132 @ 56.5 minutes
2.5 minutes lower to down position
5 minutes reset attachment to gain forward position
7.5 add 12 half turns
10 add 12 half turns
12.5 add 12
15 add 12
17.5 add 12
17.5 add Total Man heat pad high
20 add 12
22.5 add 12
25 add 12
27.5 add 12
30 add 12
32.5 add 12
32.5 low heat
51.5 remove device/start manual stretching
56.5 end
Sleep deprived so very happy with the session. Managed to not screw up the attachment so that was very good. Looking at the record, we’re able to get back to 132 half turns much more quickly so definitely progressing. Everything seems to take longer than I like but what can you do.
Changing up the meal plan actually started yesterday but I need to work on the macros today. If I have to I’ll weigh everything. So far I gained 2.2 lbs, but based on the bodyfat scale all of it is muscle, And that’s fine but there’s been no fat loss so that’s not good, because that takes time and we need to be making some progress on it.
Back in the gym today, but I have to pick up a ladder a few towns over. It’s really un fucking believable how expensive everything is.2 hours to save $3-400 is worth it to me. The price gouging continues BUT there are deals out there if you look for them and negotiate.
I think I’m going back to hitting the entire upper body in one session. I just don’t think I can be consistent enough if I split it, we’ll see. I got to get the aerobics in!
Body weight 187.2 @ 20.3% bodyfat.
Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.