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$15 electric vacuum pump for anyone!

I agree. It starts to hurt when vacuum is too high.

The idea of an electric pump scares me, really. I prefer a bulb and never rely on a gauge. I go by feel.

I did however find it needed when using a hand pump with a gauge, that it took up to 12.5 in h.g. to get a full erection, that is a little over 9”L x about 2.25” diameter, in my case. I can tell when it is not firm by shaking the cylinder so that my meat slaps around off the inside. It makes a different sound when it gets harder!

My current dimensions: flaccid: 8" x 6.5" erect: 9.5" x 7.125" glans: soft length:1.825" soft diameter 1.65" firm length:2.286" firm diameter:1.90"

Goal: flaccid: 9" x 7" (.1" length .5" girth) erect: 10" x 8" ( .5" length 1" girth) glans: soft length: 2.25" soft diameter: 2" firm length: 2.5" firm diameter: 2.25"

Ultimate goal: flaccid: 10" x 8" erect: 11.5" x 9.75" glans: soft length: 2.5" soft diameter: 2.25" firm length: 4" firm diameter: 3" In other words: A big, fat elephant cock!

For anyone interested, on the schematic I drew, if you put one more air valve on the long air hose you use to cover with your finger, if you put an air valve on the end of that (the end you cover with your finger) you can set a minimum vacuum value. So for example the air valve that is at the splitter sets the max value like 10 in hg, and the air valve you put on the long air line, will set your minimum value. So you can set a max of 10 in hg, and a minimum of 2 in hg.

Mr Fantastic’s pump does all of this and a lot more, its really amazing, if you can swing the bucks, but if you don’t and you want something pretty decent but far more primitive, this does the job.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
I was recently reading this thread;
This Works (Dynamic Stretching)

And it sounded intriguing. There is a guy called Mr Fantastic and he built a truly AMAZING pump to do this automatically (you can do it with a hand pump), but its really expensive. I decided to try and jury rig a cheap version for myself. So I ordered something like this from ebay, I paid $17 usd, shipping included (from China).

I got it the other day, soldered a dc adapter to the terminals, and voila’ a cheap vacuum pump capable of 20 in hg! I set it up similar to this thread, but because I want to be able to draw it up to a certain level and then instantly drop it down, I had to modify the set up. I split the line twice, so one direct vacuum line to cylinder, and then the other line to regulate is split again. One to an air valve that you adjust to modify max vacuum, by allowing air to leak in at a controlled rate, and then the other just a plain air line, which you put your finger on to block or release to allow you to cycle the vacuum up and then instantly release it.

The set up works great, now just to see if the PROCESS works great. I set my max vacuum level to 15 in hg,and I did 30 minutes today. What is amazing is no red dots! I started to get a lot of edema towards the 30 minutes, so depending on my EQ tonite, I will modify down.

How does the noise level of this eBay DC pump compare to the converted aquarium pump?

Originally Posted by mo1258
How does the noise level of this eBay DC pump compare to the converted aquarium pump?

My aquarium pump is pretty quiet, and this new pump is a lot louder. Before I ordered it, I read the decibel rating, and it was somewhere on the order of an electric shaver, and its really not much louder than that, but certainly not silent.

It pulls about 20 in hg, so thats perfect for the dynamic pumping routine, and I have the restricter set to 15 in hg right now. I really love it, and its performing perfectly. I am just experimenting with the routine to find the best frequency. If you decide to try it, please first read the threads and take the cautions seriously.

If you are going to use the electric pump for short cycling (“dynamic stretching”) then you might want to consider a 90 degree elbow fitting where the tubing meets the cylinder. McMaster-Carr has them in various sizes. Once you get the elbow, take a small drill bit and drill a hole through the top of the elbow - but start from the o-ring side and carefully clean the hole of any burrs. Reassemble your rig. Now you can hold the cylinder and control vacuum (via finger on hole) with 1 hand thus freeing your other hand to …. drink coffee, whiskey, etc.

If you want to maintain a minimum vacuum (such as indicated by your recent post) then this hole must be valved in some way. I have not yet seen a fitting, such as a tee, that will accommodate a valve. So if you want to maintain a minimum vacuum this hole in the elbow won’t work for you.

I’ve posted previously about the nice 1/4” drip irrigation valves available at home improvement stores.

Originally Posted by mo1258

I’ve posted previously about the nice 1/4” drip irrigation valves available at home improvement stores.

If you see my schematic a couple posts back, I am basically using two drip irrigation valves to control vacuum, one for max and one for minimum….works good. Actually the schematic only shows one air valve, that controls max vacuum…the second one I put on the end of the long air hose, where you put your finger to raise vacuum to max or drop it instantly. By putting a air valve on the end of the hose, you can set a minimum value, like 2 in hg.

To control the drop or rise to those values, I just bent the air hose and control the speed. Bend it tightly, complete shut off, completely open rapid drop to minimum value…so you can work the bend to determine rate of change.

Last edited by sparkyx : 08-22-2013 at .

As I have been experimenting with this and Dynamic pumping, one thing that is interesting with this is that when I am done with my Dynamic pumping, I can stay in the cylinder with my minimum setting at about 1 in hg and it makes a very interesting post workout recovery period. It holds a lot of the erection, but because its so low, for me at least no edema or red dots…or at least not yet. I will let you know.

Whats interesting is that if I do the Dynamic pumping, it seems to have cleared some of the minor discoloration I had from old pumping “injuries”.

