2.5 minutes down position
5 minutes reset noose
5 minutes add 8%
7.5 minutes add low heat TherMedic pad.
7.5 minutes add 8%
10 minutes add 7%
12.5 minutes add 7%
15 minutes add 7%
17.5 minutes add 7%
20 minutes add 7%
22.5 minutes add 7%
25 minutes add 7%
27.5 minutes add 7%
30 minutes add 7%
32.5 minutes add 7%
35 minutes add 7%
37.5 minutes add 7%
40 minutes low heat
53.5 minutes turn off heat
56.5 minutes remove pad
63 minutes end session
Well I didn’t fuck up this time. Second time at 100%. Heat tolerance was good, only went to low at 40 minutes to play it safe I don’t want another blister. Tension ramp up after the heat pad was off was substantial and was persistent so I extended the cool down until it dissipated. Glans condition good at the end and tension level seemed reduced. It’s looking good. Probably taking a picture next friday to compare measurements from the last campaign.
In other news the Summer cut is going well. I’ve lost 11 lbs since January, probably just 4-5 more to go. The abs are coming in but the fat behind the obliques needs a little more work.
Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.