Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


Originally Posted by chupicabra
Spironolactone 5%

I picked up some of this from and am wondering how and when to use it? There were no directions really.


I never used it but it sounds promising from what I have read, I think you just rub a little on your thining area twice a day.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Do you put it on in conjuction with the Rogaine? Very confused please someone help.

Well I’ve been using the generic minoxidil and the nizoral shampoo for two weeks.I haven’t noticed any increase in shedding.I’m sure it would have begun by now.I do feel some little stubble’s on my balding area.I don’t know if this from the treatment or if it’s still residual effect from prior treatments.All in all,I would say things are going good.I have high hopes.I’m using the minox twice a day and the shampoo every other time I shower.I’ve also been putting the minox on the front of the hairline ,at night only.I know it hasn’t been proven to work on this area ,but for no more than it costs,I say what the hell?It will either help or it won’t right?

Minox CAN work in the front, so keep putting it there :)

I would also forget about your hair for awhile. It takes months to monitor results. Just relax or you’ll become obsessed. Trust me LOL

"Look what your brother did to the door!"

Hi Dino

Didn’t you find the greasiness and smell of Revivogen a problem when you were using it? That stuff took forever to wash out of my hair and my G/F at the time HATED the smell.

"Look what your brother did to the door!"

I was single when I started using it and I didn’t use it when I had company for the night. I had no problem getting out I really loved the shampoo they sold.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

You are no longer using the revivogen Dino?Is it cost prohibitive or do you have other reasons for discontinuing it? Leatherface,I am currently on a deconditioning break from PE so I have nothing else to obsess over .LOL!Just kidding.I’m not obsessing about my hair,just wanted to share my results so far.

chainz 8

I just don’t have the money to spend on it right now I may order it in the future again.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

If you have the ‘5-Alpha Reductase’ gene running through your family then no amount of Rogaine or Propecia is going to help unfortunately. Best thing to do is to just bone it ALL off!

- Lee Beast

How exactly does one know if they have the 5-alpha Reductase gene?

Originally Posted by Lee Beast
If you have the ‘5-Alpha Reductase’ gene running through your family then no amount of Rogaine or Propecia is going to help unfortunately. Best thing to do is to just bone it ALL off!

- Lee Beast

This statement is false Rogaine does help you keep hair in the front your not going to grow new hair but it really does help. I think anybody who first starts to notice thinning in the front can really slow it down with rogaine now rogaine combined with Propecia will really help thicken your hair. It’s not magic and the sooner you catch it the better if you wait to your a Que ball your going to end up maybe a fuzzy Que ball. I have had great results so far on my routine of 5% rogaine once a day and 1% nizoral shampoo 4 times a week and 1.25mg of generic Propecia each day. My hair is thicker and fuller than it was 5 years ago.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

MPB does not occur in men with a genetic deficiency of type II 5 alpha-reductase, which converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).[5] Type I 5 alpha-reductase isoenzyme is present in the skin.[6] The type II isoenzyme is present in hair follicles and the prostate.[6,7] The genes encoding type I and type II 5 alpha-reductase isoenzymes are not associated with male pattern baldness.[4] The clinical pattern of hair loss is apparently the result of genetically determined distribution of androgen-sensitive hair follicles transformed from terminal to miniaturized follicles.

http://www.meds … rticle/410576_1

Horny Bastard

Thank you for clearing that up mravg.I could have looked it up myself.Duh!! :) On top of being too lazy ,it would appear I’m not too bright either .

From reading that article, what I got out of it is that the 5 alpha reductase gene converts T to DHT, and is necessary for AGA (androgenic allopecia) to occur. If you don’t have it you won’t get male pattern baldness. On the other hand, even with 5 alpha reductase present, the loss of hair also depends on whether or not you have androgen sensitive follicles. The presence of these androgen sensitive follicles is the reason we lose hair in certain areas (top of head) and not in others (back, chest, etc).

Horny Bastard

Is it OK to use Rogaine with Nizarol shampoo? Does Rogaine work for eyebrows too if you are trying to get fully looking brows? Thanks!


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