Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE for Life.

Out of curiousity are you black or white? I think that generally black dicks can be more showers, and white dicks can be more growers. And there are exceptions, there are some 6 inch white guy flaccids out there for example. But 7 inches is a monster and makes me curious. Either way you should be proud. :)

7.25” flaccid

Here’s a shot of me at almost 7.25” flaccid. I am white (though I have been tanning nude lol). Flaccid gains have never really been a focus… they have just sort of happened. Too bad, it seems my balls have also stretched out a bit.

I am pretty happy that I have gained flaccid though :)

Edit: Discolouration is pretty evident here I know :(

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

Originally Posted by braindrain

Perfect Jelqing
I believe jelqing is the most important part to any PE routine. I attribute most of my length gains and all of my girth gains to it (As you can see from the summary above, clamping only really gave me swollen gains and discolouration). All throughout the forum you will see me refer to ‘Perfect Jelqing’. In reality there is nothing special about perfect jelqing. It’s just jelqing.. Perfectly! Simply jelq as perfect as you can, taking nice long strokes, squeezing with good pressure for the most expansion possible. Focus on making every stroke perfect and focus on lots of expansion. Before you know it, 10 minutes of perfect jelqing will feel like an hour of jelqing your old way.

Could not agree more.

Time and time again I experiment trying new forms of PE and always come back to realize that jelqing is simply the best form of PE out there.

Originally Posted by Rustyman
Could not agree more.

Time and time again I experiment trying new forms of PE and always come back to realize that jelqing is simply the best form of PE out there.

Can jelqing alone, increase length and girth substantially? I’m not sure if manual stretching effects EQ in a negative way or not.

Paraphrased: It is not the critic who counts: The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

Originally Posted by braindrain
7.25” flaccid

Here’s a shot of me at almost 7.25” flaccid. I am white (though I have been tanning nude lol). Flaccid gains have never really been a focus… they have just sort of happened. Too bad, it seems my balls have also stretched out a bit.

I am pretty happy that I have gained flaccid though :)

Edit: Discolouration is pretty evident here I know :(


It looks like you’ve done hanging, ulis etc. How do you know that Jelqing can be attributed to most of your length gains? I hope that’s true, but it looks like, over your career, you’ve done quite a bit more than jelqing.

Paraphrased: It is not the critic who counts: The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

I think jelqing alone can increase both length and girth substantially (if done properly). I have always found stretching to help with blood flow and EQ.

I agree Rustyman, there simply is no beating jelqing (:

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

Originally Posted by Acid Jazz


It looks like you’ve done hanging, ulis etc. How do you know that Jelqing can be attributed to most of your length gains? I hope that’s true, but it looks like, over your career, you’ve done quite a bit more than jelqing.

I have done quite a bit more than jelqing. The reason I associate most of my gains with jelqing is because it seems that the periods where growth occurs, has been the periods where jelqing was the biggest focus (especially in the last couple years). I know I did gain some from hanging as well, so you cant rule that out. But I still believe that good quality jelqs will equate to awesome gains.

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

Originally Posted by braindrain
I think jelqing alone can increase both length and girth substantially (if done properly). I have always found stretching to help with blood flow and EQ.

I agree Rustyman, there simply is no beating jelqing (:

So, do you stretch before or after you jelq? I am jelqing using the “C” grip, because the “ok” grip hurts my urethra. What level of erection do you jelq? Lots of questions, I know, but I’d rather do 10 quality minutes of jelqing with a little manual stretching and call it good. I do not want any issues with my goods as I get older. (still contemplating pumping though)

Paraphrased: It is not the critic who counts: The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

I stretch after I jelq normally. I just find I get a better stretch that way. Generally I jelq anywhere from 85 - 100% erect. But I don’t recommend that to someone who has just started PE (it can cause injury if you aren’t conditioned to it.) When you jelq just focus on doing it right and I am sure you’ll get the hang of it.

If you are going to pump, make sure you get one with a pressure gauge.

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

Originally Posted by braindrain
7.25” flaccid

Here’s a shot of me at almost 7.25” flaccid. I am white (though I have been tanning nude lol). Flaccid gains have never really been a focus… they have just sort of happened. Too bad, it seems my balls have also stretched out a bit.

I am pretty happy that I have gained flaccid though :)

Edit: Discolouration is pretty evident here I know :(


Definately a monster flaccid if ever I saw one.

Indeed it is a monster flaccid definitely something to aim for for most people.

This is a really excellent post braindrain! I really like how you broke your PE career down by the month, and described what you did and how much you gained or lost.

As I was reading, it became quite clear that the perfect jelqing method worked best for you.

A nice summary like this sure beats poring over pages of entries, and helps others quickly learn what may work for them too.

This has inspired me to keep a monthly PE journal tucked away somewhere so I may reflect and draw upon it later…

Thanks guys!

Yeah Rockwood, I would totally recommend keeping a journal. I think the journal is half the reason why I stayed so committed to PE.

Its hard to believe that tomorrow is 7 days since I started back up… haha I want to measure, but I will hold off until at least a month is reached. I feel like I have gained already, likely its just some size I lost from the break.

Here’s some goals of mine:

Short term - 8.75” BPEL x 5.5” EG.
Mid term - 9.00” BPEL x 5.75” EG.
Long term - 10.00” BPEL x 6.5” EG.

Even if I reach my long term goal, I think I will still PE for life.

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

Couldn’t help myself… I measured out at just over 8.5” BPEL… if I really shove in the ruler hard I can manage an 8.675” measurement. I wont make anything official yet though. I knew the length would come back fast after my little break, so I’m not too surprised.

I took some pics today as well (not measured, just for fun) and I can’t believe how big I look! I tell you guys, PE is worth it. Sure it takes a long time, but it is totally worth it!

Here’s the last 3 days:

43.16 – 10 min jelqing, 10min stretching, 5 x 10 intense dry jelqs
43.17 – 10 min jelqing (am), 20 min pumping, 10 min jelqing, 10 min pumping, (pm1) 5 min dry jelqing (pm2)
43.18 – 10 min jelqing, 10 min stretching, 5 x 10 dry jelqs (am), 3 x 10 min pumping, 10 min jelqing, 10 min stretching (pm)

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!


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