Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hanging 101

It was one that I’ve kinda made myself, using a shoe lace and a sock, and I have the string tied to a Velcro strap that I strap my dick in. Is that my problem?

Originally Posted by Rbrockp92

It was one that I’ve kinda made myself, using a shoe lace and a sock, and I have the string tied to a Velcro strap that I strap my dick in. Is that my problem?

I have no experience with this kind of hanger, guys here usually say that this type of hanger is unsafe. You should wait to see if some guy that used this kind of hanger to talk to you.

started April 2017 BPEL 16,7cm x 13,3cm EG Last measurement BPEL 20 cm x 14,8 cm EG

My progress, thoughts and pictures

Rotated Penis? Unbalanced Ligaments? Lack of Gains through Manual Routine?

I understand, do you think it could be hindering any gains? Which hanger would you purchase? I went to lowes last night and showed the guy in hardware the diagram of the Bib starter and then the captain wench and he tried to come up with ideas to help me make one but we were unable to come to a conclusion. Of course I didn’t tell him what it was for but I guess if I’m going to spend the money I should get the most effective. For around a month maybe two, I have been using a Velcro strap around my dick, and tied to the strap is a shoe string, which is tied at the other end to a 5 lb weight. I was doing BTC but I read somewhere that after you do your sets that your EL should measure a bit longer after your set than when you measure before or that you aren’t really doing it right.

About that last part with EL being longer after hanging, idk, sounds stupid right? I mean, EQ is lower after a hanging set, how would you even know? Maybe you’re reffering to BPFSL, flaccid stretched length

I started hanging with a “noose type hanger” in july last year and made gains with BTC/SD, currently using a Captain’s Wench and gaining, they are definately not the safest hangers and probably not the most efficient, but you should still see gains with consistency IMO.

Stop hanging with the sock whenever you get your hands on something else. Make a Wench, it’s relatively simple and much more efficient than the sock hanger. It can be dangerous hanging based on a Shoe Lace, cuts off circulation.

About the angles, I used to have that problem myself always thinking that another angle will be better, faster gains, whatever. I stopped overthinking everything so much and I am currently hanging using multiple angles including SO/SD, SO to the left, upward pulling with my hands (very strong pulls actually, those feel like the most productive pulls i can manage) and also BTC from time to time with low weights because I don’t feel like going heavy BTC again pretty soon, but it definately works great for gains…

If you have a problem with gaining, maybe you should have more patience and probably put in more sets in your routine. The best thing is to read what others have achieved through hanging and how they did their routine(search saiyan22/kingsnake or Mulejuicemcquaid from pegym/reddit), remember to use heat, warming up before the heavy sets, jelqing, BTB jelqing, clamping/soft clamping, etc….I am done with overthinking anything PE related and I just go by feel, I usually hang for 2-4 hours each day, 1 rest day/week or none at all + girth work along, and I sometimes slip 2 hanging rest days in one week just to concentrate on girth work with soft clamping/jelqing. And don’t forget edging, lol, a lot of stuff! Be careful to make sure you’re doing the least amount of exercises to make gains not to condition your penis too much, I guess, this is pretty much an individual thing but veterans say it is best to stay at low tension in the fist 6 months of PE or so.

I now read your previous post stating you’re hanging for 1-2 months. Don’t expect huge gains so quickly I guess, it takes time to develop an actual good routine with hanging, but milimetrically they should be happening.

Last edited by train spot : 03-08-2019 at .

Train Spot that was extremely valuable info you just gave me, Because that is pretty much exactly what I’ve been wondering myself. What I am gonna do is order either a wench or Bibs hanger, (Because I obviously cannot make one on my own lol) and I’ll keep it at low tension as long as I can. I have been doing SO with 7.5 lbs, (I sit on the edge of my mattress and put an amp speaker in front of me on the mattress and hang the weight over the top of the speaker so that my dick is pointing more upwards than outwards) but maybe I just need to go back down to 5 lbs and add more sets.

I spent most of last night reading everything I could on hanging, and the most consistent reviews I am finding is to go with least amount of weight as possible and to add more sets before adding weight. I should mention I used an extender for 5 or 6 months, and I tried the newbie routine with both yielding minimal results. My EL is 5.7 (more/less) and my LOT is a 6. So anything that I can gain I will take graciously. Having said all of that, I feel like my ligs are as exhausted as they can get Because of me extending (while using my IR lamp). I might just keep going SO for a month or two, and see if I’ve made any progress. I wouldn’t mind sticking to SO or BTC but I feel like my tunica is what is needing stretching. Sorry for the long reply, and once again I seriously thank you for the advice and knowledge. I hope to one day share my story with others on here who have been cut a bit short in life.

Great information and advice posted above.

Just to give you a tad more info…
With any clamp/noose system you lose 20 min of PE every hour for circulation.
Vac systems don’t have this restriction and normal sets are 60 min long.

