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Originally Posted by leonhardt
I’ve been experiencing hair loss recently and my friend recommended Nioxin shampoo. Not sure what the active ingredient is yet, but it is supposed to remove DHT specifically from the scalp. It is over the counter so it can’t be too strong; have any of you ever heard of it?

From what I’ve read on hair loss forums, Nioxin is useless for hair loss. I have some, and it makes my hair fuller and puffier, but I don’t think it’s helping me shed less. I use it for a week or two after a hair cut — any longer and it makes my already-wavy hair too…bumpy.

Mvrag doesn’t think much of it either: mravg - Rogaine

One tip: I took my minoxidil and poured it into a little 2 oz. plastic spray bottle (mine is clear blue). I find I can apply it more precisely with the spray, and there’s no drip. I got the empty spray bottle over by the cosmetics section of my neighborhood drug store.

Originally Posted by leonhardt
I’ve been experiencing hair loss recently and my friend recommended Nioxin shampoo. Not sure what the active ingredient is yet, but it is supposed to remove DHT specifically from the scalp. It is over the counter so it can’t be too strong; have any of you ever heard of it?

From what I have read it doesn’t stop DHT it just keeps your hair healthy and full

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I think that you don’t know what is the active ingredient in Nioxin, because there isn’t one.

When I read their ads and bottle, I laugh. Their language is so flowery and misleading, but says nothing.

“exotic botanicals bla bla”.

Horny Bastard

Forget Nioxin. The stuff will do nothing for your hair loss. It is a nice shampoo and that is all.

"Look what your brother did to the door!"

Originally Posted by Leatherface

Forget Nioxin. The stuff will do nothing for your hair loss. It is a nice shampoo and that is all.

And expensive.

Horny Bastard

Damn right. You could probably get a month’s supply of generic Proscar and Minoxidil for the price of their shampoo and conditioner.

"Look what your brother did to the door!"

I’ve read through the thread and viewed the different links, but I’m a little confused on something. I understand that the shampoo and Saw Palmetto will help slow or stop the shedding, but will Rogain help grow hair in the front of the scalp? Most of my hair loss is from the front to the back, mostly front. And does Rogain cause any impotency?

I appreciate any help here. Thanks!

After about 3 months of doing the nizoral/rogaine routine, I think I have a bit more hair on the front of my head, and my wife thinks so too. To answer your question Madison, they do not recommend Rogaine for front of the head balding, and I am not sure if this is because of lack of data, or it is not as effective or what. It seems to be somewhat effective in the front of the head, at least for me.

I have never heard of any sexual side effects from Rogaine. It doesn’t really get into your system like a pill does. Perhaps you are thinking about Propecia, which can have sexual side effects.

Horny Bastard

It works for the front of the head too, it doesn’t do wonders though. And you have to do it by the book, twice a day every day. I tried it randomly for almost a year and did nothing, then I became devoted and it start working.

mvrag - in 3 months you should see small hair growing in the front, it will be very visible, it’s not just like guessing

Originally Posted by FoxMarrine
mvrag - in 3 months you should see small hair growing in the front, it will be very visible, it’s not just like guessing

When I started, I wasn’t bald, just a little thinner in front, mostly noticable when a bright light was shining down from above my head. So I am judging based on how far back I can see through my hair when the light is on it. I am not looking for new hairs on bare skin, so it isn’t that clear cut, but it seems thicker.

Horny Bastard

Rogaine works on ALL areas of the scalp, however it works better on the crown.

The manufacturer say it is not intended for frontal balding simply because it was never tested for frontal balding.

If you would like to increase the efficacy of minoxidil try using it in conjunction with retin-a. This has proven to be much more effective than using minoxidil on its own.

Oh yeah, IMO saw palmetto and all those other ‘herbal cures’ will do NOTHING for your hairloss. When I have a little more time later, I will try to list some other treatments besides the one’s mentioned that can be useful adjuncts to the Big 3.

"Look what your brother did to the door!"

Originally Posted by Leatherface
The manufacturer say it is not intended for frontal balding simply because it was never tested for frontal balding.

I haven’t read the data, but that just can’t be true. When it was first tested, there would be no reason to just test the crown area. And showing that it works on the front of the head would increase sales and eliminate the caveat they now put on the packaging. There has to be data on its effectiveness for the front of the head. The data must not be very impressive. That is not to say it doesn’t work, but it may have not achieved statistical significance or a high enough confidence level for effectiveness for the FDA to allow the claim.

Horny Bastard

The company that distributes Rogaine (Upjohn) only tested minoxidil on vertex/crown balding. Because of this, they cannot legally state whether or not it is effective on any other part of the scalp.

"Look what your brother did to the door!"

How does Rogaine smell when it’s in the hair? Is it even noticeable? I’m considering trying it.


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