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Intense Hanging


Intense Hanging

Hey!. I havent been a fan of much hanging. After a gap of almost a year(I think) Im back at PE. In the past couple of months ive been mostly hanging,I throw in some jelqs and stretches once in a while. Ive been hanging about 10 lbs for 20 mins x 3 sets morning and evening 3 on 2 off schedule. Ive hung heavier weight than 10 lbs but I realise that i cant keep them on for more than 7-10 minutes because the strain is quite a lot. Also ive hung at low weights for long periods, often hours, without much results.

A forthnight ago, I decided to hang heavy, real heavy for just a few minutes with multiple sets, about 10-15 of them. I use a 25 lbs weight and hang SD for 2-3 minutes max, take a break for 3-5 minutes. This makes 1 set. I often hit about 15 such sets in a sessions. At the end of the session my dick feels damn tired. The fatigue is way to much to talk about. Im trying to see if this can be compared to what guys do at the gym when they hit the plateau. They Lift real motherless amounts of weight while keeping the reps to as low as possible. This program seems to be working well as i’ve noticed a gain of 2/8th of an inch in 13 sessions. Not bad eh?

If any of you have followed something similar to this, please give me some feedback about your gains,routines etc. Also if any of you wish to do this along with me then we may be able to see if this works for others as well. Moreso if the so-called slow gainers were to participate, it would be better.

Walk slowly but never backwards.

What kind of hanger are you using? Do you take the hanger off after each set ? How many sessions per day do you do ?

I have never used your routine so I can’t give you any feedback, but sounds interesting, and I might try it myself.

Originally Posted by FoxMarrine
What kind of hanger are you using?
Do you take the hanger off after each set ?
How many sessions per day do you do ?
I have never used your routine so I can’t give you any feedback, but sounds interesting, and I might try it myself.

—> I use something similar to the bib hanger but its not in 2 parts. Its a soft PVC wrap with a clamp.
—? I dont take the hanger off after each set. However, I loosen it after every 3 hangs to ensure blood suppy
—> Two sessions, one in the morning and one in the evening. The evening routine really depends on the time I have.
—> Goodluck. Keep me posted if you try

Walk slowly but never backwards.

Yeah, I’m starting to think that hanging it’s not about Time it’s about heavy Weight.

I’m new to hanging but these are my thoughts exactly, high weight low reps,
As long as there’s no pain experienced of course.

I would like to get experienced hanger’s opinions on whether ADS is necessary
Or not, or if there is a “substantial” difference in gains as it’s very inconvenient
And I cannot bear to think of the potential for embarrassing unforseens.

I’ve just made a variant of the chickenchoker using fishing line that is quite
Comfortable without wrapping or clamping, thanks to chickenchoker if he’s
Still around, can post pics if anyone is interested. Have just tried 2.5kgs fine,
Going for more soon.

You have the power.

Could it be of some benefit to use an ads or so after intense hanging to maintain length while the repair mechanisms are ongoing (I suppose that there is major damage after that kind of workout)

ADS helps. BigGirtha always said “Never let it turtle”. Maybe there is some truth in it.

Vawse, You could try some PE weights. They act as ADS and they are fine to wear all day long.

Ticktickticker, Yes, IMO. If there is no damage/fatigue then there is no recovery. So makes sense to go at it big time. But make sure you dont hurt yourself in the process. Any pain, numbing, tingling Coldness in your dick will indicate that you are going overboard. Let me know how it is going

Walk slowly but never backwards.

Dono how to hang or where 2 get one

Originally Posted by BigNastY52
Dono how to hang or where 2 get one

BNY52: please read the Forum Guidelines regarding “Style & Language”. Thanks! Then check this out…


…frankly, most of us here would advise starting with manual PE before attempting hanging, if you have never done this kind of exercise before.


I’m a believer in the heavy hang.

I think a primary reason Xeno’s IPR protocol worked for him was the fact he was hanging up to 37 lbs.

Bib stated he often hung 45 lbs.

I’ve read other gainers reporting to have hung 30+ and so on.

My concern is the injury scenario at these high weights - you can do a lot of damage to yourself quickly.

I also wonder if such “shock therapy” would just stretch the ligaments and leave the rest of the penis unaffected. Perhaps the other tissues might catch up later?

Originally Posted by gerrykjohnsons
My concern is the injury scenario at these high weights - you can do a lot of damage to yourself quickly.

True about the injury. Makes sense to start with low weights initially. I was hanging about 10 lbs the first week. The second week i went to 20 straight off and now im doing 30 lbs. Progressing pound by pound is not something i want to try here as the element of shock treatment would be missing. So im jumping 10lbs every week.

Originally Posted by gerrykjohnsons
I also wonder if such “shock therapy” would just stretch the ligaments and leave the rest of the penis unaffected. Perhaps the other tissues might catch up later?

When you hang weights the ligaments are not the only thing that take the beating but the entire penile shaft is stretched. Looking at it, you could say that hanging is nothing more than hands free stretching. I think all the tissues kick in when you hang.

Walk slowly but never backwards.

I’m going to watch this thread as I think your going to come up with an injury.

Your right about shock treatment. The various tissues don’t grow at the same rate. Ligs stretch, urethra, blood vessels, corpus cavernosa, corpus spongiosum, skin, all grow at different rates. I will be very surprised if you don’t report something that gets out of wack and you have to quit.

It’s your dick. If it gets messed up your the one who has to live with the results. There are plenty of injury stories here on Thunders and from not nearly as traumatic procedures as your talking about.

Good luck

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

The question is why? Why do you think high weight-low reps works? What causes growth? Do you really want to find out the maximum weight you can hang from your penis? When you get “conditioned” and can hang more weight, what do you think happened physiologically in your penis?

In my opinion, the ideal would be if I could tug my penis lightly one time per week to cause it to grow. Train smart, fight easy…or was it; PE smart, fuck easy….or grow…what ever! Be careful, safe and smart. We only have one penis.

Originally Posted by Monty530
I’m going to watch this thread as I think your going to come up with an injury.

Your right about shock treatment. The various tissues don’t grow at the same rate. Ligs stretch, urethra, blood vessels, corpus cavernosa, corpus spongiosum, skin, all grow at different rates. I will be very surprised if you don’t report something that gets out of wack and you have to quit.

Yes true that it can be dicey. Im in no mood to screw up again. Im quite in my comfort zone with the weights im hanging. The body is amazingly capable of recover.

Originally Posted by Monty530
It’s your dick. If it gets messed up your the one who has to live with the results. There are plenty of injury stories here on Thunders and from not nearly as traumatic procedures as your talking about.
Good luck

Believe me you dont have an idea of what i’ve been through. I had an injury which was quite bad. Anyway, Im taking it easy. As long as i can see no negative signs im gonna stick with it. Thanks

Walk slowly but never backwards.

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