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Originally Posted by SofaKing

I always thought the excess dark wrinkled skin I acquired was from the skin pulling away from the penis but I’ll take your word on that it is not.

The darkening is hemosiderin staining if it has lasted a long time. Read the thread on firegoat rolls in my signature line and try them for a while. They are really best for removing fresh discolouration straight after a PE session, but can help with long term discolouration if you do them daily for several months.

Congrats on quitting meth; that’s a fab thing to do.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Hey everyone.

So I’m a dumb-ass who would do 2 hour double clamped edging sessions then go finish it off with an hour and a half of pumping.
I got an injury from this near the base of my penis on the top side, slightly off to the left.

It’s almost like a hicky I think. If it’s really irritated there’s usually red dots and redness around the area.

I let it heal for 3 months, but I started clamping and pumping again and there’s slight irritation in the same area.

The skin feels dry in that spot, and I’m wondering if this is just a skin related injury or if it’s deeper? It seems like it’s just skin related.
I’ve been doing my MUCH MUCH less intense routine and it will slightly flare up, then I let it heal for a day or two, then do my routine again.

Has anyone had this kind of issue with clamping or pumping before? I thought maybe I broke a blood vessel and now it’s permanently weaker so that when I have expansion and inner pressure this will always agitate.

If anyone has any advice on how I may be able to treat this so that it doesn’t flare up, without having to halt PE for a year+ please let me know!

Originally Posted by Wanting7x6
Has anyone had this kind of issue with clamping or pumping before? I thought maybe I broke a blood vessel and now it’s permanently weaker so that when I have expansion and inner pressure this will always agitate.

Yes I’ve had exactly that, twice. There is scar tissue formed to heal the break in the blood vessel, which is not as elastic as the healthy tissue surrounding it, so it can pull/tear the the surrounding tissue as you force expansion. Every time you cause any irritation to the area it can happen more easily the next time, until you end up with a chronic condition that won’t go away and could eventually stop you being able to do PE at all. Just because the ‘damage’ is not visible as a hickie/bloodblister etc. does not mean it has fully healed and is ready to be worked again.

I found that any PE within 2-3 months would cause redness etc. in the area which showed it had nto fully healed, and if I did any more intense PE it would return almost to ‘square one’ and require a further 2+ months off. I lost nearly a year to that first time it happened.
The next time, I was more sensible. I took 3 months off, then did incredibly gentle PE to see if there was any evidence of damage. It was ok. I ramped the PE up a bit and as I was getting close to a normal jelq type routine, there was evidence of the damage still being there. I took a couple fo weeks off, then went very gentle again. I built up intensity very slowly again to allow the tissues to adapt and had no more problems.

I quit clamping after that - in effect I lost over 18 months to injury just from clamping too hard (I was clamping hard enough to regularly break clamps though). I can pump with as much vacuum as I want now without injury, as long as I don’t take too much time off and lose conditioning.

So it is possible to get through that injury, but it does take time.
I’m quite sure if I’d kept irritating it, I would now have had to give up PE with an injury that would never permanently heal (chronic injury).

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by firegoat
Yes I’ve had exactly that, twice. There is scar tissue formed to heal the break in the blood vessel, which is not as elastic as the healthy tissue surrounding it, so it can pull/tear the the surrounding tissue as you force expansion. Every time you cause any irritation to the area it can happen more easily the next time, until you end up with a chronic condition that won’t go away and could eventually stop you being able to do PE at all. Just because the ‘damage’ is not visible as a hickie/bloodblister etc. does not mean it has fully healed and is ready to be worked again.

I found that any PE within 2-3 months would cause redness etc. in the area which showed it had nto fully healed, and if I did any more intense PE it would return almost to ‘square one’ and require a further 2+ months off. I lost nearly a year to that first time it happened.
The next time, I was more sensible. I took 3 months off, then did incredibly gentle PE to see if there was any evidence of damage. It was ok. I ramped the PE up a bit and as I was getting close to a normal jelq type routine, there was evidence of the damage still being there. I took a couple fo weeks off, then went very gentle again. I built up intensity very slowly again to allow the tissues to adapt and had no more problems.

