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Should I ache?


Should I ache?

I constructed a Captain’s Wrench last night. After adjusting it and getting comfortable, I did a 10 minute warmup and just did one 10 minute set of hanging at 3 pounds. Afterwards, I felt nothing. No aching, no feeling of anything different than the norm. Question is: should I be aching when I’m done with a set of hanging?

Anybody have thoughts on this? I am just starting out at 3 pounds, but I find myself not really “feeling” it.

‘Ache’ would be a bit strong. You should feel slightly ‘worked’. But if you have just started hanging, I certainly wouldn’t worry about increasing weight or time too fast - there is a learning curve with hanging; getting the wrapping right is an art if you want to hang heavier.

But if you want to, try adding a second set still at a light weight; you may get the ‘good’ light fatigue. If you do get light fatigue, then keep at that level until you don’t get it any more before you think about increasing the weight or time. As long as you are gaining, keep the weight as light as you can and add time slowly as needed. When you stop gaining (and haven’t gained for a few weeks), increase the weight a bit, but cut the time back slightly and begin again.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

You shouldn’t be aching after 1 set of aching, no.

Thank you gentlemen.

Oh, one more question - at what point could I incorporate hanging using an A-stretch. TGC suggests that my tunica is my limiting factor considering my BPFSL and BPEL are nearly identical (1/16” difference either way depending on the day). Thanks again.

I’ve never really bothered with anything other than straight down hanging; I get my other angles etc. manual stretching.

Whatever the limiting factor is that is stopping your penis stretching further, that is where the effect of the weight is going to be concentrated, because all the ‘easier to stretch’ parts will already have stretched! Sometimes I think we try to get too technical with PE, but it is fun playing with theories.

So when you have got used to hanging and feel your gains are slowing, try some A-stretch, different angles etc. It’s always good to experiment if your gains are slowing or stopped.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

I second that firegoat. I really don’t get caught up on the technicalities of hanging. Just hang until you’re fatigued and call it a day.

You guys said it. Just go with the angle you feel the most. For me it is RSDT fulcrum, and SO.

I like the good old SD. 10 minutes of heat and then 10 minutes with no heat. I sit in my chair and watch TV or do school work or something. Plain, simple and to the point.

How much weight are you up to and how many sets? Are you still gaining?

I have to say that I haven’t measured but it appears that I have. I’m actually hanging 10lbs for 3 sets (20 min) and then 2.5 lbs for another 2 sets. After I get off work, I’ll get another 10lb set in before I go to sleep. I need to take out the ruler and see if my efforts are paying off.

Originally Posted by marinera

You shouldn’t be aching after 1 set of aching, no.

Of course I meant:

‘You shouldn’t be aching after 1 set of hanging’.

Hey Ironaddict69, I measured and I’m right at 8” bone pressed. I wasn’t 100% erect so it may be a little bit more but just figured I’d give you an update being you asked.

OK. I have a question but I don’t want to clutter up the forum and this title actually suites my question, so here it goes (not meaning to hijack or anything but its relevant)

When I do a downward of down/out stretch and start out with an easy stretch, then move into a stronger pull, I feel the pull on the inside/above my unit. I assume this is the ligs, its what it feels like from looking at drawings. However when I hang I feel as if its stretching the skin and actual penis more. After I remove the weight I feel worked in the actual shaft, not up in the ligs.

Now I’ve only been at it for a month, so I guess my question is…do I need to stay at five pounds and attempt to get rid of the skin stretching feelings in order to allow the ligs to take the load or do I need to up the weight to attempt to work up to reaching the amount of force I use for manual stretching?

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