Originally Posted by …2BigAlready.
I’d like to say to the whole community, feel free to jump in, I am open to input or any commentary. I’ll just check with TG for compatibility first :D This is definitely an open discussion! To reiterate, I am seeking, in this order:
1. EQ Gains
2. Length Gains, love to get back over 10” BPEL
3. Girth Gains, incidental or intentional ;)
I am nowhere near your size, but I wouldn’t trade my EQ for any larger size. Hopefully these tips help you get some EQ gains like they helped me.
1) Balance between reverse kegels and kegels
Too many kegels results in poor EQ. Reverse kegels help reverse the effects, presumably by stretching the kegel muscle, since kegels only do contractions. Reverse kegels are excellent for bloodflow, at a 70% erection reverse kegeling makes the glans balloon, that’s a sign you’re doing it right.
2) Hydration and diet
Make sure you get enough fats and carbs, healthily. Water is also your best friend, though hydration shouldn’t be mentioned since it is crucial to all aspects of health in everything ever.
3) Exercise
Cardio and weights, yoga, whatever your thing is, all will help EQ.
4) Sleep
Get your 6+ hours of sleep every night, uninterrupted (4 hour nap + 2 hour nighttime is not the same). If you wake up with a burning toaster in your pants, you did it right. If you wake up with a pool noodle in your pants, try to identify the cause (mental or physical) and work to improve it.
5) Make sure your mind is right
If you have thoughts that are in ANY way similar to “I’m not good enough”, toss that shit out of the window, roll over it a few times, and then light it on fire. Know what, thats my new sig.
Those thoughts are self destructive, and only you can eliminate them from the source.
You may or may not have already been doing some of these steps, but hopefully I mentioned some useful information.