I quit clamping after that - in effect I lost over 18 months to injury just from clamping too hard (I was clamping hard enough to regularly break clamps though). I can pump with as much vacuum as I want now without injury, as long as I don’t take too much time off and lose conditioning.

So it is possible to get through that injury, but it does take time.
I’m quite sure if I’d kept irritating it, I would now have had to give up PE with an injury that would never permanently heal (chronic injury).

Okay thank you very much firegoat.
Perhaps I’ll look into buying an extender and using that for a few months while I let this heal…
I did read what you said, so please don’t take this question as me going around what you’ve said.

Is it possible to lessen the intensity of my exercises enough to where I still get expansion, but am not harming the healing process?

Also, I think pumping may be less intense on that one spot than clamping? Would you agree?

When I see questions about injury this is what I expect to see but rarely do. He’s are the sots of questions you will be ask by a Dr. And you should be asking your self. Oh yeah, stop what caused the injury!

Originally Posted by Wanting7x6
Is it possible to lessen the intensity of my exercises enough to where I still get expansion, but am not harming the healing process?

Also, I think pumping may be less intense on that one spot than clamping? Would you agree?

You should have no problem stretching if it is not freshly irritated/injured. If you are going to try a stretcher, I’d use manual stretching for a few weeks first to make sure stretching definitely doesn’t irritate it. I’ve never used stretchers myself, but am always wary of any device that can’t be monitored in use if you have an injury.

For expansion just do jelqs (when you are fairly well healed) and check every few jelqs that there is no difference in appearance. If there is, at least you can stop immediately, which isn’t the case with a clamp or even pumping. Pumping is a little gentler than clamping unless you are going high on vacuum. :D

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

I have old discoloration. What routine using the fire goat rolls should I implement? How long/how many times a day? And should I stop PE while I do this? Thanks.

Originally Posted by firegoat
You should have no problem stretching if it is not freshly irritated/injured. If you are going to try a stretcher, I’d use manual stretching for a few weeks first to make sure stretching definitely doesn’t irritate it. I’ve never used stretchers myself, but am always wary of any device that can’t be monitored in use if you have an injury.

For expansion just do jelqs (when you are fairly well healed) and check every few jelqs that there is no difference in appearance. If there is, at least you can stop immediately, which isn’t the case with a clamp or even pumping. Pumping is a little gentler than clamping unless you are going high on vacuum. :D

Stretching, fulcrum stretching, squeezes, and edging with a c-ring on doesn’t irritate it.
I think it’s just the intense clamping that does. I think it came back when I did 2 clamps again, I’m a dumb ass.

I guess I’ll quit the clamping again for a few more months.. Hopefully it’s not as irritated as it was before and wont just reappear again.
I’ll probably do light-medium pressure bathmate sets just to do something (assuming my injury doesn’t flare up).

Do you actually believe in bathmate permanent gains? Doing like 3 x 10 minute sessions?

I’ve been looking around searching the forum for a while, and am having trouble finding an answer to my problem. My penis is usually pretty hard when it’s in its flaccid state. However, my question is how do I know whether this has to do with my pelvic floor, or if it’s actually just the tissue being toughened from over training? I began PE about 3 years ago, and started way too aggressive. I began using a bath mate, worked it up slowly to full pressure at 15 minutes like 4 or 5 times a week. I was also using an ADS for several hours a day in addition to this. After I found Thunders place, I realized I should’ve started with the newbie routine, so I started doing that instead. A little over 2 years ago, I realized I might have this “hard flaccid” thing I had heard about, and so decided to take some time off. I got a girlfriend shortly after that, and so ended up masturbating and having sex throughout the past 2 years, but no PE. We broke up like a month ago and I quit masturbating and haven’t had sex since, in an attempt to let this finally fully heal.

I’m 27 years old, just started lifting weights and doing a little bit of cardio every week. I don’t smoke, and I haven’t used any drugs or drank in about 8 months. I don’t take any prescription or over-the-counter medications. The only supplement I’ve been using is whey protein. I do suffer from depression, and the last couple months I have been pretty stressed out due to family issues.

