Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Buckfever's "It's The Final Countdown" Journal


Dumbbell Bench Press


8.9 mile run

So an hour of weights at the gym and then 98 minutes of running. Hilly course but I’m slow for sure, we’ll get better.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


Blood blister on glans, taking the day off will start back tomorrow.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


108 @ 37.5 minutes

2.5 minutes lower to down position
5 minutes reset attachment to gain forward position
7.5 add 18 half turns
10 add 18
12.5 add 18
15 add 18
17.5 add 18
17.5 add Total Man heat pad high
20 add 18
30 remove/start manual stretching
37.5 end

So now I have to nurse the blood blister till it heals fully. I’m just going to maintain the 108 half turns because I don’t want to lose ground but keep the sessions short to allow for healing.

Meal plan is pretty good now, but my activity level has fallen off as I transition to running, because my legs are so damned sore after running that 8.9 mile hilly course the total aerobics has fallen off, but that will get better quickly. 188.4lbs this morning so definitely in the wrong direction, but I’m pretty optimistic that we’re peaking now. Definitely stronger and bigger than 3 months ago.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


54 half turns @ 18 minutes

18 minutes in I was seeing the pressure on the glans coalescing right on the healing blood blister and decided to end the session and give it another day to heal.

Weight hit a new high of 189.2 although the BF scale indicates that my lean mass also hit a high. I keep getting stronger and the muscles are getting bigger but I am concerned that this is getting away from me.

We’ll get back on it tomorrow.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


72 @ 32 minutes

2.5 minutes lower to down position
5 minutes reset attachment to gain forward position
7.5 add 24 half turns
10 add 24
12.5 add 24
15 add Total Man heat pad high
26 slippage remove/start manual stretching
32 end

I was curious about pushing the rate of tension increase and it confirmed for sure that the rate of tension increases at a rate of 24 half turns every 2.5 minutes, way exceeds the stretch relaxation rate. I’m going to bring it back to 12 half turns every 2.5 minutes which had been working well. Scab of the blood blister exfoliated after the session so we should be good to go.

Weight has plateaued at 189.2 and I should be able to run with greater frequency so hopefully the weight has peaked. I really can’t stand how I look at this weight it’s not just my body that is soft but my face is soft too. Bodyfat scale says I now have to lose 11 pounds. FUCK!

Managing the work schedule has been a daily struggle but I am not going to relent till they get it. Fucking horse schit though. I value my people and I let them know and I reward them, but somehow they seem to have lost sight that they’re there to support me. That’s on me though and I’ll have to fix it. I think some of it is societal. It’s a strange time.

Weather is good. We’ll do a double today, weights and running.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


Dumbbell Bench


8.9 mile run 10:55 a mile

Stronger for sure.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


60 @ 33.5 minutes

2.5 minutes lower to down position
5 minutes reset attachment to gain forward position
7.5 add 12 half turns
10 add 12
12.5 add 12
15 add 12
17.5 add 12
17.5 add Total Man heat pad high
28.5 remove begin manual stretching
33.5 end

Dehydrated from the run yesterday and so poor head swell. Shut it down at 28.5 minutes to not stress the glans tissues. We’ll go again tomorrow. It’s been some years since I’ve done the running and I’d forgotten that you need to push fluids. We’ll get hydrated and go again tomorrow.

Big weight drop because I’m dehydrated.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


72 @ 52 minutes

2.5 minutes lower to down position
5 minutes reset attachment to gain forward position
7.5 add 12 half turns
10 add 12
12.5 add 12
15 add 12
17.5 add 12
17.5 add Total Man heat pad high
20 add 12
33.5 Low heat
47 slippage/ remove/start manual stretching
52 end

A little surprised by the slippage as the tension was not high. Thinking about the variables, lack of sleep, hydration and conditioning of the new noose come to mind. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


84 @ 41 minutes

2.5 minutes lower to down position
5 minutes reset attachment to gain forward position
7.5 add 12 half turns
10 add 12
12.5 add 12
15 add 12
17.5 add 12
17.5 add Total Man heat pad high
20 add 12
22.5 add 12
33.5 Low heat
34.5 slippage/ remove/start manual stretching
41.5 end

I really have no idea what is going on here. but that is 2 days in a row of experiencing slippage. I know I’m sleep deprived, a bit dehydrated and my weight at 188.8 is at the high end of the range. Maybe an increase in the fat pad? Anyway experience has shown, drop the tension and get the duration and build back up so that’s what we’ll do.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


60 @ 60 minutes

2.5 minutes lower to down position
5 minutes reset attachment to gain forward position
7.5 add 12 half turns
10 add 12
12.5 add 12
15 add 12
17.5 add 12
17.5 add Total Man heat pad high
35.5 low heat
53.5 heat off
60 end

Well yesterday I get a blow job and today I get the 60 minutes duration. I think I figured out what my problem is. I have not been sexually active. Just been too tired from work and the running to make the moves. Since I don’t watch porn or masturbate or edge I’m not getting enough blood flow into the tissues. It makes the case for the use of the pump to support penile health.

