This system also recommends to slowly work your way up to 10 lbs and to never go over the 10 lb max even though some do. Over my 6-8 months I have worked up (slowly) to 15 lbs. I am only able to hang for 1 hour per day (some days I may get an extra 15-20 minutes in) and that is why I am hanging more than the 10 lb recommended limit (my goal is to reach 20 lbs). It is also recommended to hang for 15 minute sessions and to rest 5 minutes between each session. I am hanging for 20 minutes and resting 5-6 minutes. I have gained close to 1/2 inch doing it this way and I believe if I had of been hanging 2 or more hours a day I may be up to 1 inch by now. One thing that I haven’t done to this point is the warm up before I hang so I have started to wrap with heat for 5 minutes before I start and also during my 5 minute rest periods and also 5 minutes after finishing. I believe this will help speed up the results because I decided to measure after my first session with the warming added and with my usual measuring (with a stretch) it actually showed 1/4 of inch longer (could of been something else but the warming may be that effective). I am going to continue this process and I will report any progress or lack of it in 2-3 months. Hanging is the only thing I am doing at this time for PE. I will still do some pumping for time to time just have that fullness.

Sorry this was so long,


Wantnot you pretty much covered it all, with different variations here and there depending on each one’s confort and beliefs about PE probably. Thanks for confirming it for me, I haven’t pumped yet, neither have I ever used a clamp for a proper session, just jelqing and hanging and stretching, btw Manual Stretching is IMO the best of the best, but only for those who can manage it, for me it would still require an ADS routine along or maybe hanging with 0,5kg for long to keep it stretched, but the force we can apply with our hands and on what angles, it’s the best for me forcewise, but I prefer heavy hanging for the time benefit.

Originally Posted by Mike03016
That is it but don’t “pull” it forward, just a bit of a stretch and squeeze it flat.

Well today I squeezed as best as I could and hey presto, no red spots.


Thanks for that.

I measured today and my bone pressed flaccid length has almost reached the 18cm mark which it’s never done before so hopefully the bone pressed erect length should soon follow.

Fingers crossed.

Started July 2018 BPEL 16cm x 14cm EG

Last measurement January 2019 BPEL 17.2cm x 14.5cm EG

Next Goal BPEL 18cm x 15cm

Originally Posted by train spot
I am actually impressed with my Captain\s wench hanger as I must do the same thing, also gained quite a bit, also uncircumsised, that’s probably nothing to worry about.
I use 3layers of dish cloth, a medical band around them to properly “grab” the penis, a basketball wrist sleeve I got recently over these, an ace bandage across all of these once again very tight to keep it from not slipping and after all of this I then apply the Wench which I strap on very tight around this hole setup.. It takes a lot of time, must make a different hanger soon, but worked pretty well so far!

If those are the side effects yet gains still come, these temporary red spots are worth the while then ;)

Good luck on reaching the 9 inch mark, and if you feel like sharing an inch this way then don’t be shy ;)

Started July 2018 BPEL 16cm x 14cm EG

Last measurement January 2019 BPEL 17.2cm x 14.5cm EG

Next Goal BPEL 18cm x 15cm

Originally Posted by ollylucas
If those are the side effects yet gains still come, these temporary red spots are worth the while then ;)

Good luck on reaching the 9 inch mark, and if you feel like sharing an inch this way then don’t be shy ;)

Thanks, I have been reaching it lately, don’t worry about anything unless it HURTS! :) )

Originally Posted by train spot
Thanks, I have been reaching it lately, don’t worry about anything unless it HURTS! :) )

Do you get a longer flaccid length followed by the erect length?

Just intrigued as my flaccid length has stretched today, the longest I have ever had.

Will be short lived excitement if not :)

Started July 2018 BPEL 16cm x 14cm EG

Last measurement January 2019 BPEL 17.2cm x 14.5cm EG

Next Goal BPEL 18cm x 15cm

Of course I do, could you think of any other way? I was asking myself this one time, if maybe bpfsl gains don’t mean bpel gains…that can’t be possible right? What is bpfsl if not your penis, which will get erect at some point, controlling this probably leads to bpel gains, girth work/edging/kegels/spending time with an erection after workouts

Originally Posted by ollylucas
Well today I squeezed as best as I could and hey presto, no red spots.


Thanks for that.

I measured today and my bone pressed flaccid length has almost reached the 18cm mark which it’s never done before so hopefully the bone pressed erect length should soon follow.

Fingers crossed.

Very glad to hear that helped and very glad to hear the new BPFSL, that is awesome!
Keep doing what you are doing BPEL will follow.

Wanted to post this question for quite some time.

I know there is a statement going around that stretching below the glans will only stretch the skin.

Is there any truth to this? I for one have not been able to hang not covering the glans with my skin, I’ve always had extra foreskin..And I have gained around 2cm bpel by now, maybe more, I gained over 4cm in bpfsl fwiw, my bpfsl pre PE was shorter than my bpel.


Reduction of Blister Formation Time in Suction Blister Epidermal Grafting in Vitiligo Patients Using a Household Hair Dryer - PMC

"Reduction of Blister Formation Time in Suction Blister Epidermal Grafting in Vitiligo Patients Using a Household Hair Dryer

Suction blister epidermal grafting (SBEG) is a simple and effective way of surgical repigmentation in vitiligo. The major problem faced is the time taken for the formation of blisters. ** Temperature at the suction site is one of the factors affecting the blister formation time. **

To reduce the blister formation time in SBEG by increasing the surface temperature to 44°C."

My understanding of this article that higher heat can actually increase blisters formation. If so, my conclusion would be to not heat the glans in any way before or during hanging.

Ok so I wasn’t totally sure where to post this, I have been hanging for around a month or two now. My LOT is around 6. I feel like I’m not doing anything while doing BTC, and I was going to try SD for a little while, do any of you think I should go straight to OTS or SO? Also I usually wrap my dick after I hang (and then a little jelqing after that) to keep it extended, but how long should I wait until using an ADS with actual weights? If someone could just educate me on that I would greatly appreciate it.

Originally Posted by Rbrockp92

Ok so I wasn’t totally sure where to post this, I have been hanging for around a month or two now. My LOT is around 6. I feel like I’m not doing anything while doing BTC, and I was going to try SD for a little while, do any of you think I should go straight to OTS or SO? Also I usually wrap my dick after I hang (and then a little jelqing after that) to keep it extended, but how long should I wait until using an ADS with actual weights? If someone could just educate me on that I would greatly appreciate it.

what hanger are you using?

started April 2017 BPEL 16,7cm x 13,3cm EG Last measurement BPEL 20 cm x 14,8 cm EG

My progress, thoughts and pictures

Rotated Penis? Unbalanced Ligaments? Lack of Gains through Manual Routine?


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