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Pumping Injury

Ok I meant to post this earlier for you but I had Boyfriend duties to perform.

If you look at the structure of the glans then you will see that there is a layer of lamina propria that covers the corpus spongiosum, this is basically a dermis layer of skin, now what I would assume is happening in your case is the wrap and the hanger are putting enough pressure on the corpus spongiosum to engorge it and put the lamina propria into a compressed state as it is pressed against the mucosa (the outer skin of the Glans). Here are a couple of pictures to help you understand. … ved=0CDoQ9QEwBQ

Now this is where the capillaries for the skin on the artery side empty into (yes I know it’s a crude explanation) they dump their payload of whatever the system has required and pick up the trash and move off into the vein network, except you have backed up the transport system by putting the pressure on and compressing the scene, push your finger on your arm and remove it, it will be white initially and then blood will rush back in.

The thing is you have compressed it for a long time so it has trouble refilling straight away ‘plus you have backed up the system’ with the wrap.
This is no problem if it is short duration (most say twenty minutes, I say fifteen), but you need to make sure it is normalised to some extent before your next set, it’s the waste product build up that is the most problematic. You are actually doing damage to this structure (lamina propria) which then needs the damage repaired and the waste by-product of the damage removed, the more damage the slower it is fixed for the next onslaught of PE.

So in short it’s not good but it is akin to stretching growth of other tissue it will adapt with the right care, it needs blood flow to repair, so we keep the time without blood to the minimum. Light jelqs will help between sets, squeezing the shaft, helicopter twirls and warmth will help as well.

As for the nerves they are just doing what they do , restricting activities to a damage sight, protecting you as it were.

I hope this explains it for you in a way which you can understand.

A well tailored suit is to women what lingerie is to men.

A well PE'd Penis gives girls the "Wow Eyes"

I :surf: therefore I am

Very interesting and I appreciate all of the information you are providing.

Yes my second set where the incident occurred I did not warm up and halfway into the set I felt the tissue pulling then nothing. Everything went numb instantly so I took the hanger off jelqed for 15 minutes and tried to stimulate myself and got nothing. My glans turned white plus my anxiety was high because I couldn’t understand why or what was happening with only 5 lbs on the second set.

Bib says my wrapping was a bad technique and it potentially was, and maybe I need to condition my penis by jelqing for a few weeks before hanging.

I am just all in the blue about ideas until you provided that information because I used an ads extender device every morning stretching out to 10 inches downwards so with a little more stress like 5 lbs I didn’t assume it would of been an issue like it was. It was unreal dude so I am def going to get a better understand of how to wrap and tighten the hanger. I put the hanger 1.25 inches below the glans but evidently my wrapping was bad. Even now I am warming up 10 minutes and doing manual stretches with kegals with no problems or issues. Thanks bro

Yes but what could explain the sudden loss of feeling completely in my penis AND it deflated like crazy.

Fatigue? Scar tissue torn? Deformation? I almost pissed myself imagine not feeling anything down there and it comes on suddenly in the hanger, then you go in your room jelq for 20 minutes with no feeling and that doesn’t help at all. Very weird it happend twice and the second time my glans was still white by the morning time to until I got an erection shortly after noticing it it was restored

I would say stick to the newbie routine for now and give up the hanging for now. To me it sounds like you have put to much pressure on the nerves simulating a major injury, being a high blood flow area the body is shutting down blood supply , with the amount of pressure and compressed nerves the brain could think you are going to bleed to death this along with what I have described above and you have all sorts of things going crazy, plus your anxiety added in.

Go manual, go slow, take two week breaks every six weeks or so, so that everything can catch up (nerves take time to grow).

P.S. Sorry it took some time to get back to you, I cover a lot of ground here and sometimes I miss that there is a new post somewhere, If I haven’t been around PM me and tell me you have a new post you’d like me to look at.

A well tailored suit is to women what lingerie is to men.

A well PE'd Penis gives girls the "Wow Eyes"

I :surf: therefore I am

Behemoth I appreciate your help bro and that’s what i’m doing right now is manual routine and using an ads device.

I get good erections now, but I have noticed my shaft is turning to the left alittle and it’s not like one portion it’s almost like somebody cut my penis off and attached it back onto my body slanted alittle to the left.

