Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New York Texan's PRP Experiment

7/25 after a few days "off"

I had guests for a few days and had no opportunity to do much of any PE for about 4 days. So, a rest! Today, just a quick check-in. Warm initial low pressure pump then BPFSL measure: 20cm on the button. Not as long as in the SD, but I have never been able to match the SD stretch manually. I probably could if the pull was harder, but I want to remain consistent in gauging things. 20cm is encouraging!

8/7 update

My routine has been interrupted over the last few weeks. But, I was able to get in a couple Tri-days this past week, one yesterday. The erect (BPEL) measure was still right at 19.5 cm, with girth at about 6”. So, no apparent recent gains. I have to shorten today’s day after SD stretch, and just showed 21cm, so not the slight increase I had in the last reported measure, but still in keeping with gains. Next Wednesday is last of 6 monthly PRP sessions. My plan is to monitor any changes over the ensuing few weeks and then compile a summary of gains/experiences. As the time continues to pass I will also be able to see if gains continue, and I may add other methods to the mix (possibly some clamping to solidify girth).One benefit I have noticed is that the near daily use of a good tube lube cream (I use the Glyde cream) has improved my skin tone and feel!

8/11 PRP No. 6

Today was PRP session number 6. Usual protocol, including the Trimix, and post injection pump (with heat). In credible tension felt, filled the 2” tube nicely. I took a base girth measure after I got home and was over 6”. Around 5.75” mid-shaft. I still take crappy pictures (see member section), but today’s shows the injection points (at least a few). These fade rapidly, and my guy does a phenomenal job (I think) in minimizing bruising, etc. Next…let’s see how all settles-in over the next few weeks!

8/13 Two days post-PRP

Post the 8/11 PRP I did an afternoon pump at low pressure. The Trimix had largely worn off, but I had to use the 2.25” tube because I couldn’t fir into the 2” at that point. I took a pic showing 6.5” girth after, with rings in place. Yesterday and today I continued the morning low pressure pump, then the SD, but both days followed with the 2.25” (mornings with the 2”). The girth is a bit under the 6.5” mark, but what struck me is I could not get my thumb and forefinger to come close to touching. That was nice. Length seems to be where it had been, hitting a high of 21cm in the SD after about three hours, much with heat. A jelqed induced erection out of the stretcher hits around the 19.5 cm level still, though one measure was a bit longer, one or two mm. Goal remains to hit 8” x 6”.

I may have been able to reach a glans conditioning where I can starting using the Phallosan again post-SD for a longer time under stretch. But I also do not want to induce blisters. The Phallosan, I find, creates a pretty distinct blister, the small BB size type, and usually near the urethra, unless you really over do it! So, if I do, I will still remove it every hour or so, rather than leave it on for multiple hours at a time.

8/18 Tri-day

I did a Tri-day today, after morning pump, over a three hour SD stretch (with breaks after each hour or so), then short pump in the 2.25”. I think my Trimix is getting old, but it did the job enough to create a multi-hour erection, plus I can “reactivate” an erection by adding rings and adding some jelq. Measurements are status quo from before, about 21cm max in the SD, then 19.5cm (plus a mm or two, maybe) at fully erect. Girth remains around the 6” mark. I didn’t hit the 6.5” mark as before, but that was after an afternoon pump a few hours after the Tri had worn off. I continue to think the “pain” from pumping while engorged with the Tri is the tunica stress. I continue to take care to not overdo that pump.

8/20 Lesson learned

Today I did the usual morning low pressure pump with heat, then almost 4 hours (in segments) in the SD, much under heat too. Then I went into the 2.25” post-stretch. I learned a lesson I had forgotten. After coming out of a suction type stretcher, the glans skin can be sort of white, and even if your stroke blood back in I think the skin is more apt to form blisters. So I seem to have a couple tiny ones. Will see if I do any pump tomorrow, probably no SD tomorrow. Do not want these to grow. Live an learn. Or re-learn.

Hello NY,

If I am not mistaken, your girth has grown very fast compared to your BPEL? If this is the case, how does your BPFSL compares to your BPEL?

Period 1: 06/08/2020 BPFSL: 22cm (8.66") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 09/07/2020 BPFSL: 23.9cm (9.40")

Period 2: 05/01/2021 BPFSL: 24cm (9.44") BPEL: 22cm (8.66") EG: 15.8cm (6.25") => 07/24/2021 BPFSL: 25.4cm (10.00") BPEL: 23.5cm (9.25")

Goal: 1 Foot x 7.5 Inches (30.48cm x 19.05cm) NBPEL

Originally Posted by igigi
Hello NY,

If I am not mistaken, your girth has grown very fast compared to your BPEL? If this is the case, how does your BPFSL compares to your BPEL?

