Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Intense Hanging

Hey! I’ve added 1/8 an inch since the beginning of this thread. Will keep you posted. Im taking long breaks between my PE routines. Seems to be working

Walk slowly but never backwards.

I’ve only been hanging for a few months and had some nice beginner gains but have not had enough time to see if my system works over the long haul. I came to subscribe to the school of thought that says less weight and more time is the way to go. With a vacuum hanger, I’ve been able to log lots of hours with lower amounts of weight. I’ve been doing as much as 8 hours a day in two hour sessions with the ADH (All Day Hanger) idea (the vacuum hanger attached to surgical tubing and a leg strap).

I’d be curious to hear more from the more experienced hangers about the two schools of thought: high weight, short time vs. low weight, long time.

Started PE late August, 2005: BPEL 5.875"

Oct 1, 2006: BPEL 6.9375"; Dec 1, 2006: 7.125"; Dec 7, 2007: 7.25"; February 22, 2008: 7.375"

gerry! Its working well. I’ve been doing a lot of weights on my hanging days. Short sets of 2 or 3 minutes each. I m doing about 10-15 sets so that about 45 minutes of hanging time at the upper limits. I feel a very good fatigue through my shaft and I dont really have to bother about my glans going cold, numb etc.

However, I realise that rest is very important. I usually hang once in 4-5 days now. That’s roughly about 5-6 times a month which IMO is getting me the gains. The 4-5 days of rest is very crucial in recovery for the next session. Even in the gym, I tend to respond the same way to workouts I.e If I worked my biceps once a week, I notice them grow faster than if i worked them twice a week. Maybe the same is working on my Penis:)

Walk slowly but never backwards.

Originally Posted by godofdeviltry
I’ve been doing a lot of weights on my hanging days. Short sets of 2 or 3 minutes each. I m doing about 10-15 sets so that about 45 minutes of hanging time at the upper limits. I feel a very good fatigue through my shaft and I dont really have to bother about my glans going cold, numb etc.

However, I realise that rest is very important. I usually hang once in 4-5 days now. That’s roughly about 5-6 times a month which IMO is getting me the gains. The 4-5 days of rest is very crucial in recovery for the next session.

I found the same to be true, although I haven’t seen a translation to EL just yet.

Any new results - very interested in your routine?


Thanks - could you tell me how much was your total gain for a given period of time?

godofdeviltry any new gains to report???

Originally Posted by kayaker
Thanks - could you tell me how much was your total gain for a given period of time?

My BPEL is rather ruler shy, but my BPFSL increased 0.400 in two weeks. Weight was 1x28, 1x25, then 20 lbs for the rest of the sets. Three hours per day average, 20 minute sets.

I used the Bib Beta. I think this device is the best overall hanger - once you get a decent technique for wrapping. (I’m unlucky with vacuum hangers.)

BPFSL has fallen back about 0.150 since then.

Originally Posted by gerrykjohnsons
Bib stated he often hung 45 lbs.

45lb was the heaviest that Bib ever hung. That was the weight he’d reached just before he stopped hanging. He worked his way up to that weight incrementally over about two years and made most of his best gains at lower weights.

As far as hanging heavy is concerned, my reading lead me to believe that 25lbs is the ‘magic number’ when it comes to gains, although my research was done some time ago now and I was attacked by some of the former older members for proliferating the idea that we should be hanging with the aim of getting to 25lbs.

My advice would be to only increase weights at the speed you need to increase them to maintain your maximum ‘rate of gain’.

Here are more of my thoughts on the topic from another thread:

Originally Posted by Mr. Fantastic

Originally Posted by Mr. Fantastic
I found I was able to make good gains hanging lower weights over a longer time-period.

I hang 6.5lbs (approx. 3kg) over about six or seven hours per day for an approximate average of 12 sets five to six days a week.


I have tried to hang heavy but even after several months of hanging and trying to increase the weight incrementally I’ve not yet been able to comfortably hang more than 10lbs (approx. 4.5kg) for more than one or two sets, (the heaviest I’ve ever hung was 14lbs for one set, but it was way too heavy for me).


