Originally Posted by Hockeyguy
Dry jelq or wet? I’ve done manual stretching and full erect dry jelq. Is that a good routine. How often do I do it and how long til I notice. Another thing. Can you explain exactly how to do kegel exercises??Thanks guys
Wetttttttttt, i’m pretty sure for begginners if you are one, lube is half the CC stretch/form so watch it.
Save full erect jelqs for later if you’re a newbus. You should probably stretch after to stretch jelq damage forward in addition to stretching before since it helps warm up the jelqs targeted area. Not sure about your warmup if you have one but make sure you heat, stretch and helo shake your penis before jelqing.
Kegels… Hold excratory exit points…. A reverse kegel is like urinating and defecating. Same way as in the bathroom.
Lots of people do 2 on 1 off, or 5 on 2 off it seems, and who knows.