Anyway back on track now.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


72 @ 60 minutes

2.5 minutes lower to down position
5 minutes reset attachment to gain forward position
7.5 add 12 half turns
10 add 12
12.5 add 12
15 add 12
17.5 add 12
17.5 add Total Man heat pad high
20 add 12
34.5 low heat
53.5 heat off
60 end

So this went great and certainly more tension could have been added, but experience has shown that when you hit a hiccup, you favor duration and slowly bring up the tension and that’s what we’ll do.

I usually wake up at the same time everyday but I don’t feel I’ve been getting enough sleep so I’m sleeping in for an hour on my days off and my body seems to like it. We’ll see how that goes over the long run.

I need to be in better shape and the journey back concerns me. I just have to be patient and hope for the best.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


90 @ 60 minutes

2.5 minutes lower to down position
5 minutes reset attachment to gain forward position
7.5 add 18 half turns
10 add 18
12.5 add 18
15 add 18
17.5 add 18
17.5 add Total Man heat pad high
35 Low
53.5 heat off
60 end

Good head swell and the 18 half turns was tolerated well to 90 and the stretch felt great. Well see what we do with the rate of tension increases. I know 24 half turns every 2.5 minutes is too much for sure.

Dumbbell Bench Press

Was too cold to run yesterday but the next few weeks look good so I should be getting regular runs in. Also with the better weather I’ll start walking after dinner. Weight is going nowhere but I think that is due to not being active enough. I could eat less but then I won’t get enough protein and I literally have been getting stronger for 3 months straight so don’t want to pull back much there and risk stopping the momentum. I will if I have to but let’s see where I’m at in a month after I bump up the activity level.

I have not sorted out the amount of work that I’m doing, but I did put back in that afternoon off in 2 weeks that the staff took off my books. The tug of war continues. What I’ve realized happens is that when staff take off for a function or a vacation, they try to make up the hours by adding to my schedule. I think it’s great that people want to work, just not at my ‘t say expense. More than that though I; being sponsored for training and I’m being sent to a symposium and I can say no. So while it’s not work per se it’s still work related and takes away from life balance.

The other thing that really bothers me is what my mind is on. And I’ve noticed that my mind is just not thinking about sex. Saturday nights I’ve mostly gone out and had fun, but I think I actually have to plan something during the week, because otherwise it just gets crowded out. IMO a healthy sex drive is very very iimportant in terms of quality of life.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

Originally Posted by Buckfever
Weight is going nowhere but I think that is due to not being active enough.

Muscle mass is heavier than fat. My weight loss leveled out sharply last year, but the tape measure says I’m still getting smaller.

In the spirit of "there’s no kill like an overkill", I measure neck, shoulders, upper chest, waist at navel, butt, thighs, calves, upper arms, and forearms once a month.

What I’ve realized happens is that when staff take off for a function or a vacation, they try to make up the hours by adding to my schedule. I think it’s great that people want to work, just not at my ‘t say expense.

quality of life.

Perhaps you should start looking to move to a better job before you hit burnout. In my personal experience, when I got to that point I had a major change in my attitude toward working for others and putting up with bullshit, that certainly affected my earnings negatively later.

"Muscle mass is heavier than fat. My weight loss leveled out sharply last year, but the tape measure says I’m still getting smaller.
In the spirit of "there’s no kill like an overkill", I measure neck, shoulders, upper chest, waist at navel, butt, thighs, calves, upper arms, and forearms once a month."

No question, even though I’m not that strong yet, I look like I lift now. I still want to be lighter though.

"Perhaps you should start looking to move to a better job before you hit burnout. In my personal experience, when I got to that point I had a major change in my attitude toward working for others and putting up with bullshit, that certainly affected my earnings negatively later"

I have probably misrepresented how I feel about my job. I LOVE my job and my teams. I just feel I’m working too much. But I agree with you 100% working too much will lead to diminishing returns. I worked on it some more yesterday. It’s funny because my staff approached me about more vacation time for the year. And Monday I’ve directed my staff to talk another functional team about increasing efficiency and reducing overlapping work functions.

The biggest problem with not enough leisure is you don’t have enough time to think.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


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