I think I had this issue before from pumping way too hard all those years and ads device had helped it, but now it seems like from all the routines I have been doing manually and with all the heat i’m applying before each session and during each session, it appears my shaft is starting to turn to the right and the tip of my penis is starting to turn to the left.

I may be taking too much time off and everything healing oddly, but if I put my fingers on the tip of my penis I can have a perfectly straight unit, so it’s only noticeable partially when I’m not holding my penis with both hands.

I can spot an ant on the floor several yards away, so I notice very small things like this but it does make me curious as to why this is happening. Maybe tissues are softening?

Yes, I will PM you and any other VET PE expert on here. I have a few of you that are pretty knowledgeable with PE and can explain a lot.

Originally Posted by Surferdude1234

Yes, I will PM you and any other VET PE expert on here. I have a few of you that are pretty knowledgeable with PE and can explain a lot.

Just for everyone else’s benefit, I’ll post here what I put in my PM response:

Dude, you are waaaay over thinking this.

PE provides a stimulus. Between sessions adaptation occurs. If, during that adaptation you park your penis constantly to one side, it will take that into account as it adapts. I had a ‘perfect hanging’ penis before PE - now it slightly twists to the left when flaccid (not erect) and there is a slight ‘slant to the left’ towards the glans exactly where my thumb grips my shaft when ‘shaking the drips off’ - that regular rubbing in one spot during adaptation has built itself into the shape of my penis.

Is it a problem to me? No, it is not. Nothing to worry about.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Thanks for your help Firegoat

OK so I was using an ads gentleman stretching at max capacity when my unit goes from being sore as can be to totally numb during the later end of the stretching session. Is this just a sign of deformation?

First rule of PE = No Pain.

‘Sore as can be’ means you were doing something you should not have been doing. I hope you have not done any major damage, but just stop PE until normal sensation is returned, then be much more sensible. Numbness either means blood flow has been cut off or nerves are being impinged/stressed/damaged. You never, ever want numbness.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by firegoat
First rule of PE = No Pain.
‘Sore as can be’ means you were doing something you should not have been doing. I hope you have not done any major damage, but just stop PE until normal sensation is returned, then be much more sensible. Numbness either means blood flow has been cut off or nerves are being impinged/stressed/damaged. You never, ever want numbness.

It seems like after all those months off I lost major conditioning with my unit.

I try everything now, from jelqing to BTB jelqing, from fire goat rolls to massages and I still am getting issues.

Nerves and blood vessels heal right? I can get good erections, but it seems like my unit fatigues so much easier now. I’m trying to come back from this injury, even after stopping PE then resuming it a few days later, but yes this would of never happened the numb issues if I wouldn’t of torn my tunic a year ago.

If I jelq, masaages, I should be alright right?

If its fatiguing earlier and is deconditioned, you need to do far less than you were doing before. Which is good! You always want to be doing the least possible PE that still brings gains. Doing any more than that is just toughening up your penis (making long term gains harder), or it is increasing the recovery time between sessions (more time just recovering from fatigue and less growing time, to put it over-simply).

Just wait until it feels fine, then keep the intensity below a level that causes pain or numbness.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by firegoat
If its fatiguing earlier and is deconditioned, you need to do far less than you were doing before. Which is good! You always want to be doing the least possible PE that still brings gains. Doing any more than that is just toughening up your penis (making long term gains harder), or it is increasing the recovery time between sessions (more time just recovering from fatigue and less growing time, to put it over-simply).

Just wait until it feels fine, then keep the intensity below a level that causes pain or numbness.

Yes I figure more time in the stretcher and far less intensity.

Even with hanging I’m going specifically by BIBs instructions with pictures to ensure I’m doing everything right, plus I’m purchasing 1/2 pound and 1/4 pound weights.

So if I tore my Ishiocaneverous or BC muscle from pumping long ago approximately a year. Does that heal or would it need surgical repair?

Does anybody know?

I get erections, kegal, but I still feel the dullness or I suppose scar in my left shaft.

That would depend on the tear I suspect and would need some imaging done to confirm it.

A well tailored suit is to women what lingerie is to men.

A well PE'd Penis gives girls the "Wow Eyes"

I :surf: therefore I am

I suspect some type of tear, but I cannot be sure, and from what my urologist said if anything was torn in that area it would have healed in a few weeks time.

I guess I am just weary I certainly don’t want to screw up again like I did a year ago. That was the worst pain I have encountered yet in all the years I have PE’d


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