Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ask what ever you want

Originally Posted by justgothere
What size do girls consider big?

That is simply too broad a question to answer my friend.

I could say 3 foot I could say 5 inches.

There are far too many variants in this question for it to be answered.

For example, my wife wouldn’t know the difference between 5 inches and 8 inches ;)

Well, so she says :)


Started July 2018 BPEL 16cm x 14cm EG

Last measurement January 2019 BPEL 17.2cm x 14.5cm EG

Next Goal BPEL 18cm x 15cm

Original size

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
No. This is subconscious garbage instilled via culture that says “you can’t change your penis so work with what you got.” The guilt ain’t required. It’s just to hold you back because there is no victim here.

If you went to the gym would you feel bad for being stronger? Or if you started running would you feel bad for doing something against nature’s plan?

Thanks for the reply, personally I dreamed of having a full 10 incher as a teen and only had about 5.5 inches. I thought I was smaller than the vast majority of men, but when I went into the army I learned that that wasn’t the case. Most of the guys in there had a dick that wasn’t that far off from mine. Not to mention that that pornstar alex sanders and a few others are about 5.5 .crazy. I think you are right about the unconscious bullshit in society, I guess its going to just take time for me to accept that I’ve got a good 7-7.25er now. Its funny I still don’t believe it until I put the ruler to it.

Hello guys, last week I came back to PE and I was thinking about starting with AM from Janus. I remembered the version 1.0 so I started with this and now I wanted to read the whole AM thread for more information about how to progress and other stuff. But I noticed that this thread is closed and there is some “drama” at the end. Not really sure what it was. So my question is: Does AM works for PE or it does not worth doing it and it is better to focus on good old PE, such as jelqing and stretching?

"If you desire one thing for so long, it is a given that you will miss other things along the way. That is how it is... that is life."

Originally Posted by FutureBigShock
Hello guys, last week I came back to PE and I was thinking about starting with AM from Janus. I remembered the version 1.0 so I started with this and now I wanted to read the whole AM thread for more information about how to progress and other stuff. But I noticed that this thread is closed and there is some “drama” at the end. Not really sure what it was. So my question is: Does AM works for PE or it does not worth doing it and it is better to focus on good old PE, such as jelqing and stretching?

Use the newbie routine and modify or add additional things as needed.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist
Use the newbie routine and modify or add additional things as needed.

So, I guess that answer is: the whole Angion Method is nonsense.

"If you desire one thing for so long, it is a given that you will miss other things along the way. That is how it is... that is life."

Originally Posted by FutureBigShock
So, I guess that answer is: the whole Angion Method is nonsense.

I’ve never tried it. I stick to what I know works.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist
I’ve never tried it. I stick to what I know works.

Ok then, thank you :)

"If you desire one thing for so long, it is a given that you will miss other things along the way. That is how it is... that is life."

Well, many people have tried that and close to none got gains. Idea of whole method is to make inflammation and keep it without healing in hopes to get growth. Looks like it doesn’t, but many people have noticed stronger erection. In any case, looks like it’s better to do something else and there are many proved methods for EQ too.

Starting : 7.6 BPEL, 5.5 MEG

Current: 8.1 BPEL, 5.7 MEG

Goal: To understand what makes penis to grow.

My underwear doesn’t allow full expansion. Does that have any backwash?

With ordinary erection i can cover whole belly button and my morning wood doesn’t even reach that. It’s very hard and fine, but i suppose around 1 inch difference.

Starting : 7.6 BPEL, 5.5 MEG

Current: 8.1 BPEL, 5.7 MEG

Goal: To understand what makes penis to grow.

Hi, I started jelqing like 5 months ago and my results were too good, extremely good actually (I started 2 months before 18 years) but gradually I started loosing erection strength to the point I started even loosing size I won and winning a lot of curvature in flaccid but not in erect (I had actually the same curve in erect before and I feel no pain) I stopped 10 days I recovered a lot my erection was stronger than before I started seeing my erection problems, I try it again and I had the best hang I never had during all day and in half erect was very big too was like I was recovering the gains I lost but gradually that same day I started loosing the erection again and the next day (I mean today) I feel a little bit worse size than the yesterday tomorrow before stretch/jelq and I lost a lot of EQ too, I don’t do too much force, nowadays I’m warming well (thing that I didn’t done before my worst error ever) and doing less exercises, this is the only conclusion I get, I used to feel some pain below the head of the penis the 2 sides when I started to get problems (mainly the right) yesterday I feel the same but a lot weaker wasn’t even pain just a sensation in the sames sides, I think I have to avoid to touch or at least do the less possible pressure in that sides and try to recover more time I don’t know, at the start I was very worried thinking about an injury but was like stopping jelqing and every day I had more erections and strongers in all aspects than before every day more than the day before if was a real injury that could be possible? Is like I was perfect but at less size that used to be at January for example, I only felt a little of pain in that zone temporarily (when I started to have the problems, when I stopped jelqing I didn’t had any pain) I don’t feel any damage in flaccid or erect and my erect curvature is practically the same I always had genetically but I never had that curvature on flaccid, I don’t know I feel that I have some damage there and at the moment I jelq I get problems but if I don’t do anything I’m perfectly fine in EQ terms and in general the only think I feel is lost of size, I don’t do any sport and I practically never walk right know I don’t even have to go to school and I always had problems for this recently, every time I was doing some exercise my erections were like 10 times better but even doing nothing my erections are pretty decent if I not jelq, any advice?

PD: Sorry for my english not even my second language, a last thing I used to have better gains when I was doing it less practically all my gains come from doing it few times a week and not a lot of time, when I done more (like 5 days a week) I start to have problems and when I do less I get more gains but nowadays I have problems just in one day gonna rest again and think what I can do better, I’m pretty sure that my problem is with the pression in the sides down the head is the only part where I see something wrong, yesterday I grabbed that zone for stretch and I think I should do less pressure o practically no pressure in that zone when I jelq.

What’s your opinion on Jelqing before Stretching?

Originally Posted by rocoloco
What’s your opinion on Jelqing before Stretching?

I’m also interested in hearing what people have to say about this. Personally, after I jelq, I hop into a hot shower for 10 minutes massaging my penis a little bit until it doesn’t feel too filled with blood.

Doing jelqs before stretching seems to keep my unit somewhat filled with blood the whole time I stretch, which means I don’t have to do any helicopter’s/ rotational stretches to restore bloodflow between the stretches. It also helps me with stretching grip, because the head is a little swollen throughout the session.

Originally Posted by rocoloco
What’s your opinion on Jelqing before Stretching?

I think the best option is when your penis is as much relaxed and flaccid as it can possibly be. The more blood you have in your member, the less you can stretch him.
Stretching after jelqing seems contra productive to me. But maybe veterans will have different thoughts on this subject :)

"If you desire one thing for so long, it is a given that you will miss other things along the way. That is how it is... that is life."

Personally, I go with light stretching then edging then “whatever the exercise or device project is” them warm down and stretch at the end.

I think personal preference and PIs rule the answer more than a set in stone rule worth following. Some guys get better PIs from stretching at different points during the workout, different durations and intensities. I only found a system I prefer.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

hi guys, could i ask what is the perfect time for a decon break ? 1 month or more? thank you guys

Starting 15/02/14 NBP 16,5 EG 12 Today BP 20 NBP 17,5 EG 12,7 Goal NBP 19,5 EG 14,5 DREAM NBP22EG15


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