Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

More proof that long periods of hanging may be beneficial?

Originally Posted by DIYgrower
Definitively. Much obliged. I think I have been hanging SD for way longer than what I have needed to. No tugback straight down at all.

Same with me brother. I’ve bought a mini ratchet hanger and I’m able to hang it off a banister and adjust the angle quite easily. After my last attempt with hanging straight out (before the blister) I noticed more ligament pulls. Please keep me posted once you have started a different angle stretch so I can bounce off ideas off of you. I don’t mind reading old material but I like speaking with other members who are currently using a hanging device of some sort.

Current: BPEL - (Before 6.8' - 7') (Now 7' - 7.25')

Current: MSEG - 4.80' - 5.2'

Goal: 9x6

Sure thing! It’s a good way to keep each other motivated. I will keep you posted.

Now, what is a ratchet hanger and where can I get one?

Previously known as DIYgrower

Originally Posted by DIYgrower
Sure thing! It’s a good way to keep each other motivated. I will keep you posted.

Now, what is a ratchet hanger and where can I get one?

So you can search for it at AliExpress - Online Shopping for Popular Electronics, Fashion, Home & Garden, Toys & Sports, Automobiles and More products - AliExpress but I included a file with the image of one. Its a little hook style accessory that you can screw up into any wooden door frame, or joist or anything that is made of wood. You can get creative with this item since its so cheap.

Current: BPEL - (Before 6.8' - 7') (Now 7' - 7.25')

Current: MSEG - 4.80' - 5.2'

Goal: 9x6

Originally Posted by Paradigm
Its a little hook style accessory that you can screw up into any wooden door frame, or joist or anything that is made of wood. You can get creative with this item since its so cheap.

Oh I thought it was a type of hanger device. I have already made one of those myself with a pulley mounted to a shelf haha.
I have done some LOT hanging straight up and I’m noticing some sort of new fatigue which is a great sign, however I’m struggling to hang for longer than 5-10 minutes at a time due to discomfort. You see I have a slightly oval shaped penis I believe and the bib hanger simply won’t stay on without rotating so I had to make a hanger myself and it isn’t that great at long hanging periods.

Are there any other hanging devices out there?

Previously known as DIYgrower

Originally Posted by DIYgrower
Oh I thought it was a type of hanger device. I have already made one of those myself with a pulley mounted to a shelf haha.
I have done some LOT hanging straight up and I’m noticing some sort of new fatigue which is a great sign, however I’m struggling to hang for longer than 5-10 minutes at a time due to discomfort. You see I have a slightly oval shaped penis I believe and the bib hanger simply won’t stay on without rotating so I had to make a hanger myself and it isn’t that great at long hanging periods.

Are there any other hanging devices out there?

So at the moment I’m using the LG Hanger but I will give you my pros/cons list and you decide whether if its something you want to pursue.

*Most comfortable device with a short learning curve
*Made with quality material (The cap is more glass then it is plastic)
*It does not cut off blood circulation as quick so it allows a bit longer hanging sessions per rep (20 - 60 minutes)
*It can handle quite a bit of weight because of the pump chamber

*Very expensive and depending on how quickly you grow with your glans, you may need to buy new resizing caps
*Blisters is a common thing with this device, so it can hinder your progress
*Requires your typical wrapping material plus a microfoam tape on the tip of your glans to prevent blisters
*Even using the recommended wrap/tape method you will still run into the issue of blisters

This is not a Con but more so a tip for using the LG Hanger
*Need to develop a feel sense of approaching this device (mainly for the blister issue) apparently, if you need like the tip is peeing then you stop immediately

Current: BPEL - (Before 6.8' - 7') (Now 7' - 7.25')

Current: MSEG - 4.80' - 5.2'

Goal: 9x6

I have done some reaserach on the LG hanger before. Their current price for an essensial kit it is 295 USD (400 inc shipping and import tax) so sadly it’s past my budget.
They say the max hanging weight is 25 IBS wich I think ill build up the tolerence rather quickly.
I do have a Phalosan on the other hand. I’ts easy to add a hook to it so its not too far of the LG hanger if im not totally wrong. The limit for me with that setup is that the vacum pressure gets too great for my glans to handle above 5.5kg (12.1 IBS)
Maybe LG’s tech is diffrent from the Phallosan brand.

