Taking a little time off to let the blood blister exfoliate. Probably start back up Sunday.
I put together a meal plan which will get me enough protein and create a slight deficit so that my weight trends down. What I have noticed is a pattern, that on the days that I am exhausted from work, I over eat. So it becomes a vicious cycle, you get too exhausted to get enough exercise in and then you take in more carbs for the energy boost.
I don’t want to give the wrong impression, I don’t have a lot of weight to lose, I’m no more than 10 pounds from shredded but part of ,my identity is being the guy with the best body and I’m far from that now.
Been lifting weights now for about a month and I have to say the muscles are already blowing up. I’m using very light weights, just 2 sets per exercise and only increasing the weight when I get 30 reps for the first set. I have never trained this light before, but I am progressing and the muscles are responding. So I guess there is some truth to being able to grow with lighter weights as long as you progress. I’m 63 and I’ll push it but I don’t want to get hurt. Kinda feel that if you can get 30 reps with a weight the load is light enough to safely move up.
Sleep is huge. I don’t know how others are but once my clock is set I wake up pretty much at the same time each day, so the key for me is to not stay up late. Developing a ritual, that serves me.
Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.