The only other things about this condition I’ve noticed is that it usually gets really stiff and tenses up in its flaccid state if I touch it or something touches it. I know it could possibly be hard flaccid, because I do have issues with frequent urination and sometimes trouble urinating. However, it doesn’t really shrivel up and turtle the way I’ve heard most people that have hard flaccid describe it. It’s usually a normal flaccid, it’s just very stiff and tough. I can also get erections just fine. I have read your posts fire goat about how you needed to take a whole year off because of over training from clamping and making the tissues too tough. Is this a possibility of what I may have? Or is my case more likely to be a hard flaccid? How can you tell the difference between the two? I just want to know how long I’d have to wait until I can PE again or what if anything I should do before I PE, because I’m very eager to start up again! I’ve been trying to figure this issue out on and off over the past couple of years, and don’t know whether it’s best for me to start up again. Any input from anyone is greatly appreciated.

Injury from Overstretching

Hi, I got an injury 3 weeks ago. All I did was Stretching my penis from my glans and push it downwards with medium force until from erect to semi-erects. Then I tried to use a towel. With an erect penis, I squat and pushed my penis down hard and pulled my pelvic muscle at the same time..

More details:

>I am entering 29 soon.

General health (are you fit enough to walk a mile fast, or play a full game of basketball etc. Or are you more of a couch surfer, for example)?
>I am about 160 to 170 pounds. I can walk a mile fast. I can’t play sports, and I am just sitting all day in front of my computer.

Do you take regular exercise? Aerobic or resistance or both?
>No. I only used to walk around on Saturdays

Under/over/normal weight for height?
>160 to 170 pounds 5’4” high

Do you smoke? How much?

Do you use other recreational drugs (including alcohol) Much or little/occasional or regular user?
>No. Never

Are you taking any prescribed medication? (Include anything which would be prescribed but that you get elsewhere, e.g. Prescription painkillers, ED meds etc.)
>No.. I am using Herbalife to combat injury

Are you taking any over-the-counter medication? (e.g. Antihistamines, NSAIDS etc.)

Are you using any dietary supplements?

Do you generally eat a healthy diet, or do you live on fast food and cookies?
>Since my injury, I immediately went to healthy diet.

Do you suffer from anxiety, stress, fatigue, depression etc.?
>Anxiety from time to time since injury.

Are you typically physically relaxed ot tense?
>Somewhat relaxed. Somewhat tense.

Do you have any known health conditions (e.g. Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, neurological problems, hormonal imbalances, thyroid disorders, asthma etc.)?
>No. Not even sure if I have diabetes.

What symptoms do you have?
>First week, penis turtles and stiff. No pain. Uncomfortable feeling on my penis. Little cramping on my pelvis. No apparent discoloration. Can pee and poop fine. Glans never deflates.

How long have you had them?
>3 weeks prior to this post.

Have they been the same over that time or have they got better/worse?
>At 3 weeks mark, Penis is not stiff anymore but remains turtled. I notice some post-inflamatory pigmentation on my glans (must be due to stretching). Walking around is now comfortable. My Corpus Spongosum gets discomfort when I touched it at flaccid. When I got an erection, it was feeling fine.

Have they improved for periods of time (e.g. When you are on holiday or doing different work)?
>Feeling yes.. Main problem is trutling penis

If symptoms have improved or gone away for periods of time, how long did they improve for?
>Most symptoms gone at the beginning of the third week. But again, I still have turtling penis, random cramps when sitting wrong, discomfort on my Corpus Spongosum when touched at flaccid state.

What makes the symptoms better?
>I abstain from PMO and I don’t intentionally get erection. But when I do, I always check it up and everything looks fine to me. I drink a lot of water. And I take Herbalife Dietary supplements to boost recovery.

What makes the symptoms worse?
>I think it is anxiety. Little pelvic cramps if I don’t seat right. I always lie my back on my seat.

Are there certain times of day the symptoms are better or worse?
>2 weeks ago, it was random. Now, hardly feels it.

Are the symptoms better or worse when you are in certain positions (e.g. Sitting, standing, laying prone or supine)?
>Penis tends to relax when I lie down on bed. Now tends to relax when I seat, pee, and poop. Penis turtles when I stand up.. And relaxes when I bow down.. (unlike 2 week since injury) Little pelvic cramps if I don’t seat right. I always lie my back on my seat.

