Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

More proof that long periods of hanging may be beneficial?

I believe ADS weights are placebo

Start/Current: BPFSL - 8"/9", BPEL - 7.5"/8.25", NBPEL - 7"/7.75", MSEG - 5.5"/6"

All time goal: 9.5"x6.5"

Originally Posted by NeverEnough9
I believe ADS weights are placebo

How so?

Placebo? No, An ADS accomplishes two things: It will act as an insurance policy against toughening and it will provide the means for perpetual and consistent gains. It is true as has been stated here in this thread that an ADS can provide gains by themselves for a period of time. The reason this happens is that the structures will assimilate the weight and strengthen enough to prevent any further lengthening. This is when heavier hanging needs to start. Now the ADS takes on a new roll of not providing gains but preventing losses.

It may not seem like 2 or 3 pounds would be enough to do anything but they do provide just enough trauma to keep thing disrupted. If you should have a flight of stairs to navigate you’ll find the kinetic energy produced when you step down that in my estimation it’ll meet or even exceed your heavy hanging weight. That’s assuming of course your not hanging 30 or 40 pounds lol

I found my ADS was extremely effective at keeping things going.

On another issue: I never used anything at night for a couple of reasons, One is I didn’t want to have to take things off if the wife and I wanted to get together. The other reason was I needed to get a good nights sleep and attempting to use anything would be disrupting. I never found that anything other then getting up and putting on my ADS in the morning was a disadvantage of not wearing anything at night. Now a traction wrap could be considered but I never went there.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

I start the morning off with hanging, mid-shaft, 14lbs. SD for 4 hours with my homemade hanger which is just some ankle wieghts with weight plates attached .. Takes 10 seconds to put on and off .. That’s why I use them in the morning when I’m too busy to mess with anything more time consuming.

After 4 hours of this, I do 6-8 sets of heavier lifting SO and SU with 27-37lbs

Jelqing/Pumping to re-establish fresh blood flow

Then back to wearing my 14lb. Ankle weight system as much as possible.

So, my question is that I’m using my ankle weight system in lieu of an ADS such as Size Genetics .. Do any experienced hangers think this will be productive?

If you are wearing an extender, how many grams of pull is equivalent to how many lbs. Of weights?

It will help but with your system the upper half of your shaft has no force on it to cause growth.

1000 grams is 2.2 lbs

I think the extenders usually max out about 5lbs. Or course I could be wrong

12/11/2013 BPEL 5 3/4 NBPEL 5 1/16 BPFSL 6 1/16 NBPFSL 5, EG Base 5 EG Mid 4 7/8 EG Below Glans 4 3/4

11/02/15 BPEL 7 1/8”, BPFSL 8 1/16”, EG Mid 5 1/4 —- Goals BPEL 7 1/2”, NBPEL 6 1/2", BPFSL 9” Motivational Resources Wanted

8/9/2014 259 lbs ---- 11/2/15 248 lbs 33.2% body fat Bhcentral's Progress Reports and Pictures

Originally Posted by djrobins
It will help but with your system the upper half of your shaft has no force on it to cause growth.

I’m trying to target the ligs b/c that’s where the easiest and largest gains are made as opposed to targeting the shaft itself which would be minimal .. So I’ve read .. Don’t know for sure.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Cooter, are you used to these high weights? At some point high weighs would harden your tissue rather then increasing it.

I moved up in weight quickly because my penis was already conditioned from extreme pumping for over a year. Some say a progression in weight is needed to stimulate growth .. Others say to stay low weight with hours long duration .. Quite honestly I’m confused. I know when I hang heavier weights I make sure I’m relaxed so I’m not in a defensive posture trying to fight the weight.

Originally Posted by bhcentral
1000 grams is 2.2 lbs

I think the extenders usually max out about 5lbs. Or course I could be wrong

Pretty close-I’m using springs that are supposed to spec at 5.5 lbs.

Originally Posted by cooterxxx
I’m trying to target the ligs b/c that’s where the easiest and largest gains are made as opposed to targeting the shaft itself which would be minimal .. So I’ve read .. Don’t know for sure.

Its an inch if your lucky in ligs and the rest is shaft growth.

Originally Posted by cooterxxx
I moved up in weight quickly because my penis was already conditioned from extreme pumping for over a year. Some say a progression in weight is needed to stimulate growth .. Others say to stay low weight with hours long duration .. Quite honestly I’m confused. I know when I hang heavier weights I make sure I’m relaxed so I’m not in a defensive posture trying to fight the weight.

Actually it can be both seperately.
IMO both combined is the best.
On how to practicly do it is very individual.

Low weight long duration
and then a peak weight
then again Low weight long duration
Is what I did to gain about an inch in length. All day stretching(4-16 hours) in the range of my BFSL interrupted by intense stretches(manual, hanging) for a short time.

In a daily, weekly or monthly cycle…
Just watch your measurements, PI ‘s and find your own mode of growth.
Some need no rest or just a nightsleep while others need a day off or 5 on 2 off or 1 week off…

The thing with only using high weights and going for the max is that you might end up having no room to grow and will only toughen up at some point.
Thats why IMO first maxing out on the TIME variable is the smarter option(of course if you have the time/opportunity to spare).
Also fulcrums, bundles/twists, different angles etc. before moving up in weight can help to avoid hitting a high weight plateau.

Originally Posted by djrobins
Its an inch if your lucky in ligs and the rest is shaft growth.

Whoa! I thought most growth came from the inner penis being exposed and getting actual length growth from the existing shaft was minimal? Thanks for the info!

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Actually it can be both seperately.
IMO both combined is the best.
On how to practicly do it is very individual.

Low weight long duration
And then a peak weight
Then again Low weight long duration
Is what I did to gain about an inch in length. All day stretching(4-16 hours) in the range of my BFSL interrupted by intense stretches(manual, hanging) for a short time.

In a daily, weekly or monthly cycle..
Just watch your measurements, PI ‘s and find your own mode of growth.
Some need no rest or just a nightsleep while others need a day off or 5 on 2 off or 1 week off..

The thing with only using high weights and going for the max is that you might end up having no room to grow and will only toughen up at some point.
Thats why IMO first maxing out on the TIME variable is the smarter option(of course if you have the time/opportunity to spare).
Also fulcrums, bundles/twists, different angles etc. Before moving up in weight can help to avoid hitting a high weight plateau.

Seems like a great approach. Time to tweak my training. Thanks for the great advice!

My initial gains were had only using an ADS. It was one pound.


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