Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

First pumping session


First pumping session

I have now joined the ranks of pumpers. I’m hoping it will go well.

Had my first session today, and pumped 10 minutes of about 4 in/Hg.

The pump is from LAPdist, and the cylinder is 1.75” ID.

Next time I will use more lube, as inside the tube things got a little tight.

I packed the first inch of the tube, or so, and also my head packed it without problem. My question is, since my head is packing the tube is that going to exert a lot of force length-ways on my glans? Also, does that mean that my shaft is eventually going to be pretty much the same as my head girth?

I didn’t quite get to my normal BPEL measurement this time, but very close.

Originally Posted by ICM
I have now joined the ranks of pumpers. I’m hoping it will go well.

Had my first session today, and pumped 10 minutes of about 4 in/Hg.

The pump is from LAPdist, and the cylinder is 1.75” ID.

Next time I will use more lube, as inside the tube things got a little tight.

I packed the first inch of the tube, or so, and also my head packed it without problem. My question is, since my head is packing the tube is that going to exert a lot of force length-ways on my glans? Also, does that mean that my shaft is eventually going to be pretty much the same as my head girth?

I didn’t quite get to my normal BPEL measurement this time, but very close.


Welcome to the brotherhood of pumpers!

Yes, use lots of lube. I personally use vaseline intensive cream lotion, but there are tons of other options.

Based on your description about the base packing and your glans also packing, I have an indication of your dick’s general shape. For now, just put lots of lube on the glans to make sure that your dick skin slides and does not stick to the side of the cylinder.

Your concern about more force being applied to your glans when packing is a legitimate one, but for the short term it shouldn’t be a problem. Just keep the pressure low. It may become an issue later, when you’ll need to purchase a larger cylinder to accommodate the larger glans to base ratio.

Later(in a larger cylinder) you may also want to compression wrap your glans area in order to keep its expansion in check and allowing the rest of your lower shaft to expand more. I have a tree trunk shape, so my pump expansion always is largest at the base and lessens in proportion toward the glans. I’m working now on evening the thickness completely up the shaft.

Also, to maximize pumping results try to stay erect in the tube either naturally or using porn, small doses of generic viagra, etc. If you’re going through all the effort of pumping and time, you may as well try to get the most bang for your buck.

For now, just take it slow and easy. Gradually increase your number of pumping sessions and allow yourself the opportunity to acclimate to the new effects that pumping brings to your PE repertoire.

We’re here to help and good luck.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Good going, ICM. Glad to have you join the pumpers.

If you start out packing the glans, the vacuum isn’t going to lengthen your glans at all. Pumping, plus some of the manual exercises you may do, will often enlarge the head too over time, but the result will be proportional to your shape now. As your shaft widens, your glans probably will also.

I never did any specific glans enlargement work. It just happened and I ended up with the same basic penile shape as before, just more of it.

The only significant change I’ve seen over the years, size aside, has been a difference in my erection angle. It had always been at 90 degrees, parallel to the floor. Now it points at about 2:00 o’clock. I don’t know if pumping caused that or some manual exercise I’ve done. In any event, I sort of like the difference.

Take it easy as you acclimate. Have fun along the way, and keep us posted about how it’s going.



This is the one thing I don’t like about lapdist, they size their cylinders too close to the actual girth of your cock giving you very little room to grow. I’m thinking you will be needing a 2.0 tube soon. As long as your head is not completely packed (is there a little space left on the underside?), there vacuum will still act on the shaft and the shaft will expand further, and yes it will eventually pack.

Did you set your ruler on the cylinder flange when you made your measurement while still in the tube? If so, remember that the flange is 1/4 inch thick, so add that to your measurement.

What type of lube are you using? If you use a water based lube like KY, or the Target equivalent, it will make clean up much easier.

One more thing. Try kegeling while in the tube. It may help pump up your shaft faster and it’s a great time to put in your kegel requirement for the day!

Look at the times of those responses. We were all typing at the same time and I am obviously the slowest typer! When I started my response, no one had replied yet!

“they size their cylinders too close to the actual girth of your cock giving you very little room to grow.”

That was my experience too- I ordered a 1.75 and was halfway packed in two weeks and didnt take but another month to finish that off. My 2” is getting purty tight too and when I play with cialis it’s fully packed in 15 minutes so I’ve ordered the 2.25. That should take me to 7” of girth.

What do you guys use on the erection maintenance while in the tube? I find that porn and gently 1/4 ~ 1/2” milking rhythm does it but I’ll take all the advice I can get.

Some mornings, before I get up, I’ll pump with no porn, nothing, at 3~4hg for 30-45 minutes and still get good girth but not much length.

It's better to think you're doing something than to sit back and wonder what might have been Start: 12/2003 EBPL: 7 15/16 EG: 5 1/4 Now: 12/2004 EBPL: 8 1/2 EG: 5 5/8 (pumped is 5 7/8 mid, 6.25 base) FL: 6.25

Thankyou all for your replies!

So, if I lube up the glans more I should still be able to get some length gains? It’s more my primary concern.

I was quite suprised when I noticed that I was packing an inch of the tube, I didn’t really expect that. I of course hope to pack this tube out and move up to 2”.

As for the measuring, I measured BP, and not the flange.

Lube-wise I’m using some KY that I had lying about. I would have thought something like the vaseline cream lotion would be too oily or difficult to clean up?

Thanks for the tips and reassurances, they’re very helpful.

I’m just itching to have another go! I’ll stick to the 101 routine for now though.

All in all I was very impressed with the experience and it seemed that I responded well to it.

Originally Posted by ICM
Thankyou all for your replies!

So, if I lube up the glans more I should still be able to get some length gains? It’s more my primary concern….Lube-wise I’m using some KY that I had lying about. I would have thought something like the vaseline cream lotion would be too oily or difficult to clean up?


You want lube so that your dick can slide/stretch longer and up the interior side of the cylinder, especially if you’re already packing the glans.

The vaseline cream lotion is water soluble, so with a little warm/hot water it rinses clean pretty well, plus it moisturizes your dick keeping it conditioned for all occasions.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Originally Posted by gprent101
Look at the times of those responses. We were all typing at the same time and I am obviously the slowest typer! When I started my response, no one had replied yet!


It was those 8 years of piano training with gave me the digital dexterity to become the speed typist I am today.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Originally Posted by peforeal

You want lube so that your dick can slide/stretch longer and up the interior side of the cylinder, especially if you’re already packing the glans.

The vaseline cream lotion is water soluble, so with a little warm/hot water it rinses clean pretty well, plus it moisturizes your dick keeping it conditioned for all occasions.


Thanks for the tip. I like the idea of buying that instead of having to buy lots of lube.

I really want to give it another go, would it be so bad to just try one more 10 minute set?


>I really want to give it another go, would it be so bad to just try one more 10 minute set?<

Yes, several small deer in Mexico will die if you do.


Throw caution to the wind! You are pretty safe at 10 minute sets and 4 in hg. Have fun!

As a matter of fact, multiple sets with jelqing inbetween is a good way to go.


I like gprent’s answer more. :)

Just as a matter of record, I do feel sorry for those deer. Environmentalist’s, lay off!

Just don’t get carried away, ICM. We don’t want you on the injured list.



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