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$15 electric vacuum pump for anyone!

Sounds great! Any tips on a good pump that you can use without being Bob the Builder? :)

Originally Posted by sparkyx

Just have to really make sure no water gets past the reservoir cup, might be a safety issue with the potential for electric shock.

Good point, sparkyx, I had the same concern the first te I tried. I’ve found if you use mouth suction to get a vacuum started, then disconnect from the tube and blow all the water out of the hose, you’ll pull very little water in the cup. That’s if any gets pulled in at all.

Originally Posted by Crabman99

Sounds great! Any tips on a good pump that you can use without being Bob the Builder? :)

The pump that this thread is all about. Start at the first page.

Smertrios and other pumping gurus how about a pumping 101?. The hangers have one and other essential stickies. My bad if this is in the wrong place but I would love to read some “everything you need to know about pumping” and “all you need to know about making your own pump” threads. The pumping community is huge yet on any given day there are under 5 people viewing the pumping section and over 30 people viewing the hanging section.

Step up and help us out guys!

16.07.2011: Bpel 6.7" Eg 4.9" Fl 4.3"

08.05.2012: Bpel 7.2" Eg 5.1" Fl 5.8"

Great thanks Naab and sparky!. I have plenty to read while I hang today ;)

16.07.2011: Bpel 6.7" Eg 4.9" Fl 4.3"

08.05.2012: Bpel 7.2" Eg 5.1" Fl 5.8"

I am looking to pick one of these up but I have a stupid question (new to pumping)

Do you leave it on the whole time? I don’t understand this whole 5hg of suction defect some have less thing going on; can’tyou just leave it on longer to increase the vacuum? Doesnt leaving the pump on vacuum the whole time continuously increase vacuum level?


Starting stats: BPEL: 5.8 /// MSEG: 4.2 /// June 18, 2012

Short term goal: BPEL: 6.5 /// MSEG 4.5 /// August 20, 2012

Okay I got one of these and I think it might be defective, but I’m not sure, cause I’m new to pumping.. This thing doesn’t generate any vacuum at all practically. It can’t even hold a scrap of paper to the nozzle using its weak vacuum.. How strong is this supposed to feel? There’s no way for me to get a seal on my pump with the pathetic amount of vacuum this thing generates.

Starting stats: BPEL: 5.8 /// MSEG: 4.2 /// June 18, 2012

Short term goal: BPEL: 6.5 /// MSEG 4.5 /// August 20, 2012

Personally I think you ought to start with a hand pump with a gauge if you are new to pumping.

The harbor freight pump is excellent. $25.00

Brake Bleeder and Vacuum Pump Kit

That’s what I have.

When I moved up to the fish pump, I used my harbor freight pump to set the pressure of my fish pump.

Recently bought a new pump to use because mine got “lost” in a storage warehouse during a move. The new one gets upto 6” mercury which is 1” more than the “old one”. I used a needle nose pliars and some hot water from the faucet to stretch vinyl aquarium tubing enough to fit onto the brass hand pump. As time goes by the tubing gets tighter.

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FYI - there is a thread (see below) that addresses how to accurately measure vacuum, see below:
Anyone using water lift to measure/regulate vacuum?

This may be important to guys as a way to calibrate their pumps (manual or electric). My own testing was an eye-opener! The gauge on the brass brake bleeder is not very accurate on the low end - the range in which we are most interested. So, for anyone interested, please check out the thread linked above.

The good news is that the Tetra pump (converted to vacuum) is very consistent - a good thing!

I was recently reading this thread;
This Works (Dynamic Stretching)

And it sounded intriguing. There is a guy called Mr Fantastic and he built a truly AMAZING pump to do this automatically (you can do it with a hand pump), but its really expensive. I decided to try and jury rig a cheap version for myself. So I ordered something like this from ebay, I paid $17 usd, shipping included (from China).

I got it the other day, soldered a dc adapter to the terminals, and voila’ a cheap vacuum pump capable of 20 in hg! I set it up similar to this thread, but because I want to be able to draw it up to a certain level and then instantly drop it down, I had to modify the set up. I split the line twice, so one direct vacuum line to cylinder, and then the other line to regulate is split again. One to an air valve that you adjust to modify max vacuum, by allowing air to leak in at a controlled rate, and then the other just a plain air line, which you put your finger on to block or release to allow you to cycle the vacuum up and then instantly release it.

The set up works great, now just to see if the PROCESS works great. I set my max vacuum level to 15 in hg,and I did 30 minutes today. What is amazing is no red dots! I started to get a lot of edema towards the 30 minutes, so depending on my EQ tonite, I will modify down.

vacuum diagram.webp
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Last edited by sparkyx : 08-20-2013 at .

Let me just warn you guys who haven’t read the dynamic stretching thread…vacuum forces over 5 in hg can damage you, you get up to 10-15 and you can do A LOT of damage! IF you are going to experiment with this, work up gradually, and for me the most important factor is INSTANT RELEASE!!!!

I can use up to 15 in hg, but only if I release it within one second! IF I was to hold it for a few seconds, it would turn my dick into one giant hemorrhage! So, if you want to do this, work up slowly over a period of a week or so, and never hold high vacuum more than a couple seconds!!!! Remember, once you have a bad injury, there is no turning the clock back and undoing it, the best you can hope for is to recover from it…not worth chancing that!


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