Of the vac systems, if you can afford it, tough to beat the LGHanger set up.

I personally love my vac system, am able to hang 20 pounds with no slippage (my current max weight, I will see how far I can go), have never had a blister or toughening of my glans.
RJx vac cap, LGHanger sleeve (this is a must with higher weights), and a Silicap to protect my glans.
Stupid comfortable, no discolouration, no blisters, and no taking off every 15-20 min for circulation.

Penis Enlargement with Hangers to Start Seeing Gains?

Penis Exercises are the most secure, solid technique. Because of the deficiency and reactions here and there experienced with pills, enhancements or medical procedure, penis practices is the following most secure and solid alternative.


Has anyone tried using paracord with a noose knot to hang or stretch? I was looking at the zen hangers and it’s just a fancy noose. I tried it myself and if you have a good wrap I don’t see an issue in short durations. Any experience, advice, comments?

"Like so many works that have had a great impact on human thinking, it makes points that, once they are grasped, have a ring of almost self-evident truth; yet they are still blindly ignored by a disconcertingly large proportion of people who should know better."

-Erwin Schrödinger

There is no issue in short durations, but not 100% sure though. I was doing 20-40min sets with an ID card neck strap and good wrapping, but it got really cold, my glans was always changing it’s color getting blue and red back again after I meddled with it a bit pinching, etc. These aren’t recommendable imo. Built a Wench, IT’S SUPER EASY and WAY MORE effective than any noose hanger, F the zen hanger, just a fancy string, lol.

A paracord sounds interesting, I would make an ADS system strap for the leg or something.

Paracord ADS

I was experimenting with making a ADS with paracord but didn’t find a comfortable way for long duration. Glan gets too cold and not enough circulation. With a loss pull, to avoid that, there really isn’t enough stretch. It was about as much as an all day wrap, and a wrap is more comfy.

"Like so many works that have had a great impact on human thinking, it makes points that, once they are grasped, have a ring of almost self-evident truth; yet they are still blindly ignored by a disconcertingly large proportion of people who should know better."

-Erwin Schrödinger

I have been trying ots for going on 2 weeks. For years I primarily did btc. Did some fulcrum hangs with surprisingly good gains and higher EQ. The OTS while laying down is giving me really good strech on the dorsal side and near the root. Any reason why I feel this more than BTC? I notice a huge difference in flaccid immediately after each set.

A question regarding the direction.

Right now I’m hanging SD while standing. I feel a certain tension mainly in the shaft, however if I band over, so it turns into SD the tension/pull is clearly at the attachment to the body. This is the opposite of what I would expect as SD/BTC is supposed to work on the ligs first. Could someone clarify this? Thanks.

Originally Posted by Penimei
A question regarding the direction.

Right now I’m hanging SD while standing. I feel a certain tension mainly in the shaft, however if I band over, so it turns into SD the tension/pull is clearly at the attachment to the body. This is the opposite of what I would expect as SD/BTC is supposed to work on the ligs first. Could someone clarify this? Thanks.

Too bad you cannot delete or modify a post.

Here is the correct question:

Right now I’m hanging SD while standing. I feel a certain tension mainly in the shaft, however if I band over, so it turns into Straight Out the tension/pull is clearly at the attachment to the body. This is the opposite of what I would expect as SD/BTC is supposed to work on the ligs first. Could someone clarify this? Thanks. Should I than be doing SD or SO?

It is pretty hard to understand even after you’ve corrected it.

The ligs get stretched best in SD/BTC

What you’re saying is in fact going to SO, probably a more serious SO even, I don’t know, but I DO feel a great stretch in that position as well and I do it every now and then when I workout during hanging SD sitting up. But I prefer SO overall because of the hole stretch feeling along the shaft and ligs.

Hope this helps, I hate hanging 101 fwiw, except the first pages. You’re better off reading other members threads who were hanging and gaining. If they are still available as members send them a pm with your questions kindly, and if they have the time and patience they will answer. This thread doesn’t get too much attention.

But, from my experience, it doesn’t necessarily apply to you as well, don’t focus so much on angles, focus on what feels good for you, I for one don’t think switching angles is counterproductive, it may even be recommendable. Ask around!

Hi, guys! How are you doing?

I need a little help here. I’ve been doing PE for about 9 months or so, and I’ve been working on my girth. The thing is that I just read that is better to start with length, which is fine. I’ve got a few questions:

1) Could anyone of you lead me to a dictionary or something like that about ALL the acronyms used in this site? English is not my first language, so the acronyms are quite a bit of a puzzle for me.

2) Money is a bit of a trouble for me, so I can’t afford buying a Bib nor making it. Could you tell me what are the manual exercises that I could use effectively until I can afford a Bib?

3) Even though I can’t afford to make it, could you lead me to a good “do it yourself” tutorial about the Bib?

That’s all! Thank you, lads!


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