Last night stopped at Petsmart for silicone tubing for $4, then hit Walmart, bought the Whisper 30-60 & some “T”s for $25, back home and then 15 minutes after out of the box & I was pumpin away with an old tube I had. Talk about easy to build. I’m using both sides T’d together, controlling the pressure with a finger on a T in line. Gonna try that Dynamic Stretching thing.

Start: April 2012 BPEL 5¼" x EG 4¾"----> July 2012 BPEL 5¾" x EG 4⅞"

First goal: 6"x5"

Long Term Goal: 8"x5¾"

You can do dynamic stretching with the aquarium pump, but most of them max out at about 5-7 in hg. Listen, once you get an electric pump, it really spoils you! I love my new set up, and this baby pulls to 20 in hg if I wanted to. I NEVER ever figured I would go above 7 in hg, especially with my skin hugely breaking out in red dots, then red SPOTS with even 5 in hg…however my gradually working up and instantly dropping to 0 or 1 in hg…I’m using 15 in hg now and almost no red spots, in fact it seems to be clearing some old discoloration out!

Remember though, I INSTANTLY drop the vacuum to 1 or 0 when doing these high vacuum levels or else my dick would explode in the tube. This can be done safely if you read the dynamic pumping thread and observe the rules VERY CAREFULLY, or else you can really injure yourself with high vacuum levels.

IF you don’t want to be careful or take the time to read and understand the process, do yourself a big favor and keep it 5 in hg or less!

Originally Posted by sparkyx
You can do dynamic stretching with the aquarium pump, but most of them max out at about 5-7 in hg. Listen, once you get an electric pump, it really spoils you! I love my new set up, and this baby pulls to 20 in hg if I wanted to. I NEVER ever figured I would go above 7 in hg, especially with my skin hugely breaking out in red dots, then red SPOTS with even 5 in hg…however my gradually working up and instantly dropping to 0 or 1 in hg…I’m using 15 in hg now and almost no red spots, in fact it seems to be clearing some old discoloration out!

Remember though, I INSTANTLY drop the vacuum to 1 or 0 when doing these high vacuum levels or else my dick would explode in the tube. This can be done safely if you read the dynamic pumping thread and observe the rules VERY CAREFULLY, or else you can really injure yourself with high vacuum levels.

IF you don’t want to be careful or take the time to read and understand the process, do yourself a big favor and keep it 5 in hg or less!

Thanks for the suggestions sparkyx. I’ve already done the pumping thing in the past but it was before arriving here at Thunders, even gave myself one of those nasty water blisters or whatever they’re called. That shit hurt for days!
My interest in Dynamic Stretching (DS) comes from my thinking that PE might be MOST productive utilizing purely expansion-based methods like pumping instead of methods that use some degree of compressing the tissues as in jelqing, manual stretching, hanging, squeezes & clamping. Yes there’s plenty on expansion in some form with these tried & true techniques but I’m hoping to see some form of steady growth through a lot of DS with few off days.

Start: April 2012 BPEL 5¼" x EG 4¾"----> July 2012 BPEL 5¾" x EG 4⅞"

First goal: 6"x5"

Long Term Goal: 8"x5¾"

The electric vacuum pump is indeed convenient but I totally agree with SparkyX - using the pump at vacuums over 5” Hg can quickly turn dangerous.

The risk is not just the extreme vacuum but also the speed at which the vacuum is reached. The manual brake bleeder pump increases slowly and the user has more time to realize they are at a dangerous level of vacuum. The electric pump reaches that vacuum level very quickly especially if the user is putting a finger over the leak. The very clever “Mr Fantastic pump” (see the Products Forum) has controls to slow down the process - I don’t have his pump but that’s the way I understand it works from reading his thread.

I am of the personal belief that excess lymphatic fluid (blisters, doughnut, etc) is not a good thing and to be avoided. I have noticed that excess fluid is caused by either too much vacuum or too long a duration under suction - both of which are easy to do with an electric pump.

Originally Posted by mo1258
I am of the personal belief that excess lymphatic fluid (blisters, doughnut, etc) is not a good thing and to be avoided. I have noticed that excess fluid is caused by either too much vacuum or too long a duration under suction - both of which are easy to do with an electric pump.

UNLESS…you have a way to control RATE of rise of the vacuum levels…which can be done with the right valve set ups. I have it where I can do it instantly or slow it down to about more than 45 seconds! It really makes a difference! Mr Fantastic likes about 20 seconds up and 20 seconds down, and really that is a nice middle of the road rate. I am experimenting with my pumps right now, and am excited by the potential of them!

SparkyX - thanks for your posts. When you mentioned bending the hose, it got me thinking about the valves. See the attached schematic.

Both ports of the Tetra pump (converted to suction) are used to provide more volume but unfortunately not higher suction. My Tetra (Model 30-60) pulls about 6”Hg. Other aquarium pumps might pull higher suctions. Ebay has lots of other vacuum pumps. The nice quality of the aquarium pump is very low noise.

This design still requires the user to put a finger over the open line to start and stop the cycle. A simple digital kitchen timer can be used to keep track of time.

Max suction is set by attaching a vacuum gauge to the tubing at the “Open for Finger…” and completely closing the Rate Valve. The Max Suction valve is then adjusted to allow a controlled leak to lower the maximum suction provided by the pump.

The Rate Valve is adjusted by trial and error. So full open will not limit the rate of suction or exhaust of the cylinder. To slow the rate of vacuum simply close the valve a bit. The nice little quarter-turn drip irrigation valves can work here but they are hard to fine tune so a needle valve might be much better.

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Forgot to add: If a minimum vacuum is desired then add a valve to the “Open for Finger…” and adjust down slightly from full open.


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