Have you seen a medical professional with your symptoms?
>No. I haven’t visited any doctors yet. Many says their injured penis recovered after 6 weeks?

**Sorry if answers are repeating. Just to give you guys details of my condition. I feel more comfortable doing my work and routine now. First 2 weeks were horrible.

Addition to my previous post..

Overall penis condition at 3rd week mark:

1. First two weeks, glans remains red to pink and remains warm. 3rd week, pale pink and I notice dark spots started to appear. Some scar tissues appears on the surface. Remains normal sensitivity but not as warm as before.. But not cold. Some pale purple color.
2. Relaxes when I piss, poop, lie on bed, sit on my chair. Turtles when I stand up.
3. If I think of erotic thoughts at, my penis gets 50% erection.. Then 50% morning wood. Now that I abstain from PMO, I don’t get night wood and morning wood.
4. No spontaneous erections yet. Weak EQ
5. No libido
6. When I do get an erection, I do notice an increase in my length, girth, and glans looks stretched a little more. Glans fill up as normal.
7. I never experience constapation.
8. No pain after ejaculation. No pain after wet dreams. The feeling is even much better.
9. Unlike any other, dick is never cold dead. It retains its natural temperature except I expose it in the cold air of the fan.
10. No pelvic floor pains. Just mild cramps if I don’t sit or stand properly.
11. Until now, Corpus Spongosium gets a discomforting feeling if I touched it on flaccid state. I guess this is the major part which is injured.
12. I notice a dark purple vein on the right side of my shaft.
13. I am getting random cramps on the left and right side of my testicles. Not sure if it is the pelvic muscle or a blood vessel.
14. Corpus cavernosum, either left or right gets dull itch whenever my penis attempts to get an erection.

Trouble with erections and restricted Blood Flow

I’m new and I was just stretching it side from side when hard then I started having pain. So when I press down I’m my ball sack to pinpoint the pain on the left side there is a vein or something is being stretched over to the right side on my shaft, so if I press on it I can feel it and it hurts. It feels like blood is restricted and I have been having trouble with erections and my stomach hurts. What is this?

Hello everybody I am here due to my injury let me explain,

Recently before I wrap my penis I would do a pre stretch type of thing. I have been doing this for about 2 weeks now.

But yesterday something happened, after my 5 minutes of pre stretching I went to go warm up my towel for the hot wrap, after 30 secs

the wrap was ready and I pulled my dick out and I felt like I “over stretched” my dick. It almost felt like I extended something to much.

In like a minute my dick went hard flaccid on me, I then tried to stretch it out again but nothing worked. I then left it for a day then came

back to it about a day later and just tried to stretch it again and it went back to a hard flaccid. what should I do??

csverse14. Thank you for your detailed answers. It sounds from your description of the mechanism of injury, your symptoms and their progression, that you have mildly strained a muscle in your pelvic floor. Hopefully by now it will have mostly recovered.

I do think you should also take more exercise for health and fitness - you are at an age where fitness level can start to impact sexual performance.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by Smithdogg288

I’m new and I was just stretching it side from side when hard then I started having pain. So when I press down I’m my ball sack to pinpoint the pain on the left side there is a vein or something is being stretched over to the right side on my shaft, so if I press on it I can feel it and it hurts. It feels like blood is restricted and I have been having trouble with erections and my stomach hurts. What is this?

Hi Smithdogg. Every beginner and even advanced routines tell you not to ever stretch your penis when it is erect because the chance of injury is very high.

You haven’t provided much information but you have given a critical clue by saying your stomach hurts! That and the mechanism of injury point to a sprain of the suspensory ligament on the right side.

Like most ligament sprains it will take up to 6 weeks to fully heal. Don’t do any PE at all for 3 to 4 weeks. If it feels much better after that time, or even as if it has gone, you can try very light short sessionsof jelqing just to ease back into a routine. Avoid stretching much until after 6 weeks and then build it up slowly and stop immediately if you get any discomfort.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results


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