Well I got two more US transducers. Now I have three… two 1.6w 1mhz and the sound care plus.
So im thinking tie two in line and the other 3mhz targeting closer to target cord.
Also today I revisited fulcrums and got great strain almost 3% but got that good fatigue burn on the cord after workout. And it took me less than an hour.
So it got me thinking about why that is. Why fulcrums work better than just straight out hanging.
Then I thought about the architecture of the penis. A good 10 20min went by. Just pondering. What if I were able to compress hanger just the cord. Wouldnt that be tje optimal way to grasp just the cord. Alas, there is no way.
But what if I turned the hanger such that in the narrowest groove the cord lay rest. My cord being at the 7 o clock position or left to my urethra on the ventral side. Then i ran my fingers up and down the cord. Feeling it. Becoming one with it.
And i pondered what it would be like to stretch just this ligament. This cord that is the reason for all my struggles. The reason I am here.
So it came to me. How can one target it. How did i gain so much in macro 1 and macro 2. Was it the IR? Why did US produce temporary bpfsl gains that went away. What did i do different.
And so I thought if i attach the hanger perfectly in line with shaft and below coronal ridge I am grasping thus both corpora cavernosa. Behold the other cord to the right of the urethra, yet not as big and limiting, it is thus there. Divide and you shall conquer I thought. Two cords against the forces. Two cords against my goals.
Two cords that divided can be overcome. The fulcrum is the answer. The fulcrum. All along it was always and has always been the source of my greatest gains. Without it two cords are overpowering. Two ichiocavernosus run along cords that together abolish my efforts. Macro 3 cycle was all straight out. Hardly any fulcrums. Just US with no fulcrums.
And so I realize how fulcrums are the great dividers. At each fulcrum point one cord may now suffer the whole force of the load. At another, the other. So on and so forth can one go back and forth. Divide and conquer. The fulcrum is the divider.
Now that I see this more clearly let me never forget for if I do I will suffer the time being wasted. For what is wasted may never return.
The PA longerstretch is using may yet be the greatest thing I ever use. Accompanied with 2 dorsal 1mhz US and 1 3mhz ventral US, the chords divided, they stand no chance.