Originally Posted by wadzilla
Yep. People have died from aspirin. Should aspirin be banned? I’m not trying to make light of this guy’s problems, just saying that a few rare instances hardly justifies blaring a warning in neon lights.PE does have some inherent dangers (ALL activities do - even drinking too much water can be fatal). But *MOST* PE injuries usually occur when somebody tries some super xtreme crazy shit - not standard jelqing.
Yeah. The old “you could die crossing the street” argument.
This is what you don’t realize until you’ve got permanent damage. There are many, many guys who’ve had damage from PE. Possibly more than those who gained at all, and definitely more than those who’ve had any gains that don’t require “maintainance”. Only about 1 in 10 injured comes to the forums making a fuss about it, others are not interested in this. So the whole thing is not even on your radar, until of course you are injured and start discovering this. Bear in mind a lot of PE boards have a very common practice to eradicate all traces of existence of anyone injured (often under the pretense of them being “trolls”), so you don’t even get to see the real picture. Just watch the slew of attacks this guy got immediately after reporting. It says a lot about the reality some PEers live in.
I will quote someone else who was seriously injured.
There are serious problems that can happen to your penis from these exercises, and I am a living proof. It’s actually a lot of people that experience some degree of erectile dysfunction, soft glans etc from it. There are posts about these things on the enlargement forums, but you don’t really notice them or pay attention to them. Because you believe people did something extreme, until you are there yourself.
Personally, I don’t think you even remotely understand the complex delicacy of the organ called penis. Very few systems in the body can compare to it. Even the muscle in it doesn’t exist anywhere else in the body. And what to say about veno-occlusive function. Trying to force this organ to enlarge with no professional medical guidance is bound to be anything but safe. One person that got venous leakage and corrected it through surgery was asked by his uro did he “put his penis under any type of prolonged pressure like cock-ring?” Now compare wearing a cock-ring to doing clamping. Wait, it’s not even comparable. Besides, don’t you find it strange that, with all the interest in penis size and enlargement in the world today, it is not medically and scientifically established that such and such a way to enlarge the penis consistently works? I’m sure you have clever arguments to combat this.
One thing you also don’t realize is that many people’s slight ED is masked by the pumping or jelqing they’re doing, as this keeps the EQ up temporarily. I’ve seen not one but several injuries that revealed themselves after the guy stopped PE for a couple of days. And I’ve seen guys say that their EQ goes down unless they “do PE”. If they were smart, this would give them a clue. The penis should not need being put unders stress to function in a top notch way.
The real icing on the cake is that, with all the today’s medical progress, options for those who injured thier penises are very few. Close to none.
Of course, I am not writing this to convince you personally. I’ve seen enough to know that such a thing never happens. But I might make someone else more careful in the future.
I hope I will not be taken as someone who is trying to create hysteria. I am not. But I think I have the right to express my opinion. I am pretty sure what I say here will be taken for granted is a few years of the development of the PE community. Since, guys are not going to stop trying to enlarge their penis. And they will also not stop getting “injured” doing so.
And finally to get one thing clear: I don’t think that PE cannot work, under condition that it is extremely careful and extremely long term. I would even like to do some if I ever heal. But it wouldn’t be anything close to what is generally done.