I know not all of us have the time to hang that many sets, but if you do have the time it might be a good idea to at least experiment with lighter weights over longer periods— you can adjust the weight and sets so that you still get the same kind of fatigue by the end of the session as you would with heavier weights, but you also ‘hedge your bets’ when it comes to ADS-style cell-production.

Mr. Fantastic - Just Got my Bib Hanger

Originally Posted by Mr. Fantastic
My guess would be that a hanger should be looking to be totally fatigued (i.e. not able to hang any more sets) by the end of the time allotted for hanging. So if the hanger has either five hours to hang ten sets or two hours to hang four sets, either way total fatigue should be reached ideally at the end of the last set in either case.

I think that reaching fatigue in under four sets might harm gains since the weight would have to be increased to such an extent that it might cause the ‘shock response’.

Having said that I have heard of hangers that have hung very very heavy for just one or two sets but I’ve not heard enough from these heavy hangers to draw any conclusions as to it’s efficacy (personally I’m not sure if it should be recommended).

As far as I know from what I’ve read I think hanging very heavy weights might be detrimental to gains.

Mr. Fantastic - Which is better…?

Originally Posted by Mr. Fantastic
I generally hang until soreness stops me, at which point I take a day or so off (generally for me that point comes around every five or so days (if hanging 12 sets per-day) I just take it as an indication that I need one or two rest days.

Mr. Fantastic - Is Soreness a Negative PI?

Originally Posted by Mr. Fantastic
(the way I hang, I reach a kind of fatigue at the end of every set, culminating in much fatigue at the end of the day’s hanging, and fatigue enough at the end of the five days to require my taking a break of at least one day (and sometimes two)).

Mr. Fantastic - Is Soreness a Negative PI?

Originally Posted by Mr. Fantastic
I’m fatigued at the end of each day’s hanging but it takes me about five days at 12 sets a day to get sore.

I too use an ADS (autoextender) when I can no longer hang because of fatigue, and when I can no longer use the autoextender because of further fatigue (if I’ve had a particularly productive day) I wrap below the glans and use a pump to get another hour or so of pull. I wait until I’ve done enough sets to pack the tube and then I pump up to 14 to 15 hg and hold it for as long as possible before releasing it down to 8hg. I repeat this process until my unit can take no more (I’m not recommending this particularly, I just thought I’d put it out there.).

Mr. Fantastic - Is Soreness a Negative PI?

Mr. Fantastic - 2 Months Completed: Dilemma on +Time OR +Weight?

Last edited by Mr. Fantastic : 10-05-2006 at .

In addition to the above— looking back at the entire time I’ve been PEing it seems I have made incremental increases in force applied, throughout the time I’ve been using tractive force to gain length.

I started out with a Penimaster and took some time to get it to it’s full force. It was about that time that I switched to the Bib-hanger, and started off hanging very light. I worked my way up to 3kg and stayed at 3kg for a month or so before taking a deconditioning break and resuming at 3kg.

So it’s possible that even if you can never hang more than 3kg you should still be looking to increase your weight incrementally.

So, my advice would be not to try to hang too heavy too soon, since you probably really don’t need to as long as you increase the weight a little at a time so as to maintain your ‘maximum rate of gain’

I’d estimate the basic maximum rate of gain to be about 1.5eighths of an inch per month— I really don’t think it’s possible to gain at a faster rate than this.

My personal maximum rate of gain is 1eighth of an inch per month (about 1mm a week).

If you can match those ‘maximum rate of gain’ figures at a lower weight, there’s really no point in trying to hang heavier— you’d just be causing yourself more problems, including inhibited gains (there’s an argument that suggests that hanging very heavy weights can cause the collagen in the structure to knit in a way that can stop growth entirely. Collagen can knit in a certain way that it becomes as strong as tensile steel (run a search on xenolith’s threads for more information on collagen and gains)).

Great information - thanks

My personal maximum rate of gain is 1eighth of an inch per month (about 1mm a week).

This seems to be a common rate of gain for many hangers around here (1mm per week and the 1/8” per month). So your probaly right in concluding the basic maximum gain rates for hangers (clamp/vise style, don’t have enough info on vacuum hanging yet) people would be those rates. :)


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