Total hanging time today was probably around 30 minutes. Goal was 3 hours. What a bummer. Oval dicks are doomed.

Previously known as DIYgrower

DIYgrower, I use the caption’s wench for hanging. It uses a cable clamp which is oval. You should give that a try.

Originally Posted by birddog242
DIYgrower, I use the caption’s wench for hanging. It uses a cable clamp which is oval. You should give that a try.

Thank you for the tip. Will definitively try it out!

Previously known as DIYgrower

Anybody have a way to contact the people at AutoExtender other than the email they provide? They are so slow to respond it is crazy.

No but I love your name!

My MaxVac Setup Longerstretch's Golf Weight and HTW setup My Log

Starting Size: circa 2003: 5 BPEL x 5.0 MSEG August 2007: 6 2/3 BPEL x 5.5 MSEG 04/22/08: 7.5 BPEL x 5.6 MSEG... On and Off again for a while... 11/25/13: 7.75 BPEL x 5.75 MSEG 08/01/19 BPEL 8.03 x 5.6 10/01/19 BPEL 8.19 x 5.6

Hanging Only

I am wondering if there are folks that hang only? I do three sets for 20 minutes a day and am going to stick with that. I don’t see how I could not get good gains. Anybody out there care to tell me about gains just from hanging?

Hey john.smith0224

Welcome to the club.

Hanging only can absolutely work - lots of folks did it back in the day when hanging was more popular. You may eventually want to add other exercises or switch around your hanging angle in order to target other tissues for more well rounded gains.

Downward hanging will focus the forces on the proximal and dorsal parts of the shaft. Upward hanging with an upper shaft attachment point will focus on the entire ventral shaft, all the way to the perineum. If I could go back I would’ve spent more time trying to learn upward angle hanging. Most of my length gains were from downward hanging, and I have a bit of a turkey neck from it.

Hanging won’t do much for girth gains, although some guys gained base girth from it. So if you want girth, you’ll probably have to add something for that eventually.

A lot of guys have reported they needed about 10 hours per week in the hanger to get gains, which comes out to 4 or 5 sets per day. Surely some guys can gain with less than this, but thought I would mention it for your benefit.

Hope you enjoy your gains.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

I appreciate your feedback. I am currently 6 7/8 BPEL right around 6 EG mid shaft. I am looking for more length than anything. I hoping to get an inch in the next 6 to 8 months. Maybe I am wishful thinking? Time is also an issue. For three sets of 20 minutes with intermission between each I am looking at about 1.5 hours. I don’t sit down because I feel I get more lig stretch standing. Seems to pull skin more sitting down. I will have to throw a rope over the door with weight in order to get the vertical stretch, I suppose.

The things us guys do for a bigger dick.

Yeah I’ve had quite the laugh at myself from time to time as I hook up this or that device. :D

An inch in that time frame is possible, especially for a newbie, although rare. It’s common for guys with your girth to gain length slower than average because there is more meat to grow.

One more tip - use heat, it does wonders for hanging. Infra-red lamp is the best for continuous heat.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Hey Jon Smith

Welcome to the forum. I definitely agree with bearded dragon, you can absolutely gain with hanging. If you are mainly looking for length gains, then hanging will get you there. I gained about an inch in 6 months with the Bib starter. I took a couple years off but recently purchased the vachanger3. I have been hanging with it for about 3 weeks now and have gained about a 16th of an inch. It sounds like you are concerned about time, and I will say that vacuum hanging does save you time. It is more comfortable than compression hanging, the setup time is faster and you can hang for longer periods of time. I can easily get 2 hours of hang time in 2 hours and 15 minutes. Compression hanging would easily require 3 hours respectively (longer setup times and more frequent breaks)


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