Thunder's Place

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Low Pressure vs High Pressure Pumping


Penox, Matutinal_euphony, ironaddict69, upto7 and others:

I have been pumping for a while but often pump to higher pressures, sometimes up to 10Hg for second then back down to 5hg as a constant. What is your guy’s opinion of this?

I have noticed it doesn’t really help my EQ and in fact might be hurt it. Yet when I pump 2hg barely seals me in the tube even though the size of my tube is correct. 3hg barely if any gets me any expansion beyond my natural erection if at all. 4hg gets me just a bit of expansion beyond my natural erection.

Is this how it is with you guys as well? How much expansion are you getting from 4hg of pressure?

Last edited by sta-kool : 01-19-2011 at .

Originally Posted by Damien84
Yet when I pump 2hg barely seals me in the tube even though the size of my tube is correct.

My guess is you do not have a good seal. See this thread about getting a good seal:

Newbie can’t get a perfect seal — is continually pumping the pump ok?

As to low pressure vs high pressure pumping:

gprent - Soft when I exit pump

Originally Posted by gprent
I have been staying in the 3"hg range for quite a while now and my results are the best ever.

Seems I really wasted a lot of time, like years, trying to make pumping at high pressure work.

If you want to skip all the hassle and go right to getting consistent excellent results, just try pumping at low pressure for a week.

I do three 12 to 15 minute sets every work out with a massage to full erection between each set. Finish off your routine with a full erection for at least 5 minutes.

You will be impressed with you flaccid size and EQ.

That advice and workout from gprent is GOLDEN.

It is not about ‘HUGE EXPANSION’ at every workout. HUGE EXPANSION = temporary lymph fluid expansion.

It is about gradual permanent expansion over time.

Last edited by sta-kool : 01-19-2011 at .

Originally Posted by Damien84
I have been pumping for a while but often pump to higher pressures, sometimes up to 10Hg for second then back down to 5hg as a constant. What is your guy’s opinion of this?

I used to do that when my pump gauge still worked. I usually kept the pressure at 3-5Hg and every few minutes made spikes to 10Hg. It gave me some good length but I wouldn’t recommend it for every pumping sessions. I believe that high pressures lead to tunica scarring.

Originally Posted by bigfin87
I believe that high pressures lead to tunica scarring.

Same here, probably capillary damage too.

I’d highly recommend going for the lower pressure pumping, maybe around 5-6 HG but certainly not as high as you go. You don’t need a ton of expansion because you’re going for long-term growth and the idea is to consistently stimulate you and encourage real growth instead of just swelling. I realize pumping with high pressure yields exciting short-term results, but you’ve got to keep the proper perspective on this! You may experiment with clamping after pumping, too- that seems to help make the increase in volume stick around longer and might help in the long run as well. Good luck!


I also agree with everyone to stay away from high pressures. Stick with less than 5. I usually hold at 4 when I’m air pumping. It gives great EQ and I believe it is good for the vascularity of the penis long term. High pressures probably cause scarring and/or blood vessel damage. Keeping the tube warm with a heating pad is helpful too.

I never go above 5. But I just got my pump with the gauge and have used it a few times a week at low pressure and two 10 min pumping sessions each time.

I start to notice even at around 3 to 5 hg on the second session it starts to pack much more then the previous. I “think” taking it out to do some jelqs and to get the blood flowing again then let the erection to subside a bit, and then hitting the second round maybe key for me packing it more the 2nd time.

Starting Stats: BPEL = 5.875, EG = 4.375 <> Current Stats: BPEL = 7.25, EG = 4.6

Originally Posted by matutinal_euphony
You may experiment with clamping after pumping, too- that seems to help make the increase in volume stick around longer and might help in the long run as well.

Personally, I’d avoid post pump clamping and go with the more “traditional” post-pump extending-the-post-pump-results ritual. “The Stretchy Cock Ring.”

I know there are guys that advocate clamping after pumping as a PE routine, but I think it is stacking two stressful PE methods on top of each other.

In fact one of the strongest advocates of pump-then-clamp has pretty much said he will never do that again, way too much stress and counterproductive.

Going over 3.5” Hg becomes uncomfortable to me after a very short while, that’s why I keep the pressure at 2.5”-3” Hg. I get great expansion after around 60 minutes of heated pumping at that pressure. Sometimes even 3” Hg becomes uncomfortable after 45-60 minutes, but that may be due to the shape of cylinder base.

Another vote for 3”Hg or sometimes even less - then again the gauge might not be too accurate this low.

Did over an hour at 3.5 - 4 hg this morning and my erection was better than my previous erections at 5 hg. Will have ro try 3 hg next time.

I personally never even go up past 4 HG. I usually keep it around 2-3, and I don’t get hardly any fluid buildup. It isn’t as “reassuring” as when you high pressure pump but those results are just temporary anyway. I will admit I do much longer sets than 15 minutes though, but my tunica might be tougher and anyone else’s I have ever talked to.

Thanks for all the replies guys. Many seem to pump for long periods of time. I thought going over 15 minutes was dangerous to do in one session? I think I remember that from the pamphlet that came with my pump (L.A. Pump).

I’m keeping at 4hg with an occasional pump up to 5hg to see how it goes.


At 2hg I would have to hold the pump on me because the weight of it could possibly break the seal. But with 3 or 4hg it would stay on. I’m about 5.5MSEG so I use a 2inch tube, but my base girth is slightly less but it seals fine in a 2inch tube. As someone has said before it might be that my gauge isn’t accurate at lower pressures so maybe 2hg is more like 1hg?

Originally Posted by ironaddict69

I will admit I do much longer sets than 15 minutes though, but my tunica might be tougher and anyone else’s I have ever talked to.

I think I can give you a run for for the money.

Originally Posted by Damien84
At 2hg I would have to hold the pump on me because the weight of it could possibly break the seal. But with 3 or 4hg it would stay on. I’m about 5.5MSEG so I use a 2inch tube, but my base girth is slightly less but it seals fine in a 2inch tube. As someone has said before it might be that my gauge isn’t accurate at lower pressures so maybe 2hg is more like 1hg?

Ok now I get what you are saying. For me about 2.5 and it will stay on.

If you are worried about your pump, I highly recommend that brake bleeder pump from Harbor Freight tools. They have stores all over the place. It is what I have.

Brake Bleeder and Vacuum Pump Kit

Originally Posted by Damien84
Many seem to pump for long periods of time. I thought going over 15 minutes was dangerous to do in one session? I think I remember that from the pamphlet that came with my pump (L.A. Pump).

The main thing is to make sure you get fresh blood to the penis. Personally I think the 10-15 minute set, come out massage and get a hard-on and then go back in for another 10 or 15 minute set worked really good for me. For a while I was pumping for a single 30 to 45 minute set, but I would lower the pressure to nearly 0 every 5 minutes to make sure I was getting good circulation. I would also milk the tube, that was good for pulling fresh blood in.

Originally Posted by Damien84
I’m keeping at 4hg with an occasional pump up to 5hg to see how it goes.

Seriously, try that gprent routine out exactly as written for a week and see what you think. If you don’t like it, then all you have lost is a week.


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