About that last part with EL being longer after hanging, idk, sounds stupid right? I mean, EQ is lower after a hanging set, how would you even know? Maybe you’re reffering to BPFSL, flaccid stretched length
I started hanging with a “noose type hanger” in july last year and made gains with BTC/SD, currently using a Captain’s Wench and gaining, they are definately not the safest hangers and probably not the most efficient, but you should still see gains with consistency IMO.
Stop hanging with the sock whenever you get your hands on something else. Make a Wench, it’s relatively simple and much more efficient than the sock hanger. It can be dangerous hanging based on a Shoe Lace, cuts off circulation.
About the angles, I used to have that problem myself always thinking that another angle will be better, faster gains, whatever. I stopped overthinking everything so much and I am currently hanging using multiple angles including SO/SD, SO to the left, upward pulling with my hands (very strong pulls actually, those feel like the most productive pulls i can manage) and also BTC from time to time with low weights because I don’t feel like going heavy BTC again pretty soon, but it definately works great for gains…
If you have a problem with gaining, maybe you should have more patience and probably put in more sets in your routine. The best thing is to read what others have achieved through hanging and how they did their routine(search saiyan22/kingsnake or Mulejuicemcquaid from pegym/reddit), remember to use heat, warming up before the heavy sets, jelqing, BTB jelqing, clamping/soft clamping, etc….I am done with overthinking anything PE related and I just go by feel, I usually hang for 2-4 hours each day, 1 rest day/week or none at all + girth work along, and I sometimes slip 2 hanging rest days in one week just to concentrate on girth work with soft clamping/jelqing. And don’t forget edging, lol, a lot of stuff! Be careful to make sure you’re doing the least amount of exercises to make gains not to condition your penis too much, I guess, this is pretty much an individual thing but veterans say it is best to stay at low tension in the fist 6 months of PE or so.
I now read your previous post stating you’re hanging for 1-2 months. Don’t expect huge gains so quickly I guess, it takes time to develop an actual good routine with hanging, but milimetrically they should be happening.