Actually both gained fairly quickly, but have remained somewhat status quo of late. I went from about 7” BPEL to 7 3/4”, and 5.5” base erect girth to about 6” since approximately March while following the PRP protocol. I will need to go back to check BPFSL, but I now typically reach around 21cm (yes I started trying to use metric on length) while in the SD extender, compared to the 19.5 BPEL while a trimix induced erection was underway. So, there is a gap there. I am usually not able to get to 21cm with a manual stretch, but probably could come close. Regardless, I do have that typical gap between stretched and full erect.

Any updates? Interested in this log PRP + PGE-1.

So far, you made huge progress


Originally Posted by fdersby8
Any updates? Interested in this log PRP + PGE-1.

So far, you made huge progress

I am overdue for an update here. I have made some entries in the Members’ section for progress with pics. I think I am maybe a few weeks to a month away from a full report bringing forward results from start to end of the PRP journey. I fear I did not take full advantage as-intended because of two issues: (1) I simply did not like using the follow-up PGE-1 (Trimix) as often as desired (I was shooting for 3-4 times a week); and (2) a few blister setbacks due to the Size Doctor glans suction attachment. I still think a suction attachment that pulls for the stretch is superior, but with it comes risks. I know many have never had an issue, and neither did I once upon a time, but once you start getting blisters, they become easier to develop if not careful, or in my case, even if careful.
Preliminary results as of today show that my BPEL is over 1/2" longer, sometimes as much as 3/4" longer. Girth is about a half inch thicker at base, a bit less midshaft. My curve has somewhat straightened as well, and overall I think the unit looks better, and the function is great for an "old" man. So, as of today I am at 7.5" to 7.75" in length, around 6" base girth and 5.75" mid shaft girth. So, I have had gains for certain. I can only speculate whether they would have been better without the setbacks (with or without more Trimix use). Before the blister setbacks I was seeing a good progression in BPFSL via the SD, getting to be well over 8" in some sessions. I cannot replicate that stretch in a more traditional slide traction device.

I also found this interesting site that can put things into pretty good perspective! PENDEX – How do YOU measure up?

Originally Posted by newyorktexan
OK, I may have too much time on my hands, which can’t be true as busy as I am. But I am working from home, and it allows my mind to wander. I saw a study involving I think 1500 men (not animals) who underwent 6 PRP shots, with PGE-1 added, one per month, and followed a pump protocol. It may have involved stretching too, but I am going to use an extender for certain. The reported results were an average of 3.5 cm length and 3.0 cm circumference. So, I cut a deal with my doctor to try it. Yesterday was treatment one, followed by the requisite pump (light pressure, but with heat), and I am not in my Size Doctor extender for a few hours (with breaks). I have a second scheduled in about a month. So, I am following my basic routine, but adding the monthly PRP treatment. I will keep all advised! I can tell you have have the usual post-PRP increase, especially in girth, and the noticeable skin improvement (softer). I have had a number of prior PRP treatments, and tend to use it as a tune up of sorts, not really for size. Or, at least I decided size may not be a reasonably expected result for me. Now we will see.
Stay tuned. I think Runnels is doing something similar (study) with a doctor on the west coast.
Oh, BPSFL now is around 7+”, BPEL is right at 7”. Flaccid girth is around 5+, and full erect girth is over 5.5.” I do have a few (albeit not high quality) photos in the member section.

This study you mentioned, is there a link to it? I can’t find it anywhere.

I am virtually certain it’s the Brandeis study you linked in the other section. When I read about that months ago Runnels was mentioned as collaborator in some materials.

Sorry. If you meant the PRP/PGE study I have linked or attached that in a post along the way. If you cannot locate I may be able to send in a message.

Originally Posted by fdersby8
Do you mean this ones?


Analytics for US Patent No. 7671091, Penis enlargement

I had seen those, but the specific one is attached at post 200 here: /showthread.html?t=191037

What was/is a bit maddening is this study used monthly PRP, and PGE-1, but did not describe how it used the PGE-1 in conjunction with PRP. The pending study out west uses only PRP monthly. The Toronto doctor’s "patented" process uses daily PGE-1, apparently without PRP. I had always wondered what happens if you combine the PRP with PGE-1 in one set of injections so that there is a more immediate retention of blood/PRP in a thoroughly engorged member. So, I had PRP injections with Trimix added once a month for 6 months, used very low pressure pumping with heat at the doctor’s office, then used periodic Trimix between shots, along with daily pumps (with heat) and at least for most months, a following stretch. There were breaks here and there, and then the Size Doctor hurt me (blister) so I put that aside for the time being. I simply don’t care for a traditional strap device.
Bottom line is that I used a hybrid taking a